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Bacteria — Bacteria can live in such places and at what temperatures

Bacteria – create a length of only several micrometers. And how many unusual shapes and amazing possibilities. If they were not on the planet, there would be no humanity and all living things. Bacteria can live in places such as: water, air, hot sand, under the earth. They don't live among us, and we live among them. The total mass of microbes on our planet greater than the mass of all plants and living inhabitants put together. Most small organisms is so great that some of them are still not understood. To deal with them helps mold. Because of this, scientists have invented penicillin. The miraculous properties of penicillin were discovered by accident in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. When he checked the old cups with research, I noticed that it became infested with mold, microbes and retreated. Thus began the era of antibiotics. For many years mankind had used antibiotics without evidence. This led to the fact that dangerous individuals have learned to adapt to them.

A variety of bacteria

Depending on food and activity, single-celled creatures are divided into several types:

  • Autotrophs. Creatures capable of turning organic matter into carbon dioxide and water. It helps them with the energy of sunlight.
  • Heterotrophs. These species consume only organic ready. They are food and sustenance for the rest of their kind. The oxygen we breathe now appeared thanks to the heterotrophs.
  • Supertrophy – creatures that eat dead cells. In the case of eating living cells of the body, you experience an infectious illness (food infection, pneumonia, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, suppurating wounds). With the exception of viruses, that hawkers absolutely other beings.
  • Vermin. Feed on living beings, causing them only harm.

The biological purpose of microorganisms

Unicellular species can live in an oxygen environment (aerobic) and absence (anaerobic). They can assimilate the free nitrogen of the atmosphere. The biological role of all bacteria is to participate in the life of the soil, formation of minerals, decomposition of plant and animal residues, the replenishment of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Famous and wonderful neighbors in our womb are bifidobacteria and Escherichia coli. With their help, strengthens immunity, improves metabolism and intestine is protected from other pathogens. The parasites cause a in our body of the disease. They eat the cell and poison it with toxins. They settle in food and hold them in disrepair. The exception is dairy products. Some plants interact with such beings, which transform nitrogen in the air and help to fertilize their roots. In scientific terminology, such interaction is called symbiosis.

DNA of bacteria

The genetic code is the hereditary material in which recorded the entire program of vital activity of living organisms. Chromosome where the gene is DNA single-celled organism, is represented by four letters TAGC. With the help of special machines, it is possible to determine their purpose. Gene presents the double helix, situated between hydrogen and nitrogen. The main purpose of DNA is replication, that is, reproduction. They have a variety of mechanisms that allow them to share their genes with each other. Therefore, the mechanism of resistance to a particular antibiotic becomes the property of her neighbors. All this has led to the emergence of superbugs. Not only can they cause harm to humans, but to kill him. They are resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. These creatures are able to carry DNA fragments by a simple contact between people. When a single microbe is attacked by the antibiotic, he informs another using the genetic code.

Characteristics of unicellular organisms

  • Endurance. During its long existence on the planet, single-celled creatures have learned to survive in harsh conditions (boiling geysers, space, underground oil and acid lakes).
  • Education dispute. These little creatures have adapted to survive in adverse environment by drying to an even smaller size.
  • Small size. The small creature on the Ground. In humans, bacteria 10 times more than their own cells.
  • Multiplicity. In a small lump of soil canto be more microbes than all the people in Europe.
  • Antiquity. They appeared on the planet 3.5 billion years ago. According to scientists, our planet appeared 4 billion years ago. The universe originated about 14 billion years ago. The occurrence of these single-celled comparable to the age of the universe.
  • Pantophagy. It is the most omnivorous microorganism on Earth. They eat everything living and not living.
  • Fertility. They can reproduce every 20 seconds, and create huge colonies.

Bacteria in the human body

Most single-celled creatures love humidity our mucous membranes and body temperature of 37 degrees. Most of them are harmless and some are essential for humans. The stomach could not digest anything if they hadn't helped us. There are dangerous viruses that produce toxins, multiplying to trigger the infection. Dangerous organisms can be placed on the skin, in the stomach and intestines. They help digestion and metabolism. In the Appendix are accumulated carbohydrates, which feed on maternal colonies of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli people. When they become many, they migrate to large intestine and small intestine and also be a part of the digestive system. In the folds of the skin, hair, hands, home to the aureus, and the nose sits a tubercular stick. This is a real killer, but in small amounts, they serve the interests of the individual. Once a competing pathogen rushes to our body, killing him on the spot.

Illness from viruses

When scientists around the world began to examine and study unicellular under a microscope, they found some of their forms. The most important and significant of them are: coccus, diplococci, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, pneumococcus, Bacillus, Vibrio, spirilla, spirochete, and chlamydia. The danger of bad viruses in that they multiply rapidly, our immune system immediately starts to fight them, and you experience inflammation. Threat types root, and samoproizvol to infinity. None of the living organism is not able to. Antibiotics can stop and destroy reproduction. But the stronger the antibiotic invent, the stronger the germs become. So antibiotics need to be applied in extremely rare cases. With the dangerous virus is better to fight before they get into the human body with plain soap.

Bacteria in the soil, water and air

Life on Earth would be impossible without the work of different creatures. Five grams of soil lives of 50 million microorganisms. And every of them busy with his business. Some produce nutrients and live near the soil surface, others destroy solid rock and saturate the water with minerals. Thus, they help to deliver the plant roots nutrients. But protozoa ciliates shoes and amoeba are harmful to the beneficial microbes. The ponds are inhabited by numerous microbes that are not visible to the naked eye. One gram of fresh water contains a million creatures. They are also used for purification of waste water and removing oil spills. Only they can produce chemical reactions with atmospheric nitrogen. For example, Lianokladi (blue-green algae) are creatures capable of photosynthesis. With the birth of the planet, they were able to saturate our soil with oxygen.

The role of microsomes in medicine

For many microsomal human beings – a comfortable dwelling place. The human immune system is with them in equilibrium. If this balance is broken, the good cells can be bad. The gut microbiota is involved in the setting up of the human immune system, that is, the interaction of microclear with cells of the human immune system. They exchange molecules for recognition of our immune system and determine the danger from bacteria. Our ancestors evolved with the microbiota. The meaning of the word microbiota is defined as the coexistence of symbiotic single-celled creatures and man. The mass of microbes in the human intestine is 1 to 3 kg. Total number of bacteria exceeds the number of its own cells. Only one out of ten cells in the human body is its own, all the rest of the bacterial world. Not long ago, scientists have developed technologies to manipulate cells of innate immunity.

Myth or reality

There is a theory that germs exist so long that they have learned to subdue the consciousness of other creatures like themselves. Research suggests that they can bring the person to a deep depression. Signs of panic in humans cause because of actinolite and Brucella. They cause changes in the human psyche. The microbes adapted to living creatures. They live a few million years. Animal lovers might want to know that Toxoplasma gondii is a common virus in cats. Analysis of Toxoplasma helps to identify viruses. Fans of roasted meat, the level of Toxoplasma are much higher. In bacteria there is a way that helps them to communicate with each other using signaling molecules. It serves electrical impulse to the programming.

The threat of infection from viruses

Dangerous viruses can block the operation of all vital organs. They do almost everything to live and reproduce. Scientists do not know what potential we have viruses in the development of dangerous diseases.

  • Streptococcus group A. Hedestroys healthy tissue. The immune system is not able to help.
  • Golden staphilococcus. Causes sepsis.
  • The West Nile virus. This disease leads to death from neurological disease.
  • Malaria. Is the liver and blood poisoning.
  • Flu. It is very contagious and advanced stage leads to death.
  • Anthrax. If left untreated, the person dies within 48 hours.
  • Smallpox. This disease causes fever and blood poisoning, eating cells. It all ends in a painful death.
  • Bubonic plague. Plague causes pneumonia and septic plague.
  • HIV. It infects cells that should fight against disease and opens the way to other viruses.
  • Ebola. The mortality rate is 100%. There is no treatment.

Check the body with beneficial microflora

With the birth of the human stomach sterile 100% and within hours it is colonized by flora. The bacteria is transmitted through inhaled air and the skin of the mother. Human intestinal infection is formed due to consumption of alcohol, Smoking, taking antibiotics and different viral diseases. Instantly killed beneficial flora. Takes a few days to populate our bodies with beneficial microorganisms.

  • Probiotics help to restore the microflora.
  • Milk products. Frequent consumption of fermented milk products helps to settle to increase the number of bifidobacteria.
  • Cellulose. Displays a huge amount of toxins.
  • Ionized water. It has antibacterial properties.
  • Proper diet. It promotes the normalization of metabolism in the digestive tract.
  • Sport. Sports, water treatments enhance immunity and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.