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Specimen — looks Like specimen, photo, and methods of infection tapeworm

Fish dishes are indispensable part of the diet of any person. They saturate the body with lot of useful and nutrients. However, you should consider the factor that might be useful only healthy and fresh ingredient. Fans of the product is raw, smoked, or dried, as well as sushi, you should be aware of the possibility of infection of the body by worms, one of which is the fish tapeworm.

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What is a worm

The specimen, which is in the fish is representative of the type of tape-worm, this species of helminthiasis can occur at all, regardless of age, social status and gender. The main source of its spread is determined by the white fish, often specifically she poses the danger of invasion.
This type of worm grows in the body of gulls, but today it is very common to find in humans. Tapeworm is a risk of intestinal obstruction. The second name of the parasitic worm – a tapeworm. Its activity is due to several phases of development, which is due to the extent of the damage to the human body. Fish is content with clams, and various crustaceans, which is due to infestation. Already infected the fish eat birds. The development of the worm continues in the body of birds, and then they come naturally and penetrate into the liquid. Nuggets of excrement penetrate the food for crustaceans, then fish. Thus, the helminth reaches the subsequent degree of development, they can now infect humans and develop to full maturity.
Fish specimen is determined by the largest worms, it is able to reach lengths of up to 28 m. it looks Like the tapeworm in the fish at the opening of an infected carcass, you can see a long and flat worm with a body like a ribbon.

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This kind of helminth is a bisexual species, which are capable of self-fertilization. Adult worms are usually white in color, it has a lot of segments and suction cups on the front of the body. The average size reaches 15 – 20 cm, the specimen has the ability to regenerate and is capable of exposing itself to live a long period in the human body.

Route of infection

The most common source of infection is fish infestation by fruit and vegetable is minimized because the full development of the tapeworm needs moisture. Clear signs in infected representatives do not exist, to distinguish it from healthy is possible by pressing on the belly. If worms live in the body of the creature, when pressed specimen will appear outside.

The absence of signs does not mean that fish should be excluded from the diet altogether. The preparation of any of these representatives should be paid attention to: they need to be steamed, fried in a pan or in the oven. The longer the delicacy is subjected to heat treatment at high temperatures, the lower the risk of infection with worms. Low temperature tapeworm is able to withstand without difficulty, so when you buy fish you should not rely on the case.

Symptom of illness

Tapeworm in fish is dangerous because the signs of its occurrence in the primary stages almost imperceptible. Unlike other types of worms is that this parasitic worm is the slow pace affects the body. Allergic manifestations in the specimen are extremely rare, since the main place of their habitat is determined by the intestines. Of the main symptoms we can distinguish the following:

  1. Violation of bowel function (constipation and diarrhea),
  2. Dizzinesses,
  3. Nausea and vomiting,
  4. Increased salivation,
  5. Causeless fatigue, fainting,
  6. The surface of the tongue is covered with cracks, patina and red spots.
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Symptoms of infestation are similar to poisoning food products, in all cases there is a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, people confuse the symptoms of helminthiasis to other pathologies. The main feature, the identification of which requires recourse to the specialist constipation and discomfort in the intestines. The development of later stage with severe bowel obstruction, because there accumulates a large amount of parasitic worms. This factor is the most dangerous, because serious casesfraught with surgery.

What type of fish is dangerous?

Today, many people wonder: what kind of fish can develop a parasite?Most often infestations are subject to the carp, there are whole bodies of water where all the creatures are infected with a parasite called solitary worm. To clarify this factor is simple: the fish swims closer to the surface, moving slowly and sluggishly. Often, these ponds have no flow, they can also be industrial ponds. Pike and herring is also the risk of helminth infection. They can also be found in the bream. Many other types can be infected with worms, it is due only to the viability of the helminth. Crustaceans are carriers exclusively eggs.

Parasites in smoked and salted fish

Specimen salted or dried product is shown not ripe individuals and larvae. Adult individuals do not have the ability to survive in this environment, what can be said about their eggs. Formed parasitic worms can also meet inside of a fish of this type, if not treated, not cleaned and not washed.
When you purchase dried or salted product, you should check all the certificates for them. Failure to comply with technology of fish Smoking, insufficient heat treatment or too fast, inside there may be a parasite. Hitting the human body, harmful organism develops rapidly and can lay millions of larvae and to reach large sizes.

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Prevention activity

To eliminate a tapeworm infestation, you should consider and follow some recommendations. The main of them are: complete heat treatment of fish products, consuming raw fish is fraught with infection. Preventive measures can be identified such:

  1. You should not buy already butchered carcass,
  2. It is necessary to give preference to the catch from the artificial pond
  3. The detection of the parasite, it is recommended that the product be disposed of,
  4. You should not purchase the product, if you are not sure about the quality of her cooking,
  5. Before cooking the fish should remain frozen for two days.
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Fishing from untested water bodies should be excluded, because confidence in the purity of the water and fish can not be. You should not purchase the products at the roadsides, dirt, dust and unknown method of processing can be a source of worms. Food fad should not be the case, why endanger their health and even lives. Tapeworm dangerous to humans since the infection, therefore, timely elimination is extremely important. The initial symptoms of helminthiasis, it should not delay a visit to a specialist. He will appoint the necessary research that will help identify the presence of malicious worms.

Infected with helminths products are dangerous for people because after the intestines, the parasites can spread to other organs. Infection with helminths and its detection in later stages is fraught with serious complications, even death.