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Helico bacteria — Treatment of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori with antibiotics

In the modern world spread a lot of diseases, which we do not even think. For example, many people infected with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, because it can be infected through water and dirty hands. Need to know what is this bacterium and what are the symptoms symptoms have. What is the danger of bacteria. To prevent infection or to catch on time to cure the disease in the initial stages of infection.

The bacterium and its features

Helicobacter pylori — this is a common pathogenic bacterium that can be illness such as Helicobacter, and many other inflammations.

Treatment of Helicobacter this is a very difficult therapy, most often treated with different antibiotics.

It is in our stomach (pyloric), as a result, the area its name.

Scientists have proven that it can survive in a strong acidic environment and did not collapse. That's why she lives in the stomach. Like all ciliates, she has a device she's using it, and moves, and can gain a foothold in the walls of internal organs.

This bacterium while in the stomach, causing a variety of diseases of the digestive system. Repeated division it affects the stomach wall, vespasia and destroying them. Causes diseases such as gastritis, ulcers and more dangerous disease is cancer. If the time to detect this bacteria can protect themselves from negative consequences.

  • The bacterium has the ability to be stable in acidic media of the stomach. If you compare it with other pathological viruses and bacteria, it refers to the more sustainable. First, when Helicobacter enters the human body via flagella is wrapped in the protective mucus selects the "best" place. In addition, it emits a special secret, which is able to neutralize the sour and alkaline environment. With this, it can remain in the stomach, is perfectly safe for yourself, and not giving any symptoms of his being.
  • She lives in the stomach and causes terrible inflammation and cell death. Especially when a bacterium produces hazardous toxic substances. There is reason to say that in many cases, this bacterium one of the major causes of cancer of the stomach.

To get rid of Helicobacter pylori is possible only if you take the antibiotic treatment that will restore normal conditions in the gastrointestinal tract. To heal narrow specialist — a gastroenterologist. For a start, he will prescribe the necessary examinations, and then will prescribe the necessary medication.

How can I get

This bacterium can enter your body in different ways. It may be that the bacterium has long been in the stomach, and the symptoms were not any.
Here are some ways through which you can get:

  • Through the mucous membranes, this means that Helicobacter is transmitted during sexual contact and kissing,
  • If you eat with a person infected with this disease from one plate or spoon. Small children can also get infected if you give someone else's nipple,
  • Failing to observe rules of personal hygiene. Even if you always wash your hands and take care of yourself (regular trip to the shared bath, a sauna or a swimming pool can threaten you with dire consequences),
  • The infection can pass through dirty medical equipment, which examined the person who is infected with the bacterium.

Helicobacter can not be transmitted by airborne droplets, as it refers to organisms that live without oxygen environment, and it quickly dies.

When the H. pylori enters the human body, the following occurs:

  • Immediately goes into the stomach,
  • It has been said that she does not react to acidic environment in the stomach, so it is easy to move around the walls of the stomach. In case of movement it has a special flagella,
  • Settling in the stomach, it begins to destroy the protective mucous layer of the stomach, then begins to secrete a specific substance "urease»,
  • After the substance begins to destroy the following cells and tissues, it leads to indigestion and disturbance of its functions,
  • At this time, the bacteria begin to multiply and they become very much,
  • Destroyed cells and tissues under the influence of his own acidic burnt, and in consequence, formed an ulcer.

The longer will be and multiply the bacteria in your stomach, the higher the development the more complex and incurable diseases (such as cancer of the digestive organs).

The symptoms of H. pylori

Afterit enters the stomach and begins to destroy it and produce harmful substances. There are several forms of diseases:

  • The initial stage or latent form. In people infected with Helicobacter is in the gastrointestinal tract, but no alarming and disturbing symptoms are felt, particularly if a person has enough tempered and steady immunity. They live peacefully and continue to multiply, destroying the gastric mucosa. Felt minor digestion problems (such as burping, constipation or diarrhea), but these symptoms, people rarely pay attention. With this form of infecting a person can live more than ten years without feeling any symptoms, but the consequences are dire (Oncology),
  • Develops gastritis acute forms. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting and severe pain in the stomach,
  • If you live with acute gastritis for a long time, it can develop into a chronic form. More than half the people of our planet discovered this disease, but people do not even know. constant stomach pain especially after meals, nausea, vomiting. Observed bloating, feeling of bitterness in the mouth, belching and heartburn,
  • Duodenitis is an inflammatory process in the duodenum. The symptoms are very similar to chronic gastritis. Change of chair, do not want to eat, weakness, pain below the stomach (where is the pancreas),
  • Stomach ulcer develops in totality with some factors: alcohol, cigarettes and stress. This disease develops very long, as the stomach is damaged very deeply. A variety of symptoms: pain in the stomach (tingling, burning), the attack begins after the receipt of food in the stomach, heartburn and belching, nausea, and in rare cases vomiting.

When the first symptoms should immediately contact specialists, in order for you to have appointed examination.

Diagnosis of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori

Medicine does not stand still, so there are a few studies which can confirm the presence of a microorganism in the stomach. The easiest way is to endoscopy. Is otsep tissues of the stomach, and then examine them.

Still exists check for the presence of a microorganism, takes a blood or stool and examined them. But when symptoms of stomach pain, experts advise to take an endoscopy, as this is more accurate analysis. This analysis will identify and help the doctor to supply you with an accurate diagnosis.

After the study, identify the disease and prescribe treatment. After therapy, the person again gives blood and feces, to determine if it passed the treatment successfully.

Treatment and freedom from harmful microorganism

If a person detects Helicobacter pylori, the treatment is in two ways: medication, this means antibiotics and properly chosen diet, plus alternative medicine.

This disease is very difficult treated, a full recovery of course occur, but that the doctor need to prescribe a great many medicines. This bacterium is very resistant to different environments. If the person contracted the disease and successfully underwent treatment after he was again to get very difficult drug, as this drug she's immune. Another problem is that when getting rid of the microorganism killing the natural bacteria and destroys the beneficial microflora in the digestive tract. This leads to food poisoning or allergies.

It should be noted that antibiotics selects specialist, for a start, he looks at the tests and what diseases to which antibiotics were already prescribed. Antibiotics are prescribed in order to balance and normalize an acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is very important that the person at the time of treatment refused alcohol and cigarette habits, improper diet, tried as little as possible to get nervous and worry. The doctor prescribes all the combination therapy, using not only antibacterial agents, but also drugs that are able to restore the mucous membranes, after of irritation.

Disease due to Helicobacter pylori is very difficult to cure. So patient, for once ill some of these diseases, is obliged to visit constantly to keep to a diet and to examine my digestive system and to pass the simple tests. The disease may at any time escalate.

The doctor must prescribe a treatment regimen consisting of three or more drugs. The scheme usually includes two antibacterial drugs and be sure a drug that slows down chemical reactions in the body. Dual scheme often yields a good result. Experts who have been working with these problems, prescribe a triple-treatment regimen. Usually the treatment is carried out during the week. In the first days after you have correctly chosen scheme of treatment comes improve the patient's condition.
In addition to treatment with antibiotics is recommended to follow the correct diet (to give up bad food or consume harmful drinks) and to observe the rules of personal hygiene. How often to wash hands not only before eating, not eat from dirty dishes and stale and use someone else's towel. It is strictly forbidden to use other people's care, even comb.If one member of your family found the disease associated with this bacterium, then in any case do not eat with him from one dish.

Folk remedies against Helicobacter pylori

For a quick and positive result from this disease in addition to medicines used by traditional medicine, which lead to normal acidity in the digestive tract, and diet. There are so many tools that really help in the fight against this disease. But still you should ask for advice from your doctor, as the recipes are intended for different PHS of the patient.

Some recipes:

  • If the patient has increased acidity, you can use the jelly from flax seed,
  • Even at high pH very good remedy is a decoction of several herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort and greater celandine),
  • At the lowered acidity is an effective remedy is cabbage juice and tincture of calamus,

How to eat in this disease

Of course, the most basic and important part of the treatment is antibiotics, but it is very important to eat right. In order to get rid of the disease should observe the following rules:

  • the main thing is not to starve (too long is not),
  • eat small portions, chewing food thoroughly and don't rush,
  • to eat little by little but often a day 5-6 times,
  • to all to refrain from fried and oily foods, canned and salty.

About diet you can also ask the attending physician, depending on the analyses, it can make you diet for a month.

So, Helicobacter pylori is a harmful bacterium, which can cause various dangerous diseases. At the first symptoms of the occurrence of this microorganism you should go to the hospital. Treatment should be done under the supervision of a physician. Observing all the rules and expert advice you will be able to get rid of this unwanted organism without the development of dangerous consequences.