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Scraping in children — Do the scraping on enterobiasis in a child

The susceptibility of the child's body to the emergence of parasites due to a weakened immune system and not enough regulation of food hygiene and hands.

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The risk of infection lurks at every turn, when you play in the sandbox, communicating with other infected children, using unwashed products. This disease is called enterobiasis.

Which means podarim name?

Enterobiasis is a organism defeat the roundworm, worms, eggs of parasites.

Found in both adults and children. The peak of the infection happens in the preschool period continues to 12 years. The processes of life nematodes are destructive to the body, destroy the immune system and damage internal organs.

Due to of metabolic products the person is in severe intoxication. To make a diagnosis with greater accuracy by using scraping. About how to take a scraping and will be discussed in the article.


Signs of the presence of worms, the child will:

  • General weakness, fatigue,
  • poor health,
  • subfebrile condition,
  • gnashing of teeth during sleep,
  • nausea,
  • diarrhea with alternating constipation,
  • headache.
Soskob u detej — Delaem soskob na enterobioz u rebenka

The kid can never eat, or even refuse to eat. Additional signals are bad sleep, nervousness, redness on the skin, abdominal pain. The girls in this infection affects the genitals, leads to vulvitis, vulvovaginitis.

Do not ignore such symptoms and to treatment at home. Only a doctor can determine the presence of worms in the body, prescribe competent treatment.

The rules of delivery

An important rule is the fence material before going to the toilet and hygienic procedures. The baby should not wash away, to take laxatives. You can't eat food, eat fried, spicy, salty.

For high accuracy need only the morning diagnosis, and for the reliability worth for 3 days to check for infestation. Therefore, when a negative result, it is necessary to do the scraping again.


Pathology is often without any symptoms. Thus, analysis on enterobiasis take in case of suspicion on an intestinal infection. Do all children older than one year, every year.

Performs research clinic at the place of residence or routine examination of children in kindergartens and schools. Also before entering kindergarten, the school the child is given a direction, if the baby was admitted to the hospital, talked with the other kids.

Soskob u detej — Delaem soskob na enterobioz u rebenka

So how do we take the scraping on enterobiosis in children?

Can pass, as in a medical facility. In the first case, the check turns out accurate and correct. The specialist will do all the work.

The house is taken for the purposes of a special plastic container or adhesive tape with coating the glass.

The procedure is painless and is performed with a cotton swab. Prior to the manipulation, explain to your toddler what analysis is and why it is needed. Then the baby is laid on its side, the nurse in gloves takes a cotton swab and spreads his buttocks, starts to make scraping with peri-anal folds. Then the swab is sent to the tube for diagnosis.

Analysis at home

Parents often use this method when the child is pathologically afraid of doctors or in consequence of the impossibility of visiting the hospital.

Soskob u detej — Delaem soskob na enterobioz u rebenka

You can take material:

  • cotton swab lubricated with glycerin,
  • adhesive tape.

In the first situation, a stick smeared with glycerin. Next, put in container, close lid tightly. In pharmacy containers, tools for the fence.

In the case of tape, take a piece, stick to the anal area, wait a few seconds. Remove the tape, stick on glass, make sure no bubbles are from the air. If You accidentally touched the tip of the rod, a whistle is required to redo the procedure again.

You cannot store analysis for pinworms, it is to be taken to the clinic immediately. When it is impossible may be stored in a cool, dark place from 4 degrees to 8.

Other surveys

In addition to strokes can give the direction on a General or biochemical analysis of blood abdominal ultrasound, immunohisto detection.

The General analysis will show the condition of the body to determine the level of red blood cells,leukocytes'. Availability is exceeded. Whether there is anemia, iron deficiency. After all, ascarids, being in the body, literally sucking all of the nutrients, leading to exhaustion.

Soskob u detej — Delaem soskob na enterobioz u rebenka

Ultrasound is necessary for confirmation, there is no damage to internal organs. Long presence damages the walls of the stomach, gnawing mucosa infection, provoking ulcer, disorders of digestion. Walking through blood can get into the liver, lungs, brain and to parasitize in it a long time.

Immunotherapy diagnosis is an expensive method, but precision. Shows how many of have pinworms, disease duration, types of protozoa.

When you can know the answer?

We talked about taking analysis and what to do to the data was accurate. Usually the response given at the same day or the next day.

Laboratory checks smear, gives the conclusion. No need to PAP in advance, because it becomes invalid. Everything has a shelf life of for pinworms how time is not more than 10 days. If You provide the old data, they have the right to invalidate.

Should know early diagnosis is much more effective than later. In addition, these strokes are more effective than scatological study. Due to the fact that the worms eggs the female lays in the folds of the peri anal.

Sometimes, in the special period, the females do not have time to postpone larvae, so when scatology doctor just doesn't see the latter. Information will be about.

But coprogram shows violations of the liver, stomach, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of nutrients.

What can you find?

If the result is positive, the laboratory will see:

  • eggs of nematodes,
  • mature larva.

After a doctor will be assigned to the anthelmintic medicines, vitamins and a special diet. Should strictly adhere to the regimen, the rules of supply.

Soskob u detej — Delaem soskob na enterobioz u rebenka

To exclude from a diet farinaceous foods, sweet, fizzy drinks, spicy dishes. Let your little light soups, lean meat, poultry, fish. Include more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Following all the instructions, you can quickly get rid of unwanted guests.

In conclusion, we add, the basic rules of food hygiene and hand will eliminate the risk of catching roundworm. Pre-teach your children to always wash their hands after using the toilet and streets. Learn to wash fruits, vegetables before consumption.