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Feces analysis — How much of the stool for analysis in the adult and child?

Many times people wonder how much feces, how to collect and properly store if it is the direction of the clinic.
Stool important study of fecal masses, allows to detect diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of parasites. Formed during processing of food. The final formation of feces occurs after passing through the entire digestive system. Hence develop complete and reliable data about the processes within the body. To give the materials at least twice a year for both adults and children.

A survey on helminth eggs and other parasites are required to surrender all, including a child, even a newborn. In addition, the stool test will help to diagnose liver, pancreas, if symptoms and no. To answer the question how much of the stool for analysis can help the treating physician who gives direction.

The rules of delivery

The first step is to follow the rules, they will help to prevent the incorrect information:

  1. careful hygiene of the sexual organs,
  2. the exception of antibiotics, laxatives,
  3. exception of delivery after x-rays,
  4. the refusal of fried, spicy, salty food and alcoholic beverages,

In the first case, before assembling the formed stool should wash the genitals and posterior hole. There should not be exposed to urine and mucus. The use of drugs distorts the picture of the stool. After the last pill must complete at least 12 hours. To refuse is from laxatives, enemas at least 3 days prior to a bowel movement even if constipation. Since the decrease in the period of formation of mass can show a lack of elements that affect abnormalities in the body. Recent x-rays of the gastrointestinal tract will distort the coprogram.

You need to refrain from fried, spicy, meat, fish. You can not eat tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, cabbage, pickled vegetables. At this time, eat dairy dishes, porridge, boiled potatoes, fruit, eggs.

How to collect your biomaterial?

It is important to know when it is required to collect stool. How much feces need to analyze the child, infants and adults. Measure almost the same. You should use a special sterile container, sold in the drugstore. Sealed, the set includes a spoon. On the vessel there are notes.

For an adult, the volume of feces will not exceed the size of a walnut. You need to separate a few pieces from different places. This is necessary if there is suspicion of larvae of Ascaris. The worm can be in any one place. The presence of bleeding, mucus can indicate serious pathologies. To explore this important area, and it should take.

Children before the examination of faeces needs to go in the morning to the toilet. If the child does not want to go, force is not necessary. You just need to wait until the next time, either take from the evening of the next sample. Must stop giving the baby medications, not to do enema. What amount of feces is necessary for the child enough to collect 15 grams of formed stool.

For very young children taking stool the stool sample is taken from the evening. The cleaning is difficult, the stool output is still not regulated by the body. Better to use disposable diapers. It is important to know that the laboratory fit only the top layer. With the diaper is not necessary to scour the excrement, otherwise the container will get debris. Of course the optimal amount to collect will fail as it will.

How to store before transferring to the laboratory

From the article above shows how much cal for analysis in each case. What to do if You just can't pass tests. This occurs in the case of just born. The child's body can't handle the trips to the toilet, so if the evening to get everything ready, the jar contents may be left until the morning. Be sure to store in the refrigerator, not more than a day. For diagnostic specimen should be stored the contents for 2 hours. The faster will be delivered to the study, the better. Ideally, it should take no more than 30 minutes. It is worth remembering that on Saturday and Sunday hospitals are not working. So these days to be examined will fail.

Diagnostics of the disease

Received the stools look for the presence of visual signs, after the test indicators, inspection under a microscope. What will be the result can be found in the next day.

Normally, when the results should be no:

  1. blood impurity,
  2. neutral fat,
  3. muscle fiber,
  4. connective tissue,
  5. fatty acids,
  6. pus, bacteria, leukocytes, and iodophilic flora,

Normal color brown, the smell of fecal a fiber and soap in a small volume.
You need to consider that the directions are different: enterobiasis, eggs of nematodes, evaluation of occult blood. Enterobiasis is caused by the presence of pinworms in the intestine. The result is givenon the morrow. Assessment of invasion is up to 5 days. The detection of occult blood test takes up to 6 days. This is done when the blood is not visible under the microscope. The method allows to find the admixture of blood particles. In healthy people, they should not be.

If the tests are bad, will appoint an additional examination followed by treatment.