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Feces analysis — Rules of passing stool

The scientific name familiar to many from his childhood of the stool is "coprogram". Is a medical term. Few people are interested and gives the importance to how to pass a stool. But failure to comply with a kind of established rules, the result may be incorrect. This should be the wrong diagnosis of the disease, the treatment prescribed for the other illnesses, and many health problems, due merely to the irresponsibility of the patient. Meanwhile, the paragraphs describing how to pass a stool, are all public domain and read them and take note of in case of diseases, involving diagnosis of the coprogram, the power of each person. Each patient is a specialist in General procedure explains how to pass feces. If not, you should always remember about the consequences and not be ashamed to inquire on their own. After passing stool allows time to identify many of the diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Preparation for analysis

I would like to note that the process of preparation is no less important than the analysis itself. At this stage you can be sure of in the most precise results of the procedure.

1. Initially it is necessary to rid the body of excess accumulated urine and then take a long and careful water treatment. Is highly recommended process of washing and hygienic to use antibacterial soap. After wipe dry the genital area, trying not to RUB delicate skin. You also need to use a towel that does not lose its fabric fibers in order to avoid getting them in the fecal product. This procedure is aimed at ensuring the highest possible sterility of excrement.

2. You must carefully stretched and ironed underwear. Many do not follow this advice, as well as the first one, naively assuming that Kal himself unclean material. This is fundamentally the wrong point of view. The smallest particles of powder remaining after washing on the clothes poorly rinsed soap — anything can cause inaccurate results, leading to disastrous consequences.

3. For this analysis you need to get a dry sterile container. Fortunately, now you can purchase a specialized container at any pharmacy, including at the hospital where the procedure. But before you put the feces in a container, they need to collect. Not recommended to do it directly after bowel movements in the toilet. Preferably the cling film, or to get a duck or a pot. Suitable even for children. The fact that the toilet surface is far from sterile, and bacteria can move into the feces, also distorting the results.

4. It should also be mentioned that the receptacle containing the fecal mass, is obliged to have the cover perfectly tight to the container. Made it should be made of plastic, glass possible option.

These rules help during the delivery of the analysis to obtain the most accurate results, easy to follow, but not last of all, it is desirable to know the person who have undergone such procedure. This list is responsible for correct preparation for the main event. What is the difference between the rules? Written above helps to prepare the body for analysis, following a detailed explanation of all conditions that also need to comply with in the process.

Letting coprogram

It argued that all items should only be performed by people having direct relation to medicine — doctors, nurses, etc. That's completely wrong. The doctor or nurse will not be able to take over your analysis even if you really want. Therefore, it is important to know and consider all conditions as the analysis of rent.

1. Feces should be delivered to the laboratory not later than 5 hours after you made his collection. If you exceed this time period, the feces can radically change in its microbiological composition. It follows a simple conclusion — the sooner you deliver kanalizacionniy material, the better will be the end result. The main problem is at the time of testing. Basically, they work early in the morning, and even at all on certain days of the week. Not everyone is physically able to meet these criteria based on time intervals. Especially in the case of the acquired body's habit to defecate at a certain time, that too often nowadays. In such cases it is recommended to keep the bowel movement in the evening to make it in the morning for fresh material.

2. It is strictly forbidden to drink any laxative medications or other nature of the effects on the intestine. Bowel movements should pass without assistance, his usual course. Otherwise, violations of the natural formation of feces, which will also affect the analyses. Apart from medicines it is not recommended to use even enemas. This is due to the fact that the food previously consumed, not digested until the end, which can be described by a specialist as the symptoms of any disease, which youno.

3. Women in the menstrual period likewise not recommended to take such analysis. If for some reason you must do this using shims is unacceptable, and from feminine hygiene, use of tampons to keep the blood got into the excrement.

4. It is impossible to carry out the procedure, in one way or another involves in its process the use of barium sulfate. These include barium enema and barium passage. The fact that the substance is able to change thorough the original composition of potassium mass, or simply discolor them.

5. For several days before taking the stool it is recommended to eat only healthy food. It's not supposed to cause various anomalies in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, the products, in consequence of absorption which occur in the gut constipation, or diarrhea. Products, or otherwise affect the acid-alkaline balance. Invalid food, able to alter the color of feces. The most striking example is the beet that are added to many dishes.

Additional information

There are clear differences in the procedure if you assigned a stool, clarifying exactly how to pass excrement, depending on the disease that you diagnosed during the preliminary data collection. If your body is suspected worms, the amount of product will be significantly less than when testing for infectious diseases. It is also possible procedure to identify abnormally high levels of a particular substance in the gut, rolling in feces. There are checks for the presence of blood in the stool, which is the first sign of serious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. The specific details depend solely on the suspicions of your doctor and will vary on the basis of anamnesis data. But in any case, the rules described above must be strictly observed in order to avoid misdiagnosis and further health complications.