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Coprogram in children — Transcript coprogram stool test child

Examination of children at an early age is often enough, especially for newborns. Still weak children's immune system needs strengthening.

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Therefore, to prevent diseases, inflammatory processes and disorders that can weaken the protective functions of the body, regularly commissioning tests: urine, blood, feces.

Coprogram in children is one of the regular study, which is a fence faecal secretions and their interpretation by experienced laboratory staff:

  1. the macroscopic analysis. Determines General condition of defecation. Can show the presence of parasites, blood, pus, mucus,
  2. chemical analysis. Studying the pH of the gut microflora pigments like bilirubin, sterkobilina. This included the analysis of fecal occult blood,
  3. microscopic analysis. Is performed to study the structure and composition of discharge, as fats, fiber, starch, soap, and other elements of the intestinal microflora.

Through how much is usually ready the result?

Standard procedure, as coprogram stool, less than 2 days. But if there is any doubt, the study obtained data the doctors need more time, about 6 days.

How to collect a stool sample

To obtain reliable and accurate results coprogram, you should prepare the material in advance. Be sure to check with your doctor and follow his recommendations.

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Delivery of fecal analysis requires adherence to several rules before the procedure:

  • prohibited cleaning and therapeutic enema,
  • you should not take medicines that can change the color of the material,
  • do not enter into the intestine medications like candles.

A few days will have to limit baby food. Newborn baby, of course, will not feel them as his diet is only milk.

The older children definitely will have to stick to a diet that allows the reception of products:

  1. boiled meat,
  2. black bread,
  3. dairy produce,
  4. oatmeal,
  5. boiled egg,
  6. sauerkraut,
  7. potato.

The number received per day calories should not exceed 2400 – 3000. The transition to food, which provides meals 5 times a day. On the eve of the fence material and conduct coprogram in children it is advisable not to bathe the baby. Under normal healthy indicators the result will be ready on day 2.

Transcript of feces grudnichka

What should be the normal result. It all depends on the age of the subjects. The reason for this is the different diet and activity, as well as the immune system.

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What does decoding coprogram in infants and children under one year:

  1. volume. The amount of discharge per day to 50 grams,
  2. consistency. Liquid, viscous,
  3. color. During breast feeding yellow, light yellow, Golden, light brown. The child on artificial feeding is a shade of light brown,
  4. smell. In infants with milk diet acid, when mixed diet – putrefaction,
  5. pH. The pH-value from 4.8 to 7.5,
  6. mucus, blood, soluble protein not found,
  7. the sterkobilina, bilirubin – present,
  8. ammonia was not detected,
  9. detritus. The norm different,
  10. fiber: the muscle, connective tissue. Small volume,
  11. starch is absent,
  12. cellulose of plant origin. Dissolved in the body through digestion. Must not be present,
  13. fatty acids. Little,
  14. soaps. Rare cases in infants,
  15. leukocytes. Indicators are rare.

If parents have a doubt,they can always consult a pediatrician and clarify whether all indicators in norm.

Transcript coprogram in children

In children from one year, which is already mostly eat solid food, and decoding result differs from data obtained in newborns.

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Coprogram stool in a child younger:

  • the daily rate is 100-250 grams,
  • cal designed,
  • brown,
  • fecal smell,
  • pH. The acidity should not exceed 7.5,
  • mucus, blood, soluble protein not found,
  • stercobilin. Daily index – 75-150 milligrams,
  • bilirubin no,
  • ammonia. Calculated on the volume of 1 kg – 20-40 mmol,
  • fibers: connective tissue, muscle. Not found,
  • starch, vegetable fibers, neutral fat, fatty acids do not exist,
  • soaps. The number — a little,
  • leukocytes. Single case.

This is just a sample transcript coprogram stool. Possible deviations from this scheme does not mean that the child has disorders with health. The result can always explain your child's doctor.

The number and consistency of feces

Newborn baby per day could provide about 20 grams of feces, a child from 6 months to one year – from 100 grams to 250 grams. The increase of bowel movements depends on the intensity of growth, and changes in power, the transition to normal adult food.

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There are other reasons that the number of feces increased:

  1. pancreatitis,
  2. wrong digestive system,
  3. indigestion. Diarrhea,
  4. problems with the bile flow.

How does normal feces?

In infants it is a liquid, viscous, as in this age consumed only milk. Designed, denser shows that the baby has moved to solid food.

The color of feces and its smell

The usual brown discharge is considered normal in adults. But in infants and young children evacuation do not correspond to this data.

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British scientists have announced they found a way to diagnose different types of bowel disease — testing the odor of stool of a patient

What does the color of feces from a baby. How to understand what to do if it has changed:

  • black. It could be a sign of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • brown. Indicates colitis, constipation, protein intake, vegetable food,
  • red. In focal lesions of the stomach,
  • greenish. Baby food containing vegetable ingredients,
  • light yellow. In the period of milk feeding,
  • white chair. Problems with the liver, duodenum, jaundice.

Often in childhood may be a radical difference between the color of the stool yellow and Golden hue. In this case, you need to look closely at the food of the baby, especially the child on artificial feeding with additives.

If the diet is all right, and the color selections are not changed, you should go to the pediatrician for examination.

the pH of feces

This value determines the indicator of the level of acid-alkaline balance of the intestinal microflora. Any deviation from the norm coprogram in children is a sign of the inflammatory process. Indicates parasitic diseases, viruses and bacteria.

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How to decode a pH:

  1. to 5, 5. Medium sour, intolerance to dairy products. The body's response to the ingress of lactose,
  2. Of 5.6 to 6.8. The need for examination of the small intestine,
  3. 7,8 — 8. Weak bowels,
  4. 8,1 — 8,5. Colitis, constipation, dysfunction of the pancreas,
  5. more than 8.5. Violation of the digestive system or dyspepsia. Dominated by alkali.

The baby who receives too many carbohydrates, can feel the ferment in my stomach. The result of pH may show a mark and to a value of 6.8. In this case, in the body are bacteria. They increase the acidic environment.

Feces with mucus

Healthy children evacuation should be homogeneous, without impurities. In infancy, there may be little the presence of viscosity.

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But if baby more than one month, the mucus in the stool may show:

  • infectious disease,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • the body's response to dairy products,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • dysfunction or bowel irritation,
  • polyps.

There are still a large number of diseases, which lead to the formation of mucus in the evacuation. Their definition is assigned additional tests are diagnosed on the basis of concrete cases.

id="l-7">Blood in feces

The appearance in the secretions of the baby even small amounts of blood cells should alert parents. This feature is very dangerous for the baby.

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Blood in the stool may indicate only about the diseases:

  1. on toilet paper. A clear sign of hemorrhoid or fissures in the anal area,
  2. the veins in the bowel movement. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, Crohn's disease,
  3. blood with mucus. Indicates proctitis, polyps, lesions ulcers,
  4. loose stools with blood. Infection in the intestines.

Coprogram in this case, the necessary procedure. Additionally will be appointed and other tests for the diagnosis of possible concomitant diseases.

What is the sterkobilina and bilirubin: norm and deviations

The formation of the bacterial microflora of the intestine occurs in children under 3 months. In this age of Kal they are not painted, as there is only bilirubin.

The sterkobilina, the enzyme that gives the chair a natural brown color. It is formed from bile and becomes the result of processing of bilirubin. Only after 9 months of microflora of intestines of the baby are fully formed and, therefore, the result coprogram stool only shows sterkobilina.

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The lack of sterkobilina in Calais (Kal aholic) indicates blockage of stone or tumor compression of the common bile duct

If a child at 10 months revealed a bilirubin:

  • dysbacteriosis,
  • Express bowels,
  • metabolic disorder,
  • hepatitis,
  • stones in bile duct,
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes,
  • wrong spleen.

All of these complications will be listed in the survey. You will need follow-up treatment.

Fiber in Kale

The result coprogram have a child that gets to eat only breast milk or formula, do not show the muscle and connective fibers. They are observed in rare cases after a year of life in children who consume animal source foods and get enough protein.

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If the fibers are rendered:

  1. gastritis,
  2. pancreatitis,
  3. wrong pancreas,
  4. diarrhea,
  5. dyspepsia,
  6. Akhil.

Part of bowel movements may contain undigested remnants of the cartilage. This is not a deviation from the norm and is not considered as a violation.

Protein in Kale

Invalid soluble protein in the result of coprogram should not be displayed.

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As indicated by protein in the coprogram:

  • inflammation of the digestive system,
  • colitis. Ulcerative,
  • dyspepsia. Putrefactive,
  • celiac.

A more detailed transcript gives the pediatrician. He will establish the cause of the appearance in the stool protein.


Enters the body of the baby along with the products. These include grains, vegetables, fruits. Starch is very rapidly cleaved, and therefore does not have to render.

In some cases, the starch found in the coprogram:

  1. gastritis,
  2. Express the excretory function of the intestine,
  3. pancreatitis,
  4. dyspepsia. Fermentation form,
  5. diarrhea.

Do not forget about the digestive system and the reasons why starch is not amenable to a full splitting.

Undigested cellulose

This kind of fiber often found. Digested completely absent.

Koprogramma u detej — Rasshifrovka koprogrammy analiza kala rebenka

The reasons for which there is undigested plant fiber:

  • pancreatitis,
  • the high content of plant foods in the diet,
  • ulcerative colitis,
  • indigestion,
  • dyspepsia. Putrefactive.

Requires additional diagnosis.

Neutral fats and fatty acids: indicators

These are products of digestion, which should not appear in the results coprogram.

Even this small number indicates the violation of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. dysfunction of the pancreas,
  2. inadequate production of bile,
  3. dyspepsia. Barmy.

In this case, more research is needed.

Soap in the feces of infants and young child

Occur more frequently in infants, as they are the undigested remains of consumed in large quantity of fatty acids contained in dairy products.

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If they are observed in adultschildren's:

  • dysfunction of the pancreas,
  • insufficient absorption of the intestine,
  • dyspepsia. Form fermentation,
  • cholelithiasis,
  • problems with the formation of bile.

The need for examination of the liver and clarify the causes of violations of its work.


If the analysis discovered more than 10 units of blood, it is necessary to conduct additional diagnostics.

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deelstaat to that in the gastrointestinal tract is an inflammatory process:

  1. dysentery,
  2. allergic colitis,
  3. changes in the structure of the small intestine,
  4. dysbacteriosis,
  5. vermin.

Diagnosis of related symptoms and possible diseases is carried out only as directed by your pediatrician. Summer – the most favorable period for the appearance of infestations, so in addition will need to be tested for worms.