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Botulism, the First symptoms of botulism and effective treatments

Botulism is very scary infectious disease cause bacteria, namely its toxic waste "Clostridium botulinum – botulinum toxin". Now people get sick very rarely, but still there are such cases.

This disease provides a huge threat to the lives of the entire population, as the main source of infection is food.

This is manifested the disease from the first signs of this ordinary intoxication (nausea and vomiting), but it means that the infection of botulism is in the human body. First, it is in the digestive tract, and then enters the blood, and the field is distributed throughout the body. The function of any organ is at risk.

Scientists and doctors have proven that the sooner and more pronounced the symptoms, the harder it will leak infection of botulism.

The first signs in which it is worth considering

The first symptoms of botulism can be confused with the usual poisoning or intestinal disorders. If you see at least one manifested signs of intoxication, you should visit a doctor and make sure.

The patient complains of:

  1. very strong pains and cramps in the center of the belly,
  2. headache (dizziness),
  3. attack diarrhea,
  4. General weakness, impotence,
  5. nausea and vomiting,
  6. the temperature increase (very high up to 40).

By evening, all the symptoms may pass, the temperature come back to normal, the diarrhea to stop, but this is misleading as it is better to consult a doctor.

The symptoms that occur in this disease

Botulism, like all diseases, has its main signs. They are divided into three types: arising in the digestive tract (most common), impaired vision, problems with respiratory and respiratory systems.

The first signs of poisoning and contamination with botulism, which usually occur in the digestive system.

They are very easy to confuse with the usual poisoning:

  1. nausea and vomiting (may occur several times a day),
  2. attacks of pain in the stomach,
  3. diarrhea (loose or watery stools),
  4. sensation of dryness in the mouth (for no reason).

Plus can rise the body temperature, and at mealtime there is a "lump" in my throat (difficult to swallow).

Blurred vision very rare when the first symptoms occur following changes:

  • drops sharpness of vision,
  • people can not see clear of objects, everything seems blurry,
  • feeling like "stars", and "fly" move before my eyes,
  • the patient clearly see objects that are far and objects that are close, he sees bad.

The problems associated with the respiratory system:

  1. a sick person is breathing very hard (often or rarely Vice versa),
  2. pale skin (sometimes even with Xun),
  3. a very frequent pulse,
  4. strong unreasonable shortness of breath.

When the disease began to progress, perhaps a combination of several types of symptoms.

The patient experiences the following difficulties with swallowing:

  1. the first time is difficult to swallow solid food and liquid after,
  2. language becomes wooden and clumsy,
  3. a little tongue motionless.

Also, the patient has problems with vision:

  1. he sees not one subject but two,
  2. observed strabismus,
  3. the patient is very difficult to concentrate on one subject,
  4. eyelids involuntarily drop.

These symptoms are problems with pronunciation.

Here are some of them:

  1. voice did not hear, it is related to disorders in the vocal cords,
  2. there is a change of timbre and changes the pronunciation of sounds,
  3. hoarseness,
  4. discomfort in the throat and dryness of the oral mucosa.

If the disease is in progress, it's hard not to notice these characteristics:

  1. gait changes,
  2. muscles are very weak,
  3. a violation of the chair, namely constipation,
  4. violation of urination,
  5. pale complexion,
  6. heart palpitation.

Rarely have these signs of illness: people can't smile all teeth, stiff facial muscles, spasmodic sensation in the face. But for some reason the patient hears well, thinks clearly, body temperature is normal.

If the disease has moved into the final stage, a change occurs in bronchopulmonary and respiratory systems, it is not enough oxygen, can develop additional diseases, such as pneumonia.

The last stage of the disease is the disturbance of motor, muscular and skeletal systems, the person becomes a "dough". He absolutely could not keep straightthe head (she falls), he moves very little. Perhaps will remain a clear memory and consciousness, but the patient ceases to move and begins choking and it all ends in death.

That can threaten the person from whom the poisoning botulism, and if he has not appointed proper treatment or he had not sought help at the hospital:

  1. very often the underlying disease applies additional diseases (or complications on the background of viral infections): pneumonia, sepsis and inflammation of respiratory ways,
  2. possible complications in other vital organs: cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal muscular system,
  3. complications after treatment, there is a disorder of the digestive tract and other diseases.

Experts have estimated and found that this disease lasts about a month or slightly less if the patient receives the correct medications and procedures. All irregularities in the human body are restored.

Some of the symptoms are very difficult to get rid of, for example, the voice is restored after about a month and a half. If treatment assignment on time and correctly, you can not be afraid for any complications.

The reasons may be botulism

The reasons to be infected with botulism a few — is through food, through a cut, through inhalation of toxic substances and other forms. Below we consider in more detail each reason.

Through his food

The bacterium causing this disease is anaerobic, that means it has beneficial live without oxygen. Poisoning with botulinum toxin occurs at the time of eating food contaminated with bacteria and their spores. We all know that bacteria can form spores and spread them around in the soil, water and so on.

Contamination of food occurs during preservation, as it is the most favorable, because oxygen-free, environment for those bacteria. Most often infected are those foods that are not processed by heat treatment, it can happen at home.

An acidic environment is almost as does not affect the production of toxic items (so the vinegar will not help). Only low temperature savecopy with salty and acidic environment may not allow the bacteria to produce toxins.

Balatarin can be found in various foods. Especially in the canned vegetable salads. Very dangerous smoked, dried and salted meat and fish products. If the manufacturer of any factory would violate the norms of production, there will also be found toxins.

Through the wounds

This form is very rare, as already mentioned, that bacteria live in oxygen-free environment, but it does happen. Spores penetrate a wound of a human, they pass through the blood and begin to divide. At first the symptoms are similar to poisoning. People who are at risk for this form is the drug (through a needle).

Children's form

This form provides only a threat to babies, after achieving six to seven months, the child no threat no fear. After developing a natural protective reaction. Small children can develop this form, the parents will feed them foods that are not allowed to give until one year. A striking example of such product is honey.

Symptoms in infants:

  1. the child is not crying, and wheezing,
  2. very weak,
  3. does not hold head,
  4. doesn't want to eat, can't swallow,
  5. bloating and alternate chair.

The child is not infected with this disease every day should be wet cleaning, as the dust for a child is a potential threat.

If the child has symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor in order to avoid bad consequences.

Via inhalation of toxins

Occurs very rare. Inhalation of toxic poisons, under normal conditions, the infection is impossible. The symptoms of the disease are the same as the food type. The first symptoms start within 2-3 days.

Preventive action

People poisoned by harmful toxins of bacteria due to the absorption of their own self-prepared canned preparations for winter. Therefore, prevention should start there. In spite of a canned jar, you cannot understand what it is contaminated with harmful toxins of botulism.

What you need first and foremost to do:

  1. all the products will go into billets for the winter should be thoroughly cleaned from dirt and well washed from dust. Vegetables that grow in the ground should be well washed and preferably scrubbed skin,
  2. utensils for preparations for the winter should be thoroughly washed, sterilized or walking to scald with boiling water, after thoroughly dried,
  3. there is a list of foods that doctors suggest to preserve at home. Better not to do meat and fish stew, marinated mushrooms, the greens. But if you do take the case, then all products must be fresh and everything has to bake at 100 degrees
  4. old, overripe vegetables you cannot use,
  5. if you are preparing for your baby, better not be lazy and to boil food. As children have weak immunity and are more often exposed to infectious diseases,
  6. you need to follow all the rules of storage products,
  7. all swollen and muddy banks are strictly forbidden to eat,
  8. you can not buy canned food on the market "grandmothers", as you don't knowwhat conditions it was prepared,
  9. if at least one family member had contracted the disease, should the whole family go to the hospital and to take all necessary measures. Do not use the same utensils, it is better to rinse well with water and means for washing dishes,
  10. and if you cut yourself, it is better to go to the hospital, and disinfect the wound.

Treatment of botulism

If people come with symptoms similar to this disease, it examined and look for the necessary tests. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it hospitalitynet in the infectious Department in order to avoid complications and disease progression. Do not be afraid of patients with botulism, because the infection is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

Doctors look at the tests and prescribe the necessary treatment. In addition, the patient should follow a special diet (that means fatty meats and rich spices meals can't be eaten).

If the person has disorders in the respiratory system, the doctors take the necessary steps. Can also occur violation of urination and constipation. The necessary procedure is gastric lavage, if it happened at an early stage the better for the patient.

Another essential point is the introduction of a special (protivobolevoe) serum.

When the first symptoms should consult a doctor. This infectious disease leads to terrible consequences, there have been cases with fatal outcomes. Don't play with your health. Better to go to the hospital than to self-medicate.