Meningioma infection symptoms in children the effects

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The terrifying bacterial diseases include meningococcal infection, which spreads between people, the only source of infection is man. High risk group includes young children, teenagers and young people belonging to the age group of 15-20 years.

Dangerous bacteria survive mainly in the nasopharynx of a healthy person who becomes a chronic carrier, it is vitally dangerous bacteria can be transmitted to other people. The meningococcus as a single bacterium, is not able to survive in open space for more than a few seconds, which is why the only possible cause of the spread of the disease is very close contact with chronic carrier.

The transmission of the bacteria from the carrier to a healthy person is airborne form, most often through kissing, sneezing and coughing. Being in close proximity to the carrier who sneezes, a healthy person can inhale air, which contains meningococcal bacteria.

The initial symptoms of the disease include high fever, headache, and in some cases, vomiting. The human condition can last several minutes to manifest unexplained fatigue, which leads to drowsiness, poor health and physical exhaustion.

The first symptoms appear "out of nowhere", the rapid deterioration of health is not preceded by any signs, which could warn about the upcoming development of the disease. If the disease breaks out, it is very important to begin treatment early in the infection. Timely treatment can prevent the possible consequences, sometimes represented death.

Meningococcal disease is transmitted, causes

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Meningococcal disease is a bacterial viral disease transmitted from person to person. In this case, the main source of transmission is person who is called microporosities.

The causes of the disease based on infection spread by airborne droplets, most often through kissing, sneezing and coughing. Threat of meningococcal bacteria contained in the air, colonizes the nasopharynx and gradually begin to multiply. A large percentage of the disease is diagnosed in young people, which the bacteria attack during the celebration, a New year, when a large number of kisses and hugs.

The most common causes of the disease, usually occur after repeated physical or mental stress. Possible causes include the common cold, which leads to weakening of the General immunity of the body and frequent stay in a smoky or crowded spaces.

Groups at risk the major causes of meningococcal disease are factors that are usually associated with protective forces of human body. Serious meningococcal disease usually occur in people who have febrile illness, such as flu. Risk groups include diseases of the respiratory organs, weaken the immune system.

Most-at-risk groups include younger children (under 4 years) and preschool age, adolescents and young people aged 15 to 20 years. Common cause of the disease in this group of individuals is being in collectives (schools, recreation, sports camps, discos, clubs or student hostel). In most cases, the disease affects teenagers, because of the change in their immune system.

Possible cause of the disease is the parents are smokers. Children who are in a smoky room, comes to damage the oral cavity and mucous membranes of the nose, which gives the possibility for better reproduction of meningococcal bacteria.

Meningioma infection – symptoms and signs

The first manifestation of meningococcal disease, as a rule, differ little from ordinary flu, or sore throat. Typical symptoms, mostly for 1-3 days, in more serious cases – within a few hours.

Miningitovaya infekciya simptomy u detej posledstviya

The first and most common symptom of meningococcal disease are high body temperature, which is about 40°C. for several tens of minutes to fever added to the headache that can be accompanied by vomiting. The person feels severe pain in muscles and joints, fatigue often leads to severe sleepiness.

Often,when due to the impact of the infection developing into septic meningitis, which is accompanied by impaired consciousness and unpleasant convulsions (see next paragraph).

The development of the disease kills about 10% of patients, most often children.

Severe disease is meningococcal septicaemia, which leads to death in 25% of cases. Within a few hours if untreated the person may experience septic shock, accompanied by loss of consciousness. At this stage there is a failure of all main functions. The whole process is associated with poor blood clotting, manifested in the form of small blood spots on the skin. Gradually small spots into large bloody surface, which are called full bleeding under the skin. At this stage there is very little chance of survival, as has already occurred on perfusion of vital organs.

Early symptoms of meningococcal septicemia include high fever accompanied by a sudden drop in blood pressure. Diagnosis of this form of disease is based on the red, bloody spots on the skin.

Discover the typical symptoms of meningococcal infection, you should immediately consult a doctor! Early treatment can prevent the possible health consequences, in some cases, even deadly.


Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges. Typical manifestations include fever, headache, and stiff neck muscles.

Meningitis usually begins with fever. Soon starts severe headache. The disease is accompanied by stiffness of the neck muscles, which does not allow to bend the head forward. Other symptoms include nausea and vomiting. There is photophobia, confused and sleepy. As soon as the meningitis progresses, may have convulsions. Perhaps gradually falling into a coma. The onset of symptoms in bacterial meningitis is more rapid than the virus, when the symptoms can develop over several days.

In addition to the main symptoms of a person may be suffering from muscle weakness and dizziness. While some types of meningitis a distinctive skin rash. Subcutaneous bleeding causes of small blue spots. It usually is a symptom of severe purulent meningitis.


Man with suspected meningococcal infection should immediately introduce large doses of antibiotics and infusion solutions. Meningococcal bacteria is exposed to high doses of Penicillin, Sulfonamide or Ampicillin. Important measures include enhanced monitoring and maintenance of important functions.

In the treatment of meningococcal meningitis used the introduction of high doses of bactericidal antibiotics that have the ability very well to penetrate the Central nervous system. Another element of therapy is the use of high doses of corticosteroids, which play a role of hormones of the adrenal cortex and create a natural protection.

In serious cases, when developing meningococcal septicaemia, it is necessary to prevent a total system failure. Is oxygen and a large amount of fluid by venous injections.

Consequences of meningococcal infection

The most tragic consequence of meningococcal disease is the death of a person which ends at about 10% of the total number of infection. The most common cause of death was late diagnosis of the disease, therefore, delayed treatment is quite serious illness, which from a medical point of view, impossible. Death in most cases occurs within 24-48 hours after the beginning of the outbreak, i.e., from the time of infection with meningococcal bacteria.

The most common cause of death is brain tumor, which is caused by increased production of cerebrospinal fluid. Death can also be caused by an increased response to bacterial toxins, resulting in comes to stretching the blood vessels, leading to heart failure.

Another possibility of fatal outcome is excessive blood clotting, resulting in comes to gemoperfuzii vital organs, including the liver, kidneys and heart. Bleeding into the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, leads to failure of adrenal function.

In most cases, the disease leaves permanent consequences that can have both mild and more serious format. The severity depends on the timely identification of primary symptoms and start of treatment. More serious consequences that can affect healing include deafness, blindness, heart disease, and in some cases, lead to amputation of fingers or limbs. Amputation is performed to prevent the spread of dangerous bacteria in other parts of the body. If the bacteria do not affect the vital internal organs, he has a 100% chance of survival.

The most common complications include the defeat of the cranial nerves, which cause serious permanent damage to the auditory nerve.

Some people remain forever amazedneurological complications that result in epilepsy or paralysis of the muscles of the face and other body parts.

In the course of the disease, when treatment is not developing in the right direction, the disease can lead to irreversible brain damage, resulting in a person until the end of life suffer from mild or severe forms of psychomotor retardation.

Lighter, but permanent lesions include diseases of the muscles, subcutaneous tissue and skin. In those places where there was a small bruise or blood stains, can occur necrosis, ie, necrosis of tissue, which, however, with the passage of time will gradually disappear.