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Analysis on brucellosis: description, methods for the determination

To determine the disease is a daunting task. Very often people who have sluggish flow symptoms, doctors may confuse the brucellosis cancer, leukemia, and various infections. Very important role are epidemiological history and clinical picture.

Analiz na brucellez: opisanie, metody opredeleniya

When a person is faced with domestic cattle, there is a large percentage of the disease.

Based on the symptoms it cannot accurately confirm the veracity of the diagnosis. In order to be sure to verify their diagnosis used allergic, bacteriological and serological tests. Also very relevant is the conduct of standard tests for brucellosis using blood, urine, puncture of the lymph nodes, synovial fluid.

Bacterial research has significant negative side – very slow growth of Brucella in culture media. Colonies Mature only after 20 to 30 days, which complicates and slows down the resolution of brucellosis. This kind of analysis to do for a very long time so it is very important to use serological methods.

Studies to detect disease

To make sure that you have brucellosis it is necessary to conduct the following tests. Very important information is the blood for brucellosis. It can pass virtually any medical institutions.

Analiz na brucellez: opisanie, metody opredeleniya

First make a standard set of research:

  • General analysis of blood. It is necessary to determine the content of leukocytes. If the figure is elevated, it means that in the body there is inflammation. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) faster, but not by much. Advanced stage of the disease leads to a decrease in indicators of all elements of blood.
  • The General analysis of urine. Here it is necessary to determine whether protein in the urine, and in what quantities. It is necessary to repeat the urine test a few times.
  • Biochemical blood test. Then look to the levels of hepatic cytolysis (Alt, AST), if these values become higher than normal it is to talk about hyperbilirubinemia, decreased albumin level (hypoalbuminemia) the total protein remains at a normal level.
To pass every test required fasting not to lose performance.

Methods of determining brucellosis

To determine the causative agent doing such methods:


It gives almost 100% reliable result.

However, this method differs in severity and duration. As biological material used blood, urine, cerebrospinal, synovial fluid, bile, and a sample from the lymph nodes. These liquids inoculated on nutrient media and waiting for growth of microorganisms. The duration of this method is approximately less than a month, sometimes a month, depending on the colonial growth of Brucella.

Despite the large percentage of reliability of the result, it is better to use other methods, because the timeout can occur deterioration.


This is the most popular analysis to identify brucellosis. The results can be read after a week of illness. This principle is the presence of immunoglobulins (antibodies) in serum to Brucella antigens. In their class, you can define the duration and the speed of the process. To determine the use of the reaction of Wright and Hedelson.

  • Reaction Wright:
  • Brucella are killed with heat, and this slurry reacts with the blood serum of the patient. If during the reaction Brucella stick together in little balls and Deposit – this means that the serum contains antibodies and means the person is really sick with brucellosis. With negative reaction the disease is not diagnosed. This method is good because at the early stages of the disease it can give a positive result. With such a reaction find brucellosis not only in humans but also animals.

  • The Reaction Of Heddleson:
  • It does not give such accurate result. Here is agglutination on the glass. Often this reaction gives a false result, so it is used to detect those children who should be screened for brucellosis.

  • The Coombs test or direct antiglobulin test:
  • It holds for the detection of antibodies that attack the red blood cells.

For detection of brucellosis is direct response. This reaction distinguishes between antibodies that are directly associated with the cell. If a direct antiglobulin test indicates a negative result means the blood is pure, and no antibodies. A positive result meansthe appearance of antibodies, which are actively struggling with erythrocytes.

PCR diagnostics is based on detection of DNA-chains of Brucella from biological material of the patient. This material can be disinfected by adding methiolate sodium concentration of 0.01% with further heating for half an hour. When completed incubation in lysing solution, which contains all necessary reagents for DNA extraction while maintaining the temperature at 66C for 10-15 minutes biological tissue is neutralized.

Analiz na brucellez: opisanie, metody opredeleniya

This analysis has the positive feature in the sense that you can use absolutely any biological tissue of the patient.

Allergological methods of determining brucellosis

One of the popular methods include the reaction of the Brunet. It is based on the injection intradermally, brucellin. If there is a brucellosis, at the site of injection starts the redness and a little pasty. This plot and evaluated as Allergy test the'byrne. Spot measure and conclude if the spot is larger than 6 centimeters, the reaction is considered positive. This sample is valid, when brucellosis is chronic form. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that a positive reaction can occur in people who have undergone vaccination for the prevention of brucellosis.

After the procedure, you need half an hour to be in the institution where it was done allergic method.
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