Pneumonia in newborns causes

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To the diagnosis of pneumonia can even a newborn baby. It is caused by bacteria, viruses and even fungi. Timely treatment of pneumonia saves them from this disease without consequences. In fact this disease is a cause of early mortality in children up to months of age. It is a congenital pneumonia in newborn and postnatal. Prematurity this diagnosis more frequently. The reasons may be various, but the treatment should be in hospital and under medical supervision.

Causes of infection with pneumonia

The causes of the disease are different:

  • transplacental,
  • antenatal,
  • intrapartum,
  • postnatal.

When transplatzentarnogo the causative agent penetrates through the placenta during pregnancy. Causes are viral or bacterial lesions of the female organism. When antenatal bacteria from amniotic fluid get into the Airways of the fetus. Intrapartum infection occurs because of the microorganisms that enter the respiratory system of the child during birth. And postnatal infection occurs when the infection after birth.

During pregnancy cause pneumonia can different infections that cause:

  • cytomegalovirus,
  • herpes virus,
  • tuberculosis,
  • rubella,
  • listers.

One of the negative factors affecting the fetus is hypoxia. Possible congenital pneumonia due to bacteria and even fungus Candida.

Postpartum infection occurs at a time when to be born baby. When this occurs, contact with amniotic fluid or vaginal secretions in the respiratory system. Infection of the lungs also occurs by hematogenous way. In this case will be metallicheskie pneumonia. They are often called when purulent lesions of the umbilical vessels. Once in the lungs, an infected embolus causes an abscess.

Causes of complications

Pneumonia in newborns with available birth injuries leading to complications in the form of breathing disorders and geodinamica, to asphyxia. In prematurity occurs underdevelopment of the nervous system. Thus, the respiratory center is weak, the possible falling of the lung that does not improve the situation.

Anatomical features of the respiratory tract play an important role. Complications arise when short and narrow the Airways. Also too abundant blood supply and lymph flow, while hypoplasia of elastic fibers possible problems. Among predisposing factors, short and wide form of the chest, too large size of the lungs. This can hinder the necessary respiratory movements.

Of complications can influence the environment. They arise from the finding of the child in one position for quite a long time. Violated temperature and inadequate nutrition can also be the cause of the complications. One of the simple, but rather dangerous reasons is rhinitis in the mother or medical staff.

The causative agents of pneumonia in newborns

Children get pneumonia because of a few germs:

  • pneumococcus,
  • flu,
  • streptococcus,
  • staphylococcus,
  • bacilli of Salmonella.
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Morphological features will depend on the causative agent. So streptococcal lesions are focal in nature. Necrosis, abscess and hemorrhage characteristic of staph.

If the flora is mixed and consists of these two pathogens, the pneumonia of a newborn child will be heavy and solid. Alveoli are found in the leucocytes and the cocci in the lungs appears purulent fluid. In septic streptococcal pneumonia, the formation of blood clots. Appear degenerative changes in the liver, kidneys and heart muscles.

Negative outlook

In some cases, the possible negative prognosis for the babies. The reasons for this different. Most often they are formed due to:

  • hypoxia of the brain,
  • uneven heart rate,
  • the accumulation of blood toxins,
  • enhance respiratory acts,
  • disorders of respiratory rhythm and depth.

When you spot these symptoms, the baby transferred to the intensive care unit. If you ignore them then the prognosis will be unfavorable and there will be a deterioration ofchild's.

Features of pneumonia in preterm

If the child was born prematurely, of pneumonia in preterm infants has its own characteristics. They are expressed in the form of increased temperature, the occurrence of pulmonary complications and the prevalence of respiratory symptoms. Toxic reactions are more distinct, and the accumulation of carbon dioxide leads to swelling of the periorbital tissues.

Preterm often extrapulmonary complications. When this occurs, ear infections, thrombosis, paresis of the intestine, or adrenal insufficiency. As such children tend to vomit, then there are causes for aspiration pneumonia.

The clinical condition is constantly fluctuating, possible blood clotting and sepsis.

Signs of pneumonia

The first signs of the disease is changes in skin tone. It is grey-pale, dry. The child has hypotonia and respiratory failure. When feeding may cause vomiting and further stomach cramps and bloating. In the lungs, you can hear a finely wheezing.

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The child is pale, cyanotic nasolabial triangle color. At this time, children often refuse to eat, begin to rapidly lose weight. The dream becomes URALCHEM, constantly punctuated by coughing.

Children become lethargic and sleepy, you can often notice a shortness of breath. A cough, cardiovascular failure. The disease is difficult, because the newly born child does not have immunity to the disease. And the structure of the respiratory system only contributes to a more severe defeat. Because of this, the newborn are at risk.

The processes in the body

With the defeat of one part of the lung pneumonia would be patchy, with the participation of the entire shares of a disease is called equity. Pneumonia does not pass without changes to the body. They are in some parts or throughout the body.

Inflammation leads to changes in lung tissue. Therefore, the lungs are unable to fully perform its function. The gas exchange deteriorates, which leads to a decrease of the blood flow of oxygen. There comes oxygen starvation of body tissues. Severity of symptoms depends on the percentage of lung lesions. The longer it takes, the more difficult the situation.

Inflammation leads to intoxication and waste products of the disease agent and begin to poison a child. From this there is weakness, lethargy and drowsiness. My baby wants to eat, he causeless crying.

To overcome the disease, the organism starts to react to it by increasing temperature. Up to a certain point on the thermometer of the immune system is really struggling with the pathogen, but when it lasts a long time and increases more then it hurts the baby. Such a process can adversely affect the brain and metabolic processes in tissues. Possible febrile seizures that often frightens parents. The temperature must be reduced.


To pneumonia, you need to make an accurate diagnosis. For this use:

  • blood test,
  • the x-ray light,
  • ECG,
  • urine test.

All of this helps to see the disease, the lesions and the time to take action.

In the case where the child to be born with pneumonia, it is important to diagnose it in time in order not to complicate the diagnosis.

Treatment of pneumonia

When diagnosis starts treatment. The child must be hospitalized. Because it is weak and lack of appetite, then it is recommended to frequently put to the breast. This will give a better opportunity to feed him.

To avoid stagnation in the lungs, of the child during the day, constantly turning. It is also necessary from the respiratory tract to remove all the mucus so she did not fall in the bronchi and below.

Of drugs prescribed antibiotics. They picked individually, taking into account characteristics of the baby and the course of the disease. The dose and duration of treatment with antibiotics is also determined individually. In addition to these drugs are required stimulating therapy.

After lowering the temperature, the appetite restored, so the baby again attains its mass without harm to its health.

Help in the treatment

For a speedy recovery the child is unable to appoint a local treatment. It helps the drugs and faster restores lung function.

As assistants to apply:

  • sinapisms,
  • inhalations,
  • a special massage,
  • therapeutic bath,
  • ultraviolet irradiation.

Yourself to do all these manipulations is not necessary. The doctor himself will tell you how and where to do it all correctly. Because a baby's skin is very delicate and misuse of the subsidiary local therapy may worsen the condition. Appear skin irritation, redness and soreness of the affected places.

Nutrition during treatment

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the reduced appetite during pneumonia leads to dehydration and weight loss. So it should be treated responsibly. Do not try to feed densely the child. It will only cause vomiting. So the frequent meals but very small portions.

It is not necessary to abandon breastfeeding during illness. Withbreast milk get essential proteins, which strengthen the immune system of the baby. This helps it to work more efficiently and protect the body.

To introduce solid foods at this time is undesirable. It is not known how it will affect the child, will cause any skin or internal reactions of the intestine. And this will only aggravate the condition and have to treat several problems. The kid's body is further weakened and may cause complications of pneumonia.