Symptoms of pneumonia in infants

What is pneumonia

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Newborn babies are subject to various diseases. Among them are pneumonia, which is popularly called pneumonia. If you ignore the disease and treat its own possible unwanted effects. This infectious disease causes inflammation of lung tissue and affects the alveoli. When this happens in the inflammatory exudation. The cause of the disease is exposure to different microorganisms. Pneumonia in infants is quite dangerous infection, which can lead to death.

The disease has not always been the same, differing by extent of injury and severity. But for newborns, this is one of the dangerous infections. Since the immune system has not had time to meet with viruses and bacteria, it can not quickly cope with them. Therefore, to treat the baby must leave the hospital and under the supervision of doctors.


There are several types of pneumonia in her disposition. It is:

  • focal,
  • lobar,
  • segmental,
  • total.

Also found the drain type when small lesions coalesce into one or a few large. In lobar pneumonia the inflammation affects the entire lobe of the lung. The focal point visible pockets of inflammation. But in total, it goes on light stuff. In addition, distinguish between unilateral and bilateral, where the affected one or both lungs.

If the disease develops as an independent, it is called primary. Secondary occurs against a background of another infection.

Causes of infectious diseases

Simptomy pnevmonii u grudnogo rebenka

Factors of occurrence of pneumonia in babies be all sorts of reasons. And it's not always a cold or the flu. Often this is facilitated by the intrauterine acquired disease. They, along with the usual reasons can cause this serious illness.

There are several reasons:

  • birth trauma or congenital defects of development of organs,
  • intrauterine hypoxia or hereditary immunodeficiency,
  • eating disorder and digestion,
  • hypovitaminosis.

A disease occurs when the weakening of the immune system. The cause may be primary disease of the respiratory system. Often this can occur due to colds or bronchitis.

Types of pneumonia

Distinguish between disease types.

  1. Bacterial.
  2. Viral.
  3. Fungal.
  4. Drug.
  5. Physico-chemical.

Most often affects newborns Streptococcus pneumoniae. Its incubation period is fairly short, so the symptoms appear after a couple of days. One of the most dangerous is Legionella pneumonia. Its incubation period is a little more, but the beginning is quite sharp and can lead to death.

Symptoms of pneumonia

Depending on the clinical picture will develop signs of pneumonia in the newborn. They also depend on the severity of the disease and the magnitude of lung disease. Pneumonia in infants symptoms may be different, but basically they are similar.

Typical pneumonia

It can be quite acute and her symptoms are well expressed. There is:

  • sudden increases in temperature,
  • shortness of breath,
  • cough,
  • pale skin,
  • cyanosis of nasolabial triangle.

    Simptomy pnevmonii u grudnogo rebenka

Child of breath, it groans. Filling the lungs with air not complete, so rapid breathing is also present. Baby refuses to eat, leading to weight loss. He's apathetic, sometimes causeless crying and not sleeping well.


The disease is characterized by smoother symptoms that do not always give the opportunity at the outset to define pneumonia. Considering the clinical picture, you can see that pulmonary manifestations are less pronounced, but the intoxication of child's body is expressed vividly.

Amongthe symptoms are:

  • low-grade or high temperature,
  • General weakness and lack of appetite,
  • a small amount of sputum and cough.

You may also receive skin rashes, muscle and joint pain. This baby will cry, be touched and hold. Some children may be nosebleeds, vomiting.

If you conduct a survey, sometimes there are dystrophic changes of internal organs.

Secondary pneumonia

This type of pneumonia develops on the background of other diseases or the occurrence of some factors. Most often it happens:

  • suction,
  • septic,
  • due to birth injury,
  • on the background of immunodeficiency.

The most common of them may be aspiration pneumonia, the symptoms of which begin to develop after contact with amniotic fluid during birth, as well as incorrect technique of feeding. The symptoms are mild, sometimes without a temperature, which complicates the diagnosis.

Lobar pneumonia

It has long been considered one of the separate diseases. It's infectious-allergic disease in an acute form. Affects multiple lobes of the lungs or only one. In the alveoli is always found fibrinous exudate arising from small blood vessels.

Babies have this infection is quite rare, but it happens. Her symptoms were well expressed and manifested:

  • temperature,
  • pale skin,
  • vomiting,
  • hurried breathing,
  • abdominal pain and bloating.

May cause convulsions, chest from the affected lung will lag behind when breathing. But in the early days may not have a cough. If there is a complication, it often is due to pleurisy.

Congenital pneumonia

It happens that children are born with pneumonia. This occurs because of maternal illness and complications during pregnancy. The disease most often develops from an existing:

  • infectious disease,
  • chronic disease,
  • increased period without water during childbirth,
  • problems with the functions of the cervix.

    Simptomy pnevmonii u grudnogo rebenka

The development of pneumonia begins immediately after birth. It often strikes premature babies.

In this case, the disease is quite heavy, which requires special attention of doctors. The child for the duration of the treatment is in the Department of pathology of newborns. Modern medicine copes with the treatment, although such pneumonia is difficult.

After recovery are required to appoint a reception for the normalization of intestinal microflora, because treatment are antibiotics. When transferred congenital infection increases the likelihood of various diseases of the respiratory system. But this does not mean that pneumonia will constantly appear. Most likely it will be the lighter of the disease.

To avoid such a diagnosis is sufficient during pregnancy to treat the existing infection and to constantly monitor their health.


An important point in the treatment of pneumonia is the diagnosis. But an accurate diagnosis is not always possible. It is especially difficult to do in the beginning of the disease or in mild. So often parents simply confuse pneumonia with other diseases, begin to treat him. And this necessarily leads to confusion of the picture of pneumonia. Why doctors, upon inspection, it is difficult to identify the infection.

For diagnosis you must see a doctor. He will examine, listen to lungs, take advantage of the percussion. Required to appoint a chest x-ray, General blood and urine. This set of research methods helps to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to treat pneumonia

Usually full treatment is required to put the child to the hospital. It is necessary to permanently supervise its condition, which gives the opportunity to use the necessary procedures or medications. Some parents want to treat children at home if form of the disease easy. But you have to understand that in this case no guarantee for the correctness of the treatment. After all, it is possible to change the course of the disease and ignoring it can worsen the condition of the child.

The basis for drugs during treatment, serve as antibacterial agents. Some prescribe medication to boost immunity. Required thinners and withdrawal of phlegm from the body. Independently it is impossible to pick up. Error in the selection of such a medication may cost the child's health.

Symptoms during treatment are fast, but the internal inflammation remains until the end of treatment. Therefore, it is important to take medication to the newborn the number of days and the dosage which is prescribed by the doctor. If you stop the treatment is not timely, it will become a chronic bronchopulmonary disease.

Additional steps during the treatment

In addition to taking the prescribed medications, some important actions. They will help you recover faster and strengthen the influence of drugs. For baby required breathing exercises, massage. They are carried out only after normalization of temperature. This makes it quicker and easier to get rid of phlegm.

It is also important to followfood and fluid in the body of the baby. Some appoint a special inhalation. But banks and mustard is strictly prohibited. They will only worsen the condition.

The room must be constantly aired, to do frequent wet cleaning. During treatment, do not add in the diet of new foods. It is not known how he will act on the child's body, because of possible allergies or disorder of the intestine.


To preserve the baby's health it is important not to interrupt breastfeeding. Mother's milk it receives adequate nutrition and essential nutrients for strengthening the immune system. Also it is impossible to visit such a small child to a public place in a time of heightened epidemiological risk. After all, even a simple cold can lead to complications such as pneumonia.

Big role in protecting playing immunization against pneumococcus. It is necessary to conduct charging and gradually introduce your baby to the tempering. At first, he may take air baths, because it is small.

Cleanliness and personal hygiene, clean air, and ventilation helps in the fight for health. You can't smoke near the child and should avoid dusty areas.

If the family is sick, it is isolated and not allowed to see the child until full recovery. Monitor the health status of children and if you feel unwell go to the hospital and not try folk remedies or drugs for adults to treat it.