Pneumonia symptoms in adults with temperature treatment

The concept of "pneumonia" is a General category of diseases that cause inflammation of the lung tissue. Under this expression gets several different groups of diseases and for most of them there are features in development. Signs of the manifestations of pneumonia in an adult can have both the differences and common due to the similarity of the symptoms of diseases of a catarrhal nature. Since almost all lung diseases can seriously be reflected in the future (including death), to the question of diagnosis that appears uncharacteristic for a normal lifestyle symptoms need to be taken very seriously. Because the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult can due to individual characteristics manifest extremely sluggish, normal listening may not reveal.

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Statistics say that every year from wrong diagnosis and delayed treatment of inflammatory processes in the lung kills more than 10% of patients. This fact suggests that among people with pneumonia there are immoral attributable to their own health.

Risk factors and other causes

Pneumonia is an infectious disease, an agent provocateur which is the influence of microorganisms pathogenic species trapped in the body in various ways. It may be pneumococci, staphylococci, viruses, Legionella, chlamydia and the like. Disease through the blood and lymph is almost not transmitted in the majority provocateur of inflammation of tissues of the lung are transmitted by coughing and sneezing. The immune system of a healthy person, in most cases, successfully resists the action of infections, but in a weakened form, or in the period of the disease other respiratory diseases can be developed further.

Any manifestation of infectious diseases should be investigated and initiated appropriate treatment, otherwise the situation may become more complicated with penetration of infection in the lung tissue that is manifested in the end result in the form of pneumonia. The alveoli of the lungs in any processes of an inflammatory nature, filled with a liquid, whereas the main function of the capillaries transfer oxygen makes it difficult. Additionally are formed overlap in the form of liquid tubes for gas exchange, which affects in the form of oxygen deficiency and the problems caused by respiratory failure.

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Pneumonia in adults is the same frequent phenomenon as the elderly and children, and the decisive factor is still the same reduction of the protective properties of the immune system. In addition to this work the so-called risk factors that increase the chances of "buy" pneumonia:

  1. Activation of pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of hypothermia.
  2. The presence of chronic diseases of the lungs and nasopharynx.
  3. Heart disease and heart failure.
  4. Immunodeficiency.
  5. Diseases of endocrine nature.
  6. Surgery surgery, including diagnosis.
  7. The presence of harmful habits.

The presence of pneumonia in pregnant women can negatively appear on the baby, doctors warn that the first symptoms of the disease can manifest in the form of increased temperature, and other similar forms, as colds. At the initial stage of treatment in pregnant women pneumonia and other inflammatory processes will help to avoid the use of drugs with serious side effects. This emphasizes once again the necessity of timely conducting of examinations in medical institutions.

Pneumonia in adults — primary and secondary symptoms

Have pneumonia and every other disease, there are a number of manifestations in the form of symptoms based on which you can draw some conclusions. The initial symptoms of pneumonia in adults are expressed in drowsiness, fatigue, people notice that they have reduced working capacity, loss of appetite. Listing the first signs of pneumonia in the adult, experts allocate the main:

  1. Deterioration of health. The manifestation has too wide a range for many diseases, not just colds or inflammatory nature, but, nevertheless, the factor is a direct proof of weakening the immune system.

    Pnevmoniya simptomy u vzroslyh s temperaturoj lechenie

  2. High temperature. This is the main symptom for almost all types of pneumonia, although the signs of pneumonia without fever is not uncommon in recent times and an example of thisatypical form of the disease. Since most diseases of a catarrhal nature are accompanied by coughing, chills, fever, pneumonia is often confused or misdiagnosed in the initial form, have not yet manifested other symptoms.
  3. Cough in pneumonia begins almost from the first days. SARS is more characteristic of a cough without isolation of phlegm, but this phenomenon is relatively infrequent. Cough with phlegm, which differs distinctly purulent tissue, clumps of dark yellow and fragments, resembling the rust is more common phenomenon.
  4. Shortness of breath is also included in the signs of pneumonia in adults and this symptom suggests that it takes a serious turn: in the lungs begins to accumulate fluid, there is a feeling of lack of oxygen. During exercise are especially sensitive to frequent heart beats, breathing as after running.

Simultaneously with inflammation of the lungs may occur sore throat, dizziness, swelling, twisting of muscles and joints. That person started the pneumonia, and the disease is already advanced symptoms in adults can manifest itself even in such unusual manifestations as vomiting, the presence of herpes, diarrhoea, renal pain. These additional symptoms are explained by the effects of toxins or the presence of secondary infections, which are joined to the body due to low immunity. From the above we can conclude, what are the symptoms to determine the presence of pneumonia:

  1. The presence of cough.
  2. Chest pain.
  3. Strong chills, fever, high temperature.
  4. Shortness of breath at the slightest physical exertion.

Features diagnosis

So how does pneumonia to normal standards on the grounds that have similarities with colds, the slightest suspicion about the presence of diseases require immediate diagnosis. At the initial stage of the inflammatory process can heal not only faster, but also to avoid many complications that rich this disease. The physician must compare the symptoms and treatment are prescribed depending upon the stage of disease progression.

The basis of the measures that ensure the correctness of the diagnosis for pneumonia included two kinds of research: does the blood of a General nature and biochemistry. X-rays will provide more accurate information regarding the modifications that occurred in the lungs, this form of diagnosis is the basis for diagnosis of any pulmonary diseases. Once confirmed, the symptoms, and the treatment was assigned, is required to conduct examination, which will confirm the reasonableness of prescribed medicines.

At primary diagnosis, a technician can identify only the presence of wheezing with a stethoscope. Because the causes of pneumonia may be different, the assumption of the presence of the disease can be nominated at the primary medical examination in the form of a provisional diagnosis. Often we have to do at home, if the patient calls the specialist at home due to poor health.

Especially severe cases of pneumonia, or in the absence of positive results during the treatment, experts use additional diagnostics:

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  1. Lung biopsy.
  2. Blood for culture to help determine infections.
  3. Bronchoscopy.
  4. Imaging the lungs (with the help of computer technology).

These methods of diagnosis provide the definition of not only the presence of very severe pneumonia, and other lung diseases.

The danger of delayed diagnosis

Often patients with pneumonia are ignoring the symptoms that require immediate detailed survey and try to solve the problem of healing yourself, the drugs, the purpose of which causes the capture of a wide range of diseases, including colds. What can be the consequences of such attitude to their health is difficult to predict in advance, but that it threatens to manifestations in the form of serious complications, is known to practically every adult. The most common complications improper treatment of lung inflammation are:

  1. Endocarditis and a myocardium. Both diseases are inflammatory in nature and amenable to treatment is not always effective. This can then go in the pathological form of the disease.
  2. Diseases of the meninges in the form of inflammation (meningitis, encephalitis).
  3. As a result of intoxication, the body can respond to the emergence of sepsis.
  4. Inflammation of the pleura.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Abscesses of the lungs.

These complications are the basis of future problems with health, but there are several other dangers that are a consequence of delayed treatment in a medical institution for diagnosis of symptoms.

How to avoid illness

The expression: "if only he knew where he fell, straws would spread" in this case is very appropriate: the disease can be avoided if precautions are not neglected prevention.

  1. The appearance of simple colds to apply effective treatments that are prescribed after an examination by specialists.
  2. To abandon bad habits.
  3. To avoid hypothermia, excludingthe possibility of provocations microorganisms of pathogenic character.
  4. To protect themselves when in contact with sick people.
  5. Timely conduct prevention to strengthen the immune system.

The use of food ingredients that prevent the formation of infection, strengthening of respiratory organs with hardening, gymnastics also enhances the body's defenses against viruses and infections. The correct way of life helps to strengthen the immune system, the main factor responsible for the condition of the body under the influence of negative environment. In protection from diseases pneumonia can include special vaccines, which aim to strengthen the body against infection in the period of mass outbreaks of colds.