Treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies the most popular recipe

Lechenie pnevmonii narodnymi sredstvami samyj populyarnyj recept

Pneumonia due to the development of inflammation in the lungs fraught with relapses and complications. Patients for the whole treatment period of bed rest is shown, in particular, to apply traditional methods of treatment: infusions and compresses fitotron to achieve a rapid effect, as additional funds to antibiotics.

What is the effectiveness of fitotron?

What natural herbs help to remove the signs of inflammation: cough, nasal congestion, pain and sore throat. Herbal medicine is indispensable in order to prevent in the offseason, when often catarrhal diseases people suffer. The efficacy of traditional medicine are proven by doctors. Quite successful treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies and the most popular recipes include infusions, balms and mixtures of the herbs by holding the inhalation for the infiltration in the lungs, coughing, narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi. Help decoctions for oral and lotions for local impact.

The symptoms of pneumonia are similar to many infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Pneumonia is fraught with complications: pleurisy, destruction of the lungs, cardiovascular failure.

It is important to strengthen the immune system and avoid the complications of combining herbs with therapeutic exercise, abundant drinking at least 1.5 liters per day.

When pneumonia occurs infiltration in the lungs. The alveoli are filled with purulent exudate. Patients observed:

  • cough with wheezing,
  • shortness of breath and percussion sounds with oppression in the lungs,
  • obstruction and pulmonary infiltration,
  • the narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi.

When right-sided pneumonia (unlike LH) complications occur frequently. The disease becomes dangerous when joined by other infections: Mycoplasma, chlamydia, pneumococcus. How to cure pneumonia traditional methods will tell you only doctor.

When choosing a folk remedy for pneumonia need to take into account the severity of existing symptoms. Perhaps the appearance:

  • nausea and vomiting,
  • disorders chair,
  • mental confusion,
  • apathy and emotional overstimulation,
  • rapid heartbeat,
  • blanching of the skin of the skin,
  • fevers,
  • the increase in temperature, indicating that the occurrence of the intoxication syndrome.

    Lechenie pnevmonii narodnymi sredstvami samyj populyarnyj recept

Folk remedies in the treatment of inflammation of the lungs — a great addition to the basic treatment with antibiotics. However, we should not get involved self. You can only complicate the situation and greatly degrade the overall health.


  • dramatically high fever,
  • observed light-headedness,
  • trouble breathing need to seek emergency medical attention for accurate diagnosis, tests in the laboratory, also x-rays.

Pneumonia, popular recipes

  1. To eliminate the cough, strengthen the immune system will help the infusion of oats (1 Cup) and garlic (1 head). Mix, pour the milk (2l), let it sit in the oven for up to 2 hours, drain. Make hot just before sleep 1/3 Cup.
  2. To pound the garlic to a pulp (100 g), add the goose fat (500 g), stand in a water bath for 7 minutes, cool, apply to the chest as a compress by wetting the parchment paper, winding wool top cloth
  3. It is an excellent diaphoretic, antibacterial agent of severe pneumonia. Carnation (5 flowers), garlic (5 cloves), sugar (1 tbsp) pour in 300 m of water and Cahors (300ml) to boil on the fire to reduce the liquid by half. To drink in a warm and strained a half a Cup along with a breastfeeding heating pads, wraps a towel.

The use of balms

  1. A good recipe for lung diseases, cure even tuberculosis. 2-3 tablespoons St. John's wort, pour boiling water (0.5 l), stand on fire for 0.5 hours, cool, strain. Add lime honey pre-melt in a water bath, stir, leave to 2 weeks in a dark place. Make, shaking, for 2 h. L. 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment — 14 days.
  2. Balm as a good remedy acute pneumonia and bronchitis: aloe Vera (200 g) was mixed with Cahors wine (0.5 l) and liquid honey (300 g), insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. This is an excellent tool for strengthening your lungs.
  3. Great folk remedy for inflammation in the lungs and bronchi: interior pork fat (300 g) to connect with green apples (6 pieces),pour the mashed egg yolks (12pcs), sugar (1 Cup), chopped chocolate (300 g). Lubricate with a mixture of bread, preferably with goat's milk.
  4. Vietnamese balm as a traditional way to cure pneumonia.
  5. Squeeze the juice of plantain, mix with honey and sugar powder. For discharge of phlegm to take before meals for 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.
  6. Potatoes cut in half,to boil, to RUB his back and chest until completely cooled potatoes.
Lechenie pnevmonii narodnymi sredstvami samyj populyarnyj recept

A simple and most popular recipe in the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies — RUB the piece of bandage onion juice, inhale the vapors for 10 minutes a day.

Catarrhal syndrome, accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory tract will help horseradish (root). Grind 20g, folded into the bowl to inhale the vapors for 10 minutes every 3 hours, or make a tincture on alcohol, inhaling fumes of the mixture until the disappearance of cough.

At the infiltrative syndrome of non-native methods of treatment is unlikely to help and can not do without antibiotics. Together as antibacterial effects lubricate rye bread with garlic and eat or inhalations of garlic with the addition of yogurt (1 Cup), inhaling fumes by mouth and nose.

To remove the inflammatory process, folk healers suggest in hemorrhagic syndrome and destructive changes in the lungs for the treatment to take calcium with a strong cough for this:

  • to connect lemons (10 pieces) eggs (6 pieces with the shell),
  • add honey (one jar) and brandy (3/4stakana),
  • to lay down the composition in a jar and stand in a cool place until completely dissolved eggshell,
  • next, heat the honey, add to the mixture,
  • drink 1 h. L. 3-4 times a day after meals,
  • keep this calcined for 3 weeks.

When the symptoms in pneumonia already starts to decline it is recommended to inflate balloons or as a simple method – dissolve propolis (for 1goroshine) per day.

Tinctures and compresses

You can prepare a tincture for inflammation of the lungs. Linden honey (1 kg) combine with the chopped leaves of aloe (1 Cup), add olive oil (200 ml), Linden blossom (50 g), birch buds (100 g). Well steamed-up, take 1-2 TSPS of the pre-shaking.

Dried fruit as an effective tool for the treatment of pneumonia and has no contraindications. Recommended for children give raisins, figs. To prepare a decoction of raisins (0.5 Cup) to scroll in a meat grinder, pour boiling water (1 Cup), boil, strain and drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Figs help to strengthen your immunity. To prepare pour boiling water (1 Cup) a few pieces of figs, boil for 15 minutes on the fire, take before meals.

To achieve rapid effect in pneumonia, you can use several useful recipes. For example, squeeze the juice from the aloe leaf, crushed birch buds, add honey (1 Cup), heat the mixture on a water bath for 10 minutes. Take 0.5 Cup 3 times a day.

Here is a simple and effective treatment of folk remedies:

  • chamomile (crushed leaves) to infuse in vodka for 7 days, take 2 tablespoons before meals,
  • Salvia officinalis, plantain (herb), pulmonaria, centaury, wormwood, mix, pour boiling water (1 Cup), to drink warm.

If obscurely in the lungs severe intoxication, often with nausea and vomiting on the background of release of toxins the blood, leading to:

  • disorders of consciousness,
  • violation of appetite,
  • increase heart rate,
  • fever,
  • rise in temperature.

Children to reduce bouts of intoxication to treat the pulmonary disease, the recommended drug charges:

  • aloe cut into small pieces, put them into a glass container, pour liquid honey, add the of Cahors, insist 14 days. Drink composition of the strained 1 teaspoon 3 times a day,
  • mix honey (1 tsp) with pork fat, add boiling milk (1 Cup). After cooling the mass to add the raw egg (2-3pcs), drink composition for a month.

Light treatment of folk remedies can not do without honey. Can be applied in a compress with the addition of dry mustard, or to insist on vodka, also prepare the broth: mix the honey (300 g), with the aloe leaves, add 5 cups of water and boil the mixture. Drink 3 times a day for 1 tbsp.

To treat inflammation in pneumonia need to. Patients recommend the doctors to adjust the diet. Can not do without massage, exercises, acupuncture, conducting inhalation.

When the pain in the chest shows the applying of heating pads. When the temperature — compliance with bed rest, wearing cotton bed linen.

Lechenie pnevmonii narodnymi sredstvami samyj populyarnyj recept

Prevention it is important to regularly brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, oak bark, in addition, often ventilate the area to prevent excessively dried air. To make meals more nutritious with the inclusion of vitamins and minerals to prevent constipation and bloating. Regularly massage the breast to better departed sputum.

Each medicinal herbs there are contraindications, so you first need to consult a doctor. To the basic medical course is a good addition and the most popular effective recipe together with your doctor to find not difficult, important not to self-medicate. The consequences can be serious. The symptoms can only worsen, complication is inevitable. If, however, the dramatically increased temperature, difficulty breathing, then you need to call an ambulance. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis based on thelaboratory analysis.