Pneumonia in the newborn: effects and causes, treatment, fetal, what, aspiration

Any disease and pathology that manifest in a person always pose a relatively greater threat to the health of the child. If the adult body can simply transfer the disease to the baby she will be a real problem. But if you quickly take proper measures, the problem can be prevented before it becomes serious and to avoid the consequences – although sometimes the latter, unfortunately, can still occur. Consider a specific example – pneumonia in babies and newborns. To understand how the disease itself and what it may entail consequences.

Pnevmoniya u novorozhdennogo: posledstviya i prichiny, lechenie, vnutriutrobnaya, skolko, aspiracionnaya

Definition of the disease

Pneumonia is pathological (or rather, a group of infectious diseases), in which there is inflammation of the lung tissue, as well as the defeat of the walls of the bronchi. More specifically, it affects the connective tissue of the lungs and the alveoli, in which the formation of exudate.

There are statistics, according to which 15% of all cases of childhood pneumonia, the disease is exposed to a newborn child.

There are not only different causes of manifestation of this disease (which is below), but also its various kinds. In particular, if the pneumonia began to develop even before the time of the birth of the baby, because the mother of the disease, various respiratory infections, then we say that we are talking about intrauterine pneumonia. The pneumonia, in turn is divided into type – hematogenous (when infection occurs through blood) and aspiration (when a cause of infection – fetal asphyxia) Also draw attention to the fact, involve one lung or two. Accordingly, in this scenario, pneumonia identificeret or as bilateral or unilateral.


Pneumonia may occur as an independent disease or can be secondary, arising on the background of other diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, sinusitis, sinusitis and others). These reasons are sufficiently equivalent, in average, occur with equal certainty.

Usually the disease has an infectious nature, the most common causative agent is Streptococcus pneumoniae, less catches aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Bacillus and other bacterial species – and not just bacteria. For example, often the effect of a virus different types of influenza.

Not the cause, but a factor that increases the likelihood of disease is prematurity of the baby. If the baby is premature, his body in an even more serious degree weakened, and this means that the risk of pneumonia will be significantly higher.


Symptoms of pneumonia in toddlers are quite simple. First noticeable hypotension, respiratory distress of the child, a pale-gray color of his skin. In the process of feeding it can start as stomach cramps, and sometimes even vomiting. Can also be heard rales in the lungs. Changing the nature of the child's behavior, he becomes drowsy and lethargic. Also, in some cases it may even appear some signs of heart insufficiency.

If the baby has intrauterine pneumonia, then it can be identified at fairly loose stools, but also by the fact that the kid always refuses the breast and spits up often.

In all forms of the disease can manifest an elevated temperature, and its increase can be very serious.

Although usually the symptoms are easy to read, it also happens that the problem runs almost without pronounced symptoms in the first place without temperature. Then the parents do not suspect that the child is ill, but an experienced pediatrician at the first audition kid immediately identify what's wrong with him is wrong.

Possible complication

p>complications of the disease can be very different. First, there can be a detoxification of the body. In this case, it is assigned to a therapy, which can help to flush toxins and adjust acid-alkaline balance in the body.

Secondly, you may experience various problems with the heart and blood vessels. In particular, may manifest vascular blood clotting and other similar adverse manifestations.

Can also manifest following complications:

  • the appearance of foreign bacteria in the blood,
  • respiratory failure,
  • throwing out harmful elements to other organs,
  • respiratory distress syndrome,
  • reduced pressure,
  • the development of obstructivebronchitis',
  • the appearance of malignant tumors in the lung area,
  • shock condition.

Can be less than the standard consequences depending on the individual characteristics of the condition of the newborn.

Also may require normal functioning of the brain and eliminating blood circulation. Obviously, this is impossible to carry out at home will require the mandatory intervention of a doctor, otherwise it may be a negative outcome.


The main consequence that can be the newborn is the origin of death. Unfortunately, it is quite often the outcome of mortality in neonates with pneumonia is quite high.

But even if it happens such negative consequences, completely without consequences not to manage. The inflammation may spread much in the lung tissue, causing disease, and may also, if the inflammation is further spread to the pleura, to develop pleurisy, which greatly aggravate the breathing problems of the baby and add to his pain.

Other consequences include increasing the acidity, lowering the level of hemoglobin, chlamydia and so on.

If treatment was started quickly enough, then the term getting rid of the disease is approximately one month, and the acute phase lasts about two weeks.


Prevention of disease in newborns, unfortunately, is usually highly complicated, because at this stage the child still has not developed immunity, therefore he is very vulnerable to any effects on his body. But, nevertheless, certain measures to ensure the safety of the child can be taken.

The main prevention that can be achieved is the maximum prevention of the mother. After all, if she will be sick during the pregnancy, then pneumonia may be easier to develop in utero. Because it is very important to make every effort that the mother was sick with respiratory diseases. For these purposes it is possible to be vaccinated against the flu, maintain a healthy lifestyle and to avoid stress.


Pneumonia in the newborn is an extremely dangerous disease that can cause death, if you leave it unattended. If it is known that the child has been exposed to the disease, you should immediately contact your doctor. Moreover, from this point it is necessary to monitor, implement treatment appropriate for his age group of medicines and so on. Then the probability that all will be well, that the disease shall depart, and the child will recover. Be careful towards the health of your baby and then you minimize the various risks that can happen to his health.