Bronchial pneumonia symptoms and treatment

Pneumonia is one of the most common diseases in recent times. However, such a disease can manifest itself in different ways. Focal pneumonia is very frequently diagnosed type of pneumonia that develops as a result of bronchitis, which determines its designation the term "bronchopneumonia". The disease can bring quite a lot of harm to the body if failure to provide timely treatment. That is why consider all the features that have bilateral focal pneumonia.

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Causes and pathogenesis

You should pay attention to the fact that the disease in many cases, this complication is a manifestation of ARVI with bronchitis. That is why a greater number of cases recorded in the autumn-winter period. A significant weakening of the immune system in this case leads to the activation of secondary infections, for example, measles, pertussis, typhoid, meningitis, otitis media and furunculosis.

The following pathogens:

  1. Viruses.
  2. Colon bacillus.
  3. Streptococci.
  4. Staphylococcus.

It should be borne in mind that the pneumococcus is more likely to be the causative agents of the disease under consideration. Other pathogens can cause complications focal pneumonia.

The ways of spreading of infection hematogenous, lymphogenous, bronchial. Special danger to the health of the carry case of the spread of the disease in the form of infection, as it can not only affect the respiratory system.

Acute focal pneumonia can develop in certain situations. There are predisposing factors to the development of these diseases:

  1. Hypothermia can cause the development in the body is considered disease. In many cases pneumonia occurs due to severe hypothermia.
  2. Ochagovaya pnevmoniya simptomy i lechenie

  3. Smoking has a complex effect on the body. When Smoking the lungs and bronchial tubes are damaged making them more susceptible to pathogens.
  4. Stress affects the entire body. If the agent becomes a virus or infection, lower immunity becomes the cause of the disease. The drain focal pneumonia affects the body that can't resist passing pathogenic processes.
  5. Inhalation of substances which are toxic to the body also leads to damage of the respiratory system, whereby it becomes susceptible to infections bacteria.
  6. Chronic diseases also significantly increase the susceptibility of the organism to the effects of viruses and bacteria.

Signs of the appearance of considered diseases – the beginning of the inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa. After some time, the inflammation affects mostly tissues.

Draining lesions leads to the development of a new type of disease – focal confluent pneumonia. Serous exudate occurs in the case of even minor violations of the integrity of the vascular wall, which leads to greater permeability. However, in this case, the hemoptysis does not occur.

There are also morphological features, which include the following highlights:

  1. The inflammatory process progresses more slowly.
  2. The lesion is small.
  3. Exudate is due for a serious or Muco-purulent character.
  4. Significantly impaired patency of the large and small bronchi.
  5. The disease occurs without clear separation of stages.

Lobular pneumonia of the left or right does not develop rapidly, which allows time to diagnose and treat you. However the likelihood of complications.

What are the symptoms and how to diagnose?

Symptoms of focal pneumonia can be characterized by mild manifestation. In most cases, the initial symptoms are tied to the body's reaction to the appearance of virus in the body. This is expressed in following way:

  1. Infection in the body's immune system reacts to a significant increase in temperature.
  2. A manifestation of common cold, dry cough.
  3. It is likely that there will be a sputum mucous type.
  4. The appearance of weakness.

On the background of the therapy may appear shortness of breath, tachycardia, fever to a peak. All these signs indicate the appearance of intoxication.

and treatment" />

For a long period of prevailing high temperature causes seeking medical attention. The initial examination may indicate the occurrence of the considered diseases. The doctor in the diagnosis may be based on the following symptoms:

  1. The noise produced by the friction of the pleura.
  2. Pallor of the skin.
  3. Significant muted protonnogo sound over the seat of the disease.
  4. Significant weakening of breathing, the appearance of wet finely wheezing.

Lobular pneumonia the symptoms and treatment is based on chest x-ray. Also in this case performed CT.

Medical history and recreate a General picture of the disease is also in the study of blood. As a rule, the treatment of focal pneumonia based on the determination of the concentration of white blood cells, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a significant increase in the concentration of C-reactive protein.

Also considering the research methods focuses on microbiological research. This is collecting of sputum, blood, swabs. Microbiological tests allow us to determine the etiology of the pathogen, the sensitivity of an organism to influence of various drugs.

There is a certain classification of the disease. It is represented as follows:

  1. Right hand.
  2. Left-side.
  3. Bilateral.
  4. Focal confluent.

Each type of pneumonia has its own characteristics, which will be discussed later in detail.

Right-side pneumonia

Because of the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the bronchial tree right-side pneumonia occurs more frequently than other types of the disease. The conducted research indicates that the right main bronchus is wider and Korce left. This moment becomes the cause of the rapid development of the virus.

The features of right-sided pneumonia can take:

  1. In this case, the observed morphological changes.
  2. There is a possibility of gradual or wave-like development of clinical manifestations of the disease.
  3. The physician on examination, the patient may hear important and dry wheeze.
  4. Right-sided focal pneumonia is characterized by symptoms erased. This point determines the occurrence of difficulties in diagnosis.

In the course of the disease in a simple form, the doctor may prescribe specific therapy. In many cases it is possible to carry out the treatment at home. In this therapy may be the use of drugs and traditional medicines.

The defeat of the left side

In case of defeat of the left side and in the absence of massive destruction, the disease manifests itself with moderate intoxication. Observation can lead to what is identified the gap left chest from the right.

The anatomical features that determine how it is instrumental diagnostics. This is due to the fact that conventional x-rays of the small lesions in the left rib cage is difficult to note. That is why in addition to x-ray studies performed CT, which allows to more accurately determine the origin of the dark spots on x-ray.

The defeat of both sides

After prolonged endotracheal anesthesia is the probability of hitting both sides of the chest. Inflammation involves lobules, rarely separate segments.

You should consider the moment that the defeat of the two sides of the thorax pronounced intoxication. The patient feels chills, severe pain in the chest. In this case, the treatment is associated with hospitalization of the patient, as only in-patient treatment can eliminate the likelihood of complications.

Focal confluent pneumonia

Under certain circumstances there is a possibility of partial destruction of several segments, or even complete lobes of the lungs. When Troubleshooting, you can hear the gap substantially one-half of a chest from the other during breathing. Often diagnosed respiratory insufficient, which is manifested by shortness of breath.

X-rays often allow the inflammation and emphysematous changes in certain areas. Doctors say that focal-drain pneumonia is a brilliant manifestation of symptoms, which causes many problems for the patient, the clinical manifestation is similar to lobar pneumonia. In this case should be immediate and effective treatment. Only a hospital can provide the conditions that will allow the effective treatment.

Why develop complications?

Improper treatment may lead to further development of the disease, occurrence of pulmonary and extrapulmonary complications.

Complications of the pulmonary type, are as follows:

  1. Gangrene.
  2. Abscess.
  3. Pulmonary insufficiency, which manifests itself acutely.
  4. Pleurisy.
  5. Obstructive syndrome.

There is also the possibility of development of extrapulmonary complications. These include endocarditis, meningitis, myocarditis, anemia and toxic shock. It should be noted that these complications occur due to the significant weakening of the immunity because of the development of the disease.

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With the right treatment and uncomplicated course ofdisease recovery is two weeks.

Features of the therapy

Many forms of the considered diseases can be cured at home given the assigned combination therapy. However, it can be:

  1. Physical therapy presented by massage, therapeutic gymnastics, inhalation. As a rule, it is only after significant improvement of the patient when the primary symptoms to a lesser degree.
  2. Symptomatic therapy is represented by the appointment of the expectorant and antihistamine substances.
  3. Antibacterial therapy. Only in case of timely appointment of this therapy, you can expect to recover. In some cases, you receive chemotherapy for a wide spectrum. If after 3 days no improvement occurs, it is assigned a different type of antibiotics. Note, however, that independently carry out the prescription of antibiotics, as some can be ineffective, others to harm your health.
  4. Are also being developed and General rules: a diet high amounts of vitamins, following bed rest, vitamin therapy, drinking large amounts of water due to dehydration. General rules apply and what the patient needs is always in a comfortable environment. Even insignificant exposure to low temperature may lead to complications or aggravation of the disease itself.

If the disease occurs with complications should be hospitalized. The hospital can be conducted intensive infusion therapy. Even after substantial improvement of the patient, should be further treatment. This is due to the fact that even insignificant effects on the body there is a possibility of recurrence.

In conclusion, pneumonia is a fairly common disease that can occur in different forms. In many cases, the cause of the disease is significant overcooling or the occurrence of complications after SARS. In rare cases, the disease develops because of infection of the body. In this case, the occurrence of the disease is in a complicated form.