Left lower lobe pneumonia treatment

Focal lung diseases can bring quite a lot of problems and cause the development of pathologies that can lead to death. Left lower lobe pneumonia – a kind focal disease that develops because of infection of the organism, fungus or virus. Consider the type of pneumonia affects the lower respiratory tract. The pathogen is transmitted by airborne droplets, causing rapid spread of the disease. According to studies, a lesion of the right lung occurs more frequently than the left due to the anatomical features of the body. The right bronchus is larger, shorter and directed to the bottom. The above information defines what is pneumonia in her left lung indicates a significant weakening of the body due to the development of chronic diseases, latent infection. The inflammatory process, depending on the particular case, may affect a single part or the whole of the lower lobe of the lung. From the extent of damage depends on the complexity of the treatment and the degree of manifestation of symptoms.

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The symptoms of the inflammatory process?

The disease itself manifests a quite remarkable symptoms and the diagnosis of pneumonia is quite simple, in that to distinguish left from the other types is quite difficult. However, note that left pneumonia in its first stages may be asymptomatic – symptoms only when starts the acute form. The primary symptoms presented a rapid change in body temperature and change the General condition. However, it should be remembered that the probability of death in pneumonia is 5% accounting for untimely appeal to the doctor, belated treatment. The cause of the disease may be virus, bacteria or Mycoplasma. That is why you should consider symptom with a strict separation of causes of the disease.

Left-sided pneumonia viral type has the following symptoms:

  1. When getting almost any virus in the body the first reaction is substantially increasing the temperature of the body.
  2. Dry cough can also indicate pneumonia.
  3. Muscle weakness is the result of a violation of the natural process of metabolism and the weakening of the body.
  4. Fatigue when performing everyday tasks.
  5. Shortness of breath no significant load.

In the case when left-sided pneumonia develops after the ingestion of the bacterium, the disease can be mistaken for intoxication or other inflammatory process. The symptoms are as follows:

  1. Unlike viral forms of the disease in this case, the wet cough.
  2. Coughing is copious sputum.
  3. The temperature may increase, but as a rule, intense heat there.

You can also highlight symptoms that are characteristic of all forms of left-side pneumonia:

  1. Pain in the throat.
  2. Increasing the temperature to 39 – 40 degrees.

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  3. Strong chills.
  4. Cough with sputum, which in the acute form there are streaks of blood.
  5. Headache, vomiting, nausea.
  6. Sweating even in the absence of strong heat.
  7. Pain on the left side of the chest, which can significantly increase when you inhale.
  8. Fainting, frequent dizziness because of obessolivanija.
  9. Nails and lips can change the hue becoming more blue.

The third form of the disease triggered by the Mycoplasma, the most difficult, as characterized by all the above symptoms. Left-sided pneumonia, manifested in any form, needs to be immediately diagnosed to assign the most effective treatment. The patient's condition may dramatically change treatment before the onset of acute symptoms helps to reduce the likelihood of the process of pathological changes in severe cases cause death.

What are the diagnostic methods?

As in many other cases, only with proper and timely diagnosis, you can count on successful treatment. It should be noted that a skilled doctor immediately after taking a history and during the examination may make a preliminary diagnosis and order additional tests. Only after conducting certain tests, the diagnosis be made definitively, and inflammation of the lower lobe of the left lung starts to be treated the most effective method in a particular case.

Modern diagnostic methods can be called:

  1. Radiograph – a study carried out by the use of special equipment for capturing images where you can see the pulmonary lesion. This method allows to determine only the degree of lung damage, the resulting picture does not show all information necessary to assigntreatments.

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  2. Bronchoscopy – visual inspection method, which is to run a tube with a miniature camera. Note that this method is extremely unpleasant, but provides more detailed information for diagnosis. It is prescribed quite frequently in specialized departments.
  3. Laboratory studies of sputum and blood – a mandatory stage of the study of the disease, as only this method can determine the type of bacteria or virus. Effective treatment is aimed not only at reducing the degree of manifestation of symptoms, but also to combat the pathogen. Identifying the type of agent and its activity in the body, you can assign antibacterial or antiviral drugs.
  4. Drugs highly directional effects are assigned when conducting additional laboratory tests, which consist in the cultivation of colonies of bacteria or viruses in the most favorable environment obtained from sputum or blood. This method is used in case of acute forms of the disease or with a strong tightening treatment, as the cultivation of colonies of bacteria and viruses takes a lot of time.

The above studies allow us to determine how developed left-sided pneumonia, at what stage is the disease, what drugs are resistant pathogen and what treatments will be most effective.


Despite the emergence of new drugs, the lower part of the lung affected with the virus or bacteria, cure is difficult. Also everyone should understand that the fight with this disease is not – self in the case of any form of pneumonia is life-threatening. It does not matter how pronounced the symptoms because the condition may change significantly even within one day.

Primary treatment, which is aimed at combating the pathogen in order to help the body overcome the crisis presented by the prescription of antibiotics. Pending the results of laboratory tests of blood or sputum treatment common. As a rule, antibiotics are used to 2 and 3 generations. The assignment is performed depending on what symptoms the patient.

In addition, your doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  1. Bronchodilator.
  2. To liquefy phlegm.
  3. Complexes to enhance the immune system and to accelerate the process of formation of antibodies that fight a virus or bacterium.

Can also be assigned to chest compressions that must be extremely specialist. Self the procedure may exacerbate the condition and bring quite a lot of discomfort.

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Once the physician receives the laboratory results are assigned a medicament to a narrow range. His acceptance and observance of the established mode allows to kill the virus or bacteria, followed by a stage of improvement of the patient.

In conclusion, we note that the development of these diseases, particularly left-sided forms occur only with a substantial weakening of the immune system. That is why prevention is the observance of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and supplementation with vitamin complexes at the time of epidemics, stressful situations. Cause of reproduction of the pathogen may also become severe hypothermia, should be avoided.