Leprosy: the disease, prevention and treatment

One of the terrible legacies of the past centuries leprosy, also known as the disease of St. Lazarus, and today is a very great danger to the inhabitants of the world's population. At risk millions of people of the African continent, India and South America. And even in our relatively safe from the epidemiological point of view, the days leprosy remains extremely dangerous for those who do not have her stable immune system. So why did this scourge of the middle Ages and was not finally defeated?

In fact, a clear answer to this question does not exist. As it is impossible to explain what leprosy without making history. After all, chronic granulomatous disease, whose causative agent was reliably established only in the XIX century Norwegian physician Gerhard Hansen, first mentioned in the ancient Chronicles and treatises, accompanying humanity all the way in the development of civilization, but still remain among threats, a struggle which continues to this day.

From the first references to epidemics

Already in the earliest documents known to humanity, leprosy is mentioned as one of the most dangerous diseases, the symptoms of which is very difficult to confuse with other forms of cutaneous lesions. Ancient Indian and doctors, and best doctors of Ancient Egypt unsuccessfully fought with this disease, finding effective means to cure it or at least to alleviate the patient's condition. And even in the biblical parables was a place to describe the suffering of the leper of the person for whom the disease was a test of the power of his spirit.

However, attempts to deal with the consequences of leprosy were undertaken at all times. However, the form which they wore sometimes was quite shocking. For example, from VI to XV century, in enlightened Europe the lepers were simply declared dead, holding a symbolic ceremony of their burial and forever separating sick people with relatives.

Transportation for life in the leper colony the original reservation, which was forced to live carriers of infectious diseases were widespread. But even this measure could not be considered effective.

Not receiving any help people who are forced to go through all the stages of development of the illness, as the disease evolved these became sources of infection are capable of spreading dangerous bacteria in their environment. And even insulation are unable to rectify the situation. In the Middle ages, leprosy broke out under the control of physicians, and has become a real epidemic that claimed the lives of thousands of people and turned into invalids of almost every ill patient.

From the middle Ages to the present day

The identification of the causative agent (Mycobacterium leprae was the first identified sources of bacterial lesions of the body) made a scientific breakthrough, but has not brought tangible change to those who have been a carrier of the disease. And only with the active development of pharmacology, the leprosy became curable, thanks to improved compositions used in the treatment of antibiotics. Increased level of sanitation and hygiene also contributed to the reduction of the morbidity. Today the foci of this infection raging only in countries such as Brazil, India, Burma and some African (from Madagascar to Mozambique). And individual foci of infection were observed in more than 90 countries.

A disease with an incredibly long incubation period and a very high level of disability. All of this leprosy, the causative agent of which can exist independently in humans for several decades without any visible signs.

However, usually the visible signs of the disease are felt after 3 to 7 years after infection. That, with early diagnosis gives patients a good chance for a full recovery. But in the later stages to achieve a cure is no longer possible. But physicians can ease the condition of patients and put the leprosy in remission.

Today leprosy in Russia is under control. The cases of acute and chronic diseases under control, patients receive specific medical care and treatment. And in four of the country's existing leprosarium, all the conditions for emergency and planned hospitalization of patients in need of specialized care.

Contagious is the disease?

The widespread belief that leprosy is a disease with a high level of epidemiological risk can be called incorrect. The greatest activity of the disease manifests in tropical and subtropical climates. And its agents demonstrate active growth of bacterial colonies only in the absence of specific treatment. It is worth noting that one of the reasons for the late detection of leprosyis the lack of conditions to conduct the necessary diagnostic procedures. Usually for the detection of bacteria on the skin is enough biopsy. And the reason for it can be:

  • the formation of surface skin lesions in the form of compacted spots, ulcers and pineal tumors,
  • reduced sensitivity of the peripheral nervous system,
  • tremor, joint pain, reduced sensation of the limbs,
  • headache, nausea, and other manifestations of intoxication,
  • dry mucous membranes, epistaxis,
  • hair loss in the eyebrows, deformity of the auricle.

However, early detection of the disease is not always possible. And here lies one of the main dangers. It is proved that, by analogy with tuberculosis, this disease is transmitted by airborne droplets through selection from mucous membranes of infected patients. Moreover, when single-or short-term contact risks of infection will be minimal, especially if the prank is not in the acute phase. And those at greatest risk are those who regularly contact with the carriers of the disease. In this case, risks becoming a carrier of infection have people whose immune defense is weakened and unable to cope with the attack of pathogenic bacteria.

The modes of transmission and risks of infection

Physicians are well aware that the disease called leprosy, is a frequent companion of poverty. The lack of opportunities to ensure a basic hygiene is a factor that increases the risk of developing the disease. However, according to immunologists, 95% of the population today have natural immunity against leprosy. But for the remaining 5% of the forecasts are not so optimistic. Moreover, increasingly identified genetic mutations that make the immune system vulnerable to the impact of the causative agent of this infection. And even just prolonged stay in areas with unfavorable epidemiological situation can be dangerous for tourists or going on a long trip people.

Leprosy is dangerous not only for people. Representatives of exotic fauna also suffer from this disease in particular, its speakers can be armadillos and chimpanzees. Moreover, the existence of natural sources of infection in almost 100% cases are sick rural residents, not citizens.

How is this dangerous for human health disease? There are several ways of infecting:

  • through blood when using non-sterile instruments in health care, as well as in cosmetology and permanent makeup,
  • airborne droplets in contact with a carrier of the infection,
  • through the soil in places with high levels of bacteriological danger,
  • via blood-sucking insects by the bite of mosquitoes.

No handshake, no hug, no use of common utensils are not a source of danger. Accordingly, following standard hygienic precautions there is no fear of infection. Travelers can also use a sterile bandage on the face to avoid receiving a infection when visiting the countries and regions where leprosy is prevalent.


Leprosy infection is not inherited. However, scientists have proved that people with high sensitivity to its pathogen at the genetic level, a higher chance to produce offspring with the same characteristics of the immune system. There are also frequent cases of transmission from mother to baby in utero. But the children of the first year of life to leprosy little sensitive and get sick very rarely.

Unfortunately, effective immunoprophylaxis for this disease does not exist. A vaccine against leprosy is not yet invented, but there is a special development with the killed mycobacteria, is based on a TB vaccination. In this case, the usual injection of BCG is complemented and becomes combined, but its use is only permitted in areas of active foci of infection. And the effectiveness of such a vaccination yet doesn't look too promising.

Are at risk and the staff of the Zoological gardens and nature reserves in contact with animals who are carriers of leprosy in the wild. True, for tourists there are risks are minimal. But, still, it is better to refuse from the idea of exotic pet primates and not try to make contact with the local fauna during a trip to distant countries.

As for living in the same room with a carrier of such diseases as leprosy, the risk of infection are quite high (on average, 8 times higher than ordinary people).
Thus patients receiving the necessary treatment, are not of particular danger and may be in outpatient treatment, resorting to hospitalization only in the most extreme cases.

What else should you know?

Leprosy today is not a sentence, but a disease, is quite amenable to specific treatment. And the sooner will be carried out diagnosis, the higher the chances of complete healing from leprosy. Moreover, it largely depends on the General condition of the human immune system. Indeed, the majority observed during the course of the disease complications is a result of the development of secondaryinfections, not the leprosy.

Therefore, in the complex of measures taken for the treatment is always included vitamins and minerals. A successful healing of the sick, the conditions to ensure the required level of sanitation and hygiene, are assigned a high-calorie diet and other restorative measures to make the fight for a full recovery more effective. And this practice has proved its worth, allowing you to achieve fast relief, even in patients with a chronic form of leprosy.

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