Complications of diphtheria, treatment and prevention of disease

Complication of dysentery

Diphtheria can cause a number of very serious consequences that may affect any area of the human body. If it's too late to start treatment, complications just can not avoid. So, what organs and systems can affect diphtheria?

Consequences that affect the cardiovascular system. Exotoxin, which secretes the diphtheria Bacillus, can greatly affect the peripheral nervous system, heart muscle, adrenal glands, but the most frequent pathology that can cause this disease is a pathology of the cardiovascular system. Cardiac lesions caused by diphtheria, may share, depending on the time of maturation of the disease.

  • The initial defeat of the cardiovascular system usually occur in the first weeks of infection.
  • Lesions of moderate severity of the cardiovascular system. These abnormalities occur approximately 14 to 21 day disease. Can cause pathology:
    • Infectious heart disease.
    • The defeat of myocarditis diphtheria can cause:
      • Diffuse myocarditis (1,2,3 degree of gravity).
      • Local myocarditis.
  • The defeat of the cardiovascular system that occurs in the later stages of diphtheria. As a rule, begins to emerge during the emergence of mono - and polinevrita (4-5 week course of the disease).
Exotoxin is one of the most pathogenic bacterial toxins to humans.

When conducting research on the effects of the cardiovascular system opened 44 cases: the toxic species (17), late treatment common diphtheria (1), membranous localized form of diphtheria of the throat (21), self healing (6) when infected people are identified at a period of complications and 3 cases of combined types of membranous diphtheria of the nasopharynx. Strong affection of the cardiovascular system had been only 5 of people infected with the types of toxic diphtheria of the nasopharynx 2-3 stages, and there were 2 patients with hemorrhagic appearance.

During the experiment, infected humans too later appealed for help to the hospital, and therefore, the standard treatment for them was not effective. Health and General state of health was extremely difficult, and noted pronounced symptoms are blueing of the lips, loss of balance, weakness. The skin was pale with a grayish tinge. Among the lesions of the organs were enlarged liver and enlarged the boundaries of the heart. In connection with the expansion was marked hypotension. Also auditioned very bad heart tones were noted violation of automatie heart rhythm: asystole extras, gallop rhythm. Also people suffering from an advanced stage of diphtheria, complained of discomfort in the stomach, spasms, nausea and severe vomiting.

One person was noted atrioventricular blockage. Nausea, vomiting, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, tachycardia – these symptoms led the patient to death.

Life was interrupted for 4 people, in the diagnosis of toxic myocarditis. One person was killed as a result of collapse due to heart failure that resulted from touching the endocrine, nervous and adrenal systems.

When there is pathology of the autonomic nervous system, people have a heart an infectious syndrome. As a rule, these symptoms can be noticed when toxic, localized forms of diphtheria of the nasopharynx.

This pathology can be detected from the 4th day of illness up to several weeks. Revealed muffled heart tones, systolic noise is irregular, in some cases, premature beats. Heart boundaries are the same, in rare cases, the boundaries can be expanded to one and a half inches. These symptoms are intermittent and short-lived. The syndrome of heart infection was detected in 18 patients with localized forms of diphtheria throat.

After a few weeks of infection, usually in the toxic forms of diphtheria of the throat, formed the complications associated with myocarditis. From 26 people, was discovered symptoms of myocarditis. 16 of them with toxic species, one with common, and 9 with localized types. 9 localized types 6 people cured themselves and 3 late for starting therapy.

If any of the above symptoms should immediately seek medical attention.

The formation of myocarditis is accompanied by quiet heart tones, enlargement, systolic murmur, increase in size of the liver. When it starts severe stage of myocarditis, it starts bad conductivity. But a month later signs of myocarditis were gone and only occasionally at the time of discharge from the hospital may still be some changes, which are expressed in muted tones for several months.

After 3 weeks of the disease may occur thrombosis of the heart cavities, purulent manifestations thatoften playing not the last role at the end of diphtheria. These effects are formed in severe toxic forms. At the end of the disorders of the circulation channel in the brain and heart there is a feeling of anxiety, anxiety, pain in heart (if ECG is manifested as myocardial ischemia).

Morphological lesions of the cardiovascular system at 4 weeks of dysentery occurs in people with a toxic form of the disease, in parallel with mono - and polyneuritis. The symptoms of that form of lesions: hypertension, increased pulse, muted tones, beats. As a rule, patients feel normal and in time this pathology takes up to several weeks.

The effects that occur in the nervous system

If you encounter a toxic form of the disease affects mostly the sympathetic, Autonomous and located along the entire length of the cranial nerves ganglia. Lesions occur on the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, and also touches upon the cervical region of the sympathetic trunk, in very rare cases the affected nerves of the upper extremities.

Paralysis occurring in diphtheria, are slow and occur in the form of peripheral neuritis (a malfunction of a reflex arc, muscle atrophy, decreased sensitivity). The most common pathology in diphtheria is polyradiculoneuritis is the result of intoxication, which occurs when damage to the peripheral nerves and their roots. As usually most of all damaged the myelin sheath and the terminal nerve is not affected, then the process is reversed, i.e. it is reversible.

When diphtheria affects the throat area, in the form of lesions of the nervous system is the paralysis of the soft parts of the palate, pharynx. This is because a toxic substance that is transported through the blood, and exerts its pathogenic effect on the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves near the localized infectious focus.

The same process happens when infected with diphtheria not until the end sausage yet belly button in infants. For this pathology affected the abdominal muscles. When diphtheria affects the skin cells on the upper and lower extremities and paralysis.

When conducting research, have diphtheria of the throat in 16 patients were detected paresis of the soft palate. Them 5 with membranous form which is not subjected to therapy, common 1 person, 10 people toxic form of diphtheria.

Showed symptoms very rapidly and resembled the symptoms of sinusitis: nasal voice, the penetration of liquid food in the nose, constant sore when eating. When were the oral examination, it was found the violation of the mobility or the overhang of the soft palate. Only two cases showed unilateral paresis. These symptoms may occur after a few weeks of diphtheria.

Also discovered was damage to long ciliary nerves, which are manifested in paralizovana of accommodation, the emergence of strabismus, lesions of the oculomotor nerve, in rare cases there is a lesion of the facial nerve. Recently, however, people who have been marked diphtheria, such lesions were not observed.

From watching us infected women 34 years with toxic form of diphtheria throat 2 stages were seen later paralipomena extremities and paresis of the colon and bladder.

To dire consequences to the nervous system include muscular paralysis of the larynx and pharynx, diaphragm and intercostal muscles. When there are symptoms that need urgent resuscitation measures, which involve the connection of a person to a respirator.

Length mononeuritis paresis of the soft palate usually lasts a few weeks. This pathology can be attributed to the light stage of damage of the nervous system. The defeat of moderate severity is usually accompanied by polyradiculoneuritis, which is accompanied by damage of cranial nerves and nerves of the limbs. If you are experiencing this form paralysis of the soft palate can occur in different ways.

The first current occurs at 11-13 days. All lesions are mild and go away fairly quickly. The second period occurs in parallel with peripheral nerve damage. She is much more stronger and longer. The symptoms occur sequentially: first, there is paresis of the soft palate, accommodation, the facial nerve, strabismus. In parallel pain starts in the roots and in the nerve trunks – this forms the paresis of the limbs.

Extremely severe form is polyradiculoneuritis with damage to the many nerves and the formation of the spinal cord paresis, laryngeal, pharyngeal muscles, sternum, diaphragm with difficulty breathing and swallowing. Death comes in this case from lack of oxygen. No less sad is the prognosis for the formation of laryngeal paralysis, intercostal muscles, diaphragm. The symptoms which occur: dry cough, weakness of voice, breath is no movement of the chest, poor expectoration. Further, these symptoms pass in pneumonia and death.

Very rarely possible paralysis of Landry. Polyradiculoneuritis is formed at 21 weeks of the disease, if the flow is severe, then it may take up to six months. Throughout the year, can still manifest residual paresis of the upper and lower extremities.

Severe diphtheria occurs due to poisoning of the bodytoxins and harmful substances, which is then transferred to the neurological syndromes. Of mental disorders in diphtheria patients could be identified. Can be a little crazed, with a strong intoxication, but such diseases are very rare. Symptoms for patients people very hard. Marked anxiety, weakness, chills, drowsiness.

Diphtheria of the nose

This condition primarily occurs in infants. Signs of toxic poisoning of the body, is almost not present, the temperature may rise slightly or remain normal. At the initial stage of diphtheria of the nose can occur unilaterally. Because of the emergence of pastoznost in the area of the mucous membrane begins the narrowing of the nasal passages, and there are small allocations bloody-purulent discharge which is very annoying nasolabial triangle and the skin near the nasal opening. In this area can cause ulcers, erosions, ulcers and catarrhal film. Films tend to grow and amaze mucosa, located on the paranasal sinuses. Often, such education can occur in the cheeks, upper lip. Diphtheria of the nose causes a thickening of skin on the chin, begins to slushayutsya, covered with sores, in which there is infiltration (this may be the first sign of cutaneous diphtheria), which develops due to penetration into the ulcer infection from the primary tumor.

Diphtheria of the eye

Manifested symptoms in the appearance of the films, the fibrous structure, which occurs in crowded blood vessels of the conjunctiva of the eyelids and their strong swelling, purulent, and serous with blood secretions. Starts also with only one eye. Inflammation of the lower eyelid with a smooth transition to the upper eyelid and is expressed more clearly than the lower eyelid. Probably, this occurs due to the content of lysozyme in tear, which provides the disinfectant properties of the bacterial flora that reside in the conjunctiva. Ocular diphtheria is divided into 2 forms: lobar and difterence.

The croupous form revealed a small film that forms on the conjunctiva of the eyelids. It is not difficult to remove, but can be accompanied by a small tingling and pain, light sensitivity. The defeat of the cornea occurs, the poisoning of the body by toxic substances is missing.

If you encounter diphtheric kind of pasty clearer and more compact film is securely attached to the surrounding tissues, often turning to the area of the eyeball and the cornea. In this form of the discharge sero-purulent eyes stand out more. As consequences, there is a decrease of vision, which can lead to blindness (anophthalmia). With regard to the General condition of man, may appear fever, weakness, pale skin, loss of coordination, drowsiness. Catarrhal form does not differ from other forms of conjunctivitis, and so the first time it can be found. For the detection of catarrhal form, necessary laboratory diagnostics, consisting of bacteriological analysis of epidemiological results and the effect of serotherapy on the body.

Diphtheria of the genitals

Expressed a strong pasty labia, redness with the acquisition of red-blue hue, education on the mucosa of the small ulcers, of a thin film, which are covered with gray-brown patina. Also, the swollen lymph nodes and a slight soreness. Diphtheria of this type is of several types: localized, toxic, common. If you experience common form of infection spreads to the entire epithelial surface of the skin of the genitals. The toxic species, there is a small pasty genitals and the average pasty in the hips and the groin tissue.

Diphtheria of the skin starts with the defeat of the skin. Is accompanied by redness, appearance of hemorrhagic spots, vesicles, crusts, films, fibrinous nature, skin pasty. Diphtheria of the skin is divided into membranous, toxic, ulcerative-filmy types. You can also take the form of damage from navel of infants.

Diphtheria of the eyes and the genitals is formed again together with diphtheria of nose and throat. Very rarely can occur diphtheria of the middle ear mucosa of the oral cavity.

As the disease to date?

Today, complications of diphtheria has characteristic features that are not described in the standard picture of the disease: severe onset, fever, to a peak of bounds (41-42S), severe pain in the throat. Such a trend is typical in the first days of the disease. Then begins a strong pasty subcutaneous tissue when the toxic form of diphtheria throat. At a later studiengaenge syndrome develops in different stages, can start from hemorrhagic impregnation raids to bleeding in the nose and the subcutaneous tissue when the intoxication form. Complications of diphtheria in the last stages often occur in the nervous system. The infection is usually picked up by schoolchildren-teenagers and adults. Can often occur with diphtheria of the throat that can cause very hard in the future to form the toxic stage. Toxic diphtheria, occurs all the more urgent. However, it should be noted that the spreadtoxic diphtheria of the throat heavy steps became much smaller. Often may appear strong pastoznost mucosa, which is often misdiagnosed.

Many people, which made vaccination against diphtheria, accompanied by a small, rarely critical. Usually reveals a localized form of diphtheria of the pharynx. Very rare are the toxic species. If the kids have not carried out the correct course of vaccination, the immunity is not formed or is formed by the excessive susceptibility to the diphtheria endotoxin. When infection occurs in such children diphtheria, toxic form, which is quite aggressive and more difficult than non-vaccinated children. The causative agent of the disease diphtheria may progress rapidly, which lasts about 2 weeks, the average duration is 1 month, long-term and recurrent. Prolonged bacterial carriage perhaps those people who are chronic nasal disease. In addition to the usual elementary local changes can also cause changes in the electrocardiogram, which is involves carriage of the disease in a very mild form.