Bronchitis treatment at home

Bronchitis is a disease that affects the lower respiratory tract (bronchi) that lead directly into both lungs. The disease is divided into 2 types:

  1. Acute bronchitis.
  2. Chronic bronchitis.
Lechenie bronhita v domashnih usloviyah

Both forms of the disease have other causes. The disease manifests itself mostly irritating cough in which mucus expectorated. It is quite a common disease at that time, as acute bronchitis is not as serious, chronic form can cause a lot of trouble and health complications.

Let's look at all about bronchitis treatment for bronchitis, symptoms, diagnosis, how to cure bronchitis, including house and – what gomeopatika helps to be treated.

What is the bronchi?

Bronchi belongs to the lower respiratory tract and together are involved in the breathing process. Two of the main bronchus, is based on the trachea and reach the lungs, where the branch in the so-called bronchial tree, i.e. the smaller bronchioles. At the closing of the bronchioles impose the alveoli, where gas exchange occurs (oxygen, carbon dioxide) during respiration. The inner lining of the bronchi (epithelium) ciliated. The movement of the cilia helps to rid the respiratory tract from dust and microorganisms. If an inflammation occurs, the mucous membrane swells, mucus covers the epithelium and inhibits the cilia in their useful activities. The airway against the state are struggling through the irritating cough to get rid of the accumulated mucus (sputum).

Acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is a disease which is usually preceded by a cold or viral infections, which are not well cured. This infection, which may not always have a bacterial basis, but can bring trouble, and require treatment.


The acute form of bronchitis is characterized by irritating, often dry cough, pain in the chest and neck. Other symptoms include fever, weakness, muscle and joint pain, shortness of breath. In the later period (sometimes after the introduction of treatment) appears mucus comes out when coughing. Can have a different color and consistency.


To determine the diagnosis the doctor must not only know the previous history (i.e. what preceded the present state), but also to perform a few tests and laboratory tests. They usually include listening to the airway by use of the stethoscope or percussion. Then bacteriological and cytological examination of sputum (mucus) and analysis of blood parameters.


The classical methods, how to treat bronchitis are based on bed rest in a warm room. When deciding, how to treat bronchitis usually prescribe medicines that ease the expectoration of mucus, at night taking the drug containing codeine (which help to calm the cough). If the disease is accompanied with fever, there are prescribed medications to reduce fever (eg, Aspirin). If the sputum shows the presence of bacterial infection (sputum usually is yellow-green), in the matter than to treat bronchitis, championship kept antibiotics. The room in which the patient is located (later in the coursesome time – cured) should be well ventilated, appropriate humidification.


Recommended fluid intake or inhalation and herbal teas. You should avoid passive Smoking and certainly do not smoke! The diet should be enriched with vegetables, which help suppress inflammation (garlic, onion, black radish), while avoiding foods that produce mucus (milk, sweets, sugar, white flour, starches). It is also good to chew on candied ginger, which not only tastes great, but has a positive effect on the respiratory tract. There are many dietary supplements that help to heal inflammation, for example, vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, and Echinacea. Massage using aromatic oils (eucalyptus, cypress), baths and inhalations can ease breathing. On the market there are also numerous homeopathic remedies, but before eating better to consult a specialist.

Lechenie bronhita v domashnih usloviyah

If not treated acute bronchitis, it can go into a chronic stage or even pneumonia.

Chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is characterized long-term problems with breathing and persistent cough. It is based on is not an infection, but constant irritation of the respiratory tract, especially cigarette Smoking (cigar or pipe, although not cause the development of chronic bronchitis, but also harmful to health!). The causes of the disease include working in a dusty environment, etc.


They are similar to the symptoms of acute forms of the disease. Typical is a dry, irritating cough, especially in the morning. Sometimes the cough is accompanied by the presence of sputum brownish color. It contains particles of dust, smoke and resins (smokers). The cough persists for several weeks or months and may recur several times a year. The person feels tired and weak, due to the lack of oxygenation may have pale bluish skin color. Cough worsens during physical activity.


Similarly as in the acute form, the diagnosis consists of listening to respiratory, blood and phlegm. In addition, the system radiography and lung function tests blood gases.


The classical methods, how to cure chronic bronchitis, is based on the elimination of substances that irritate the bronchi, i.e., Smoking and staying in a dusty environment. Also prescribed bronchodilators – drugs that enhance the bronchi. In some serious cases, when it comes to respiratory failure, the oxygen is introduced.


They are similar to the recommendations in acute bronchitis: ventilation, cleaning and humidifying the room. Need increased fluid intake and dietary supplements that support the immune system and help to repair damaged tissue. Good action has massage, inhalation, saline gargle. It is important to learn to breathe correctly and strengthen the muscles involved in the breathing process. Most attention is paid to Smoking cessation (cigarette Smoking is a major cause of chronic bronchitis). If a person works in a dusty environment and the disease worsens, it is recommended to change jobs.

The chronic form of the disease can lead to irreversible damage of the bronchi and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This disease is dangerous, it is accompanied by a permanent shortness of breath, the whole body suffers from a lack of oxygen. This disease can also lead to death!

Homeopathic treatment

When choosing a homeopathic medicine to treat coughs and bronchitis, you need to consider several factors.

  1. The most basic definition is, there is a dry cough, irritable, or wet, productive.
  2. You must take into account the possible cause of bronchitis, ie, for example. a cold, etc.
  3. Not the last role and character of fever.

Homeopathy dry cough

Aconitum napellus is the remedy for dry cough, which appears shortly after a severe hypothermia or cold, is manifested, usually, around midnight, and prevents a person to sleep. The cough is accompanied by feeling of breathlessness and fever, sometimes up to 40ºC, without sweating. If this drug is administered in the early stages of the disease, it can prevent a disease in severe form.

Belladonna is a remedy for cough, caused by dryness of the mucous membranes in the early phase of inflammation. Basically, this condition appears at the beginning of any infection. Coughs – dry, barking, the mucous membrane of the throat red.

Bryonia alba is the remedy for the common cold with rhinitis developing into bronchitis. The most remarkable feature of this drug is the improvement of the human condition, which is called cough at the slightest movement, and even if you try to do more deep breath. The disease may be accompanied by a high fever with significant improvement, sweating and thirst.

Phosphorus is another remedy for people who have a cold moves into the bronchi. Cough causes a feeling of irritation in the Airways, worsening by talking, laughing, movement or temperature change in the room, ie, the transition from a warm room incold or Vice versa. The cough is accompanied by chest tightness, improves in a warm bed.

Homeopathy in productive cough

Drosera is the remedy for cough with expectoration of mucus, which causes irritation in the chest, characterized by serious seizures, when people can not breath, coughing can lead to nausea and vomiting. The cough usually appears after laying in bed (as soon as the head rests on the pillow).

Lechenie bronhita v domashnih usloviyah

Hepar sulfur is a cough medicine that occurred after exposure to cold. All selections on the mucous membranes are of a purulent character. This cough is very similar to the cough in laryngitis. Improvement brings warmth in any form, as a rule, the most effective is the warm vapor, any cooling causes a cough and fever.

Kalium bichromicum is a remedy rather for the later stages of a cough, which, as a rule, when affected mucosa of the respiratory tract. There is yellow sputum.

"Grandma's recipes»

Bronchitis treatment at home can be used as adults and children. The first difference is that children used a smaller dosage. The second difference is that children should preferably not give those home medications that contain sharp features (such as onion, garlic or ginger). If a child is not against the consumption of these products, can safely use them.


It is a natural remedy often used to treat the common cold and the flu, but helps with bronchitis.

Enhancing immunity and anti-inflammatory substances in ginger help to relieve symptoms of the disease, the inflammation and swelling of the bronchi.

Here are some recipes how to use ginger:

  1. Stir in half a teaspoon of grated ginger, cloves and cinnamon in 200 ml of hot water. Stir and consume several times a day to the time until symptoms ease.
  2. A good remedy is ginger tea which can be prepared, vsypav a teaspoon of dried ginger and black pepper in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for several minutes to infuse, then add the honey. Drink 2 times a day.
  3. Similarly to the previous recipe, you can prepare a drink of a mixture of crushed ginger, cloves and black pepper (one teaspoon). Add milk and honey.


Medicinal effects of garlic is a great natural remedy in the treatment of bronchitis, in particular, its acute forms.

Recipe garlic medicine for bronchitis:

  • Peel 3 cloves of garlic and chop into small pieces. Place in a glass of milk and bring to the boil, then leave to cool. Drink before bed.


For therapeutic purposes against bronchitis, you can use a powerful anti-inflammatory effect of turmeric.

To remove the phlegm and accelerate the healing process will help the following recipe:

A teaspoon of turmeric powder, add 200 ml of milk. Bring to boil. Drink this drink 2-3 times a day. To accelerate the start of action drink on an empty stomach.

Note: this recipe is not recommended for people suffering from gallstones, stomach ulcers or hyperacidity.

Eucalyptus oil

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil has antibacterial properties, will help to thin the mucus and clear the airway. Besides, it also perfectly supports the healing process.

Follow these steps:

Drip a few drops of oil in boiling water and, for about half an hour, covering his head with a towel inhale the steam. In the absence of eucalyptus oil, a good alternative can be pine essential oil or tea tree.

Eucalyptus oil is also recommended as a compress, applied directly on the chest. Because it is too concentrated, it can be mixed with coconut or olive oil. This compress helps to remove mucus from the bronchi and improves the respiratory system.

Salt water and rinse

Rinsing with salt water is another effective way to treat some of the symptoms of the disease. Stir in a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, stir to dissolve salt and gargle several times a day.

Attention! Use should be exactly specified dose of salt is 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water. At higher amounts of salt there is a risk that the high concentration of salt will cause a burning sensation in the throat.


Honey is a natural remedy to relieve cough accompanying bronchitis. Its antibacterial and antiviral effects provide a calming effect on the mucous membrane of the throat. At the same time, honey is also effectively supports the immune system.

Use one of the following 3 recipes:

  1. Add 1 teaspoon honey in a Cup of your favorite tea and drink several times a day.
  2. Add honey in warm (not hot!) water with lemon juice. This will help to ease a blocked throat and phlegm, often accompanying bronchitis.
  3. Try to make honey wraps with productive cough.


The onion is known for its excellent effects,provided by dissolving phlegm, alleviating and reducing the symptoms of bronchitis. At the same time, it is good to use to prevent further accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract.

Follow these steps:

Every morning start with a teaspoon of raw onion juice on an empty stomach.

Add onions raw in salads and also use it for cooking and baking. Remember that even cooked onions has on the body healing effect. The best, of course, is raw onions.

The salt (magnesium sulfate, MgSO4.7H2O)

In the case, particularly acute bronchitis good action has a bath with the salt.

The bath can be prepared in the following way:

  1. Pour 1-1,5 kg of the salt in tub with warm water.
  2. After complete dissolution of the salt, soak in water for approximately half an hour.
  3. In the chronic form of the disease, do this twice a week. For acute bronchitis, take a bath every day, ideally at night.

Sesame seed

Sesame seeds are known positive properties, which include the ability to treat bronchitis and relieve soreness in the chest, a phenomenon that often accompanies this disease.

Recipes with sesame seeds for bronchitis:

  1. In a coffee grinder grind a teaspoon of flax and sesame seeds. Add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of honey. Take this medicine every night before bed.
  2. Mix half a teaspoon of crushed sesame seeds and 2 tablespoons of water. Take it twice a day.

Water for hydration of the body

Lechenie bronhita v domashnih usloviyah

In the case of disease, it is recommended to keep the body well hydrated. In addition, sufficient drinking regime is also important to reduce the density of mucus, making it easier to cough up her. Therefore, drink plenty of fluids, especially pure, non-carbonated water and certainly not sweet. Clean water for hydration and detoxification is the best way!