How does Staphylococcus aureus symptoms

What is Golden staph and MRSA — everything you need to know

Kak proyavlyaetsya zolotistyj stafilokokk simptomy

MRSA is a strain of Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria) that is resistant to many commonly used antibiotics. Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus MRSA can be compared to other bacterial infections more difficult. MRSA bacteria are methicillin resistant form of Staphylococcus aureus. Methicillin is an antibiotic used for clearance of staphylococci. In our country instead Methicillin Oxacillin is used.

What is MRSA?

Stafylokokus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) is a commonly occurring bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus on the skin may cause mild inflammation of the skin, e.g. wounds or a skin disease called impetigo. A bacterium found in the nasal cavity and throat.

If the bacterium occurs in the blood, penetrating, for example, in the wound on the skin, it can lead to life-threatening infections, such as sepsis, or to cause infectious endocarditis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cavity of the heart).

Insidious Staphylococcus aureus – symptoms and signs

Symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA infection can vary depending on the affected body part.

Signs of damage to the skin and soft tissues

If the infection affects the skin, it can be shown by formation of wound infection or abscess (limited inflammatory lesion). If the infection spreads into the deeper layers of the skin, develops a condition known as cellulite (be careful not to be confused with harmless cosmetic changes of subcutaneous fat on the thighs and buttocks, which bears the same name!). as this condition can occur? Typical symptoms include:

  • Redness.
  • Swelling.
  • Insensitivity.
  • Pain.
  • Pus.

Other symptoms include fever, malaise, and weakness. Symptoms mentioned above, however, can be caused by other bacterial pathogens, so the appearance of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have a staph illness.

Invasive infection with MRSA

If the MRSA bacteria penetrate deeply into the body or bloodstream, it can lead to more serious condition to treat which, more difficult.

Symptoms of invasive infections include:

  • A temperature of 38°C or higher.
  • Fever.
  • General poor health.
  • Dizziness.
  • Confusion.
  • Pain in muscles.
  • Pain, swelling and numbness of the affected part of the body.
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Examples of invasive MRSA infections:
Sepsis is a condition can lead to septic shock, which causes, in particular, lowering blood pressure to a very low level

Urinary tract infection – infection can affect the kidneys, which is the developmenturine and the urinary tract, which later come out urine from the body

Endocarditis – inflammation of the lining of heart and heart valves

Pneumonia – an infection affecting the lungs

Bursitis – inflammation affecting the bundles under the skin filled with fluid located near joints

Septic arthritis – inflammation of joints

Osteomyelitis – inflammation of bone marrow

Causes of MRSA infections

Approximately, 1 out of 30 people is colonized by Staphylococcus aureus, in particular MRSA. As in the case of other species of staphylococci, MRSA generally harmless and in most healthy people there is no reason to worry.

MRSA can cause problems if the bacteria enters the body or, if a carrier is a person with poor health.

As the infection spreads?

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MRSA usually spreads through skin contact with carriers (people who have an infection or are only carriers of bacteria on the surface of the skin).

The bacteria can also be spread through use of contaminated towels, bed sheets, clothes, dressings or other objects used by an infected person. Long MRSA can live on objects and surfaces such as door handles, sinks, floors and cleaning products.

Infection in hospitals

The greatest risk of infection is a hospital stay. Infection that occurs is called nosocomial infection (occurred during hospital stay).


The hospital is a lot of different people, including patients, visitors and staff, where bacteria can easily create for the distribution.

Patients often hampered by the underlying disease, the body typically have an entry point to facilitate the spread of infection, for example. surgical wounds, burns, catheters and intravenous feed.

Hospital patients usually have complications in the form of primary health problems than the General population, making them more susceptible to infections.

Who is most exposed to the risk of Staphylococcus aureus infection?

In a hospital environment, the greater the risk of infection is present if:

  1. There are complications in the condition.
  2. There are open wounds, burns or cuts on the skin.
  3. Introduced catheter or intravenous insertion.
  4. People suffer long-lasting disease of the skin (e.g., sores, or psoriasis).
  5. The man recently had surgery.
  6. People often take antibiotics, which are ineffective against MRSA infection.

Particularly at risk in terms of infected people admitted to intensive care units and surgical wards.

Staphylococcus aureus outside the hospital

A less likely method of infection is the occurrence of infection outside medical institutions. Compared to hospital-acquired infections, bacteria, common in society, usually characterized by less severe infections, in most cases, they affect the skin and soft tissues.

The following factors increase the risk of disease outside the hospital:

  1. Being in an environment with a large number of people (e.g., military base, prison, student dormitory).
  2. Frequent contact skin-to-skin (more frequent cases of infection have been reported in people who were engaged in contact sports, e.g. Rugby).
  3. The appearance of scratches or any other damage to the skin (through wounds, the bacteria can easily enter the body).
  4. Using items that can be contaminated by contact with contaminated surfaces (e.g., utensils, tools, surfaces that may be contaminated with infection).
  5. Neglect of hygiene (in case of violation of the rules of hygiene, as a rule, there is a higher risk of disease, so you need to wash your hands regularly, and keep any skin lesions clean and covered).

If the doctor has suspicion of the infection with Staphylococcus, he can take a swab of the skin to identify a possible infection.

Prevention of infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus

If the hospital staff, patients and visitors will follow the basic rules of hygiene, this will help to prevent infection and its spread.

To them the preventive measures in medical institutions include the following:

  1. Wash hands after each use of the toilet (some hospitals provide disinfectants for the hands).
  2. Washing hands immediately before and after a meal.
  3. If you find unclean toilet or shower room, don't hesitate to report this fact to hospital staff.
  4. If you are experiencing any symptoms of infection (e.g., swelling, heat, fever) after returning home, contact the hospital.

Prevention of infections caused by S. aureus outside the hospital

Following the recommendations reduces the risk of infection and spread of the disease outside the hospital:

  • Regularly wash your hands, take a shower.
  • Keep your nails short and clean because long fingernails are savedunder a bacteria.
  • Do not share items that come into contact with the skin (e.g., soap, lotions, creams, cosmetics).
  • Do not use other people's towels.
  • Do not use any personal items that come into contact with the skin (e.g., razors, nail files, toothbrushes, combs, hair brushes), or thoroughly clean them before use.
  • If you have any skin abrasion or wound, make sure they are dry and normally heal.

Examination (screening) of Staphylococcus aureus

Below are the most frequently asked questions concerning research at suspicion on disease.

Who should be screened for infection?

Testing for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus usually carried out in humans before admission (planned and emergency tests).

Examination is recommended for patients with high risk of infection during hospital stay. The following patients:

  • persons who previously were infected or colonized (carriers of bacteria on the surface of the skin) Staphylococcus aureus,
  • persons who have been admitted to places of high risk (surgery, dialysis, Oncology, traumatology),
  • of patients remaining in the hospital overnight, usually, there is no need to examine.

For some reason, may be a survey?

Many people are carriers of bacteria on the skin surface. This condition is usually harmless, but in the case of penetration of bacteria into the body (through broken skin) or if the person has a serious disease, this fact can lead to problems and complications.

Simple medical tests can determine whether a person is a carrier of bacteria on the skin. If the result is positive, introduces a simple therapy, which eliminates the greatest number of bacteria. Thus is minimized the risk of infection of the person and other people around him.

As the survey is conducted?

Examination performed by a nurse who takes a sample from the surface of the skin with a cotton swab.

The sample can be done in different areas (nasal cavity, neck, armpit, other areas of skin damage). The examination is painless and takes only a few seconds.

When to expect results?

Swabs sent to the laboratory where the test is carried out. The results are usually available within 3-5 days, sometimes testing is conducted over a short period of time, and the results are known the same day.

MRSA and Staphylococcus aureus – treatment

If there is a lesion Staphylococcus aureus, symptoms and treatment are closely linked.

In the case of the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, you may need treatment with antibiotics.

If the survey shows that a person is only a carrier of bacteria on the skin, you need to start treatment aimed at removal of bacteria.


The decolonization process involves the application of antimicrobial agents, ensuring the elimination of bacteria from the skin surface.

To eliminate MRSA from the inner side of the nose, can be used antimicrobial lotion, for removing bacteria from the scalp are used antimicrobial shampoos.

The above mentioned products are used once or twice a day for five days, hospitalization is not required. People can undergo treatment at home prior to hospitalization for planned medical intervention.

In the process of decolonization need daily to maintain good hygiene and thoroughly dry the skin each time with a clean towel. You should also every day to change clothes and underwear.

Treatment of skin and soft tissue

Less extensive lesions of the skin and soft tissues, for example, small blisters or abscesses, sometimes can be cured by surgical incision and removal of inflammatory content.

The process of incision and subsequent drainage is the piercing of the blister or abscess with a sterile needle or scalpel. Before surgery, generally used a local anesthetic, providing insensitivity of the affected area.

More extensive skin infections (e.g. cellulitis) require the use of antibiotics in pill form.

If the lesions of the skin and soft tissue develops during the hospital stay, and people may be more susceptible to infection (in the presence of a serious underlying disease), antibiotics administered intravenously.

Treatment of invasive infections

If you infection happened in the hospital, a person, usually placed in an isolation room. Thus reducing the risk of bacterial proliferation patients.

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One possibility is that in an isolation ward of a person is he, or are admitted to a small ward with other patients who had demonstrated a staph infection. There is the possibility of meetings with the visitors, however, you need to comply with the rules of hygiene: thoroughly wash hands before and after the visit, as well as after contact with an infected person.

Atmore serious invasive infections, the treatment involves administration of antibiotics by injection for several weeks. Usually, use a combination of different antibiotics.