MRSA during pregnancy treatment

Staphylococci represent the odds of a pathogenic flora, which in normal immune system peacefully exist with billions of other bacteria in the human body. Only the weakened body can respond to a variety of diseases that can cause these microorganisms. A staph infection in early pregnancy, when the rebuilding of the body is in the initial stage and it has no effect on the immune system, little harm and peacefully "coexist", like thousands of other microorganisms. When the body starts attaching themselves hormonal in nature and the immune system becomes more vulnerable, one species of microorganisms, namely Staphylococcus aureus during pregnancy passes from the conventional forms in the of pathogenic flora.

So what threat these microorganisms during pregnancy for moms and their kids how to react and the methods of treatment that are used in medicine.

The threat of staph during pregnancy

Staphylococcus is subdivided into many subspecies, most of which are completely harmless microorganism, only a few, or rather three of them can adversely affect human health.

  • The safest member of this Trinity is saprophytic, which often can be found in the area of the genitals. The danger of this microorganism is that it can cause inflammation of the bladder.
  • Epidermal aureus provided a healthy does not have wounds in your skin is virtually harmless, as it can be on any of the sections of the leather cover, any scratches or wounds can cause inflammation.
  • Staphylococcus aureus of all the Trinity, the most aggressive, he is able to "fit in" in almost any areas of the skin and fundamentally there is no difference, where with the help of a micro-organism will start purulent and inflammatory processes.

The danger is that staph microorganism surrender by infection from mother to unborn child during pregnancy using the fetal membrane, is very high and threatens the presence of purulent complications in the postpartum period. Transmission occurs during the period of childbirth and it looks like infection of the skin. This fact forces us to seriously treat the problem of gestation, and experts strongly recommend the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus during pregnancy. If the problem is to leave it as it is, and not treated properly, or epidermal Staphylococcus aureus, which may be present on the skin, while feeding your baby breast able to penetrate the mother's body through cracks on the nipple. The result can be the development of mastitis.

The symptoms of a staph

In fact, any special manifestations of the presence of microorganisms and their negative development in the form of special no symptoms. The presence of Staphylococcus aureus or epidermidis can be assumed in the presence and the protracted development of inflammatory and purulent processes. Find out the true state of Affairs will only be conducted with the help of testing, diagnosis. Most often congregate staphylococci in nose during pregnancy, a swab is a fence material that will help figure out the amount of microorganisms formed in the colony. If the study finds that the number of colonies in this area comes to 20 units, this fact indicates the presence of the disease.

For a urine test and a swab of the pregnant, and already in the complex diagnosis revealed a threat to the health this disease. When detecting microorganisms in the urine, it is possible to conclude that a pregnant woman may manifest the disease in the form of pyelonephritis or cystitis. The presence of staphylococci in the smear in danger of infection of the child during labour, this in turn is fraught with complications in the postpartum period. The woman can also be complications in purulent wounds, which develop in locations of ruptures and cracks, as well as long-term inflammatory processes, difficult-to-treat.

Pregnancy and methods of treatment of staph

If the danger of having pregnant Staphylococcus clarified, and it becomes clear what is in the future faces, the question to treat or not, disappears at once. Experts prefer to treat illnesses in a local way. If the presence of colonies of microorganisms detected in nose or throat, the microorganisms are removed by leaching with a solution prepared with alcohol-based, if the event is for the treatment of the throat. If the treatment is carried out in the nose is used, the oil solution. In the identification of microorganisms in smear experts prescribe Antibacterials for topical use.

An important event for the duration of gestation isregular visits to specialists to clarify the various problems associated with this difficult and responsible women period. It is important to listen to the modifications occurring in the female body, and learn to identify the symptoms, which can help to detect various hidden problems. In some cases, more attention should be given to the state of his health, and how it may be expressed in symptoms:

  • The presence of eczema, dermatitis, the formation of acne.
  • Malfunctions of the digestion.
  • Persistent nasal discharge, chronic rhinitis.
  • Symptoms that resemble disease sore throat: dryness, sore throat, discomfort when swallowing.
  • The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, problems with urination in the form of cramps.

Anything that is not normal for the period and the suspicion has to diagnose with the tests, only then can you be relatively sure that the health of the pregnant woman is in the normal range.

Preventive actions against Staphylococcus during pregnancy

If you want, by preventive measures, you can avoid most of the disease, and specialists in medical institutions are required to advise their patients through the information alert to explain how to do it correctly. Preventive actions to prevent occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus in pregnant women in the majority are reduced to the following:

  • Strict observance of rules of personal hygiene. This concept includes the use of when washing and other procedures of personal hygiene products: toothbrushes, towels. It is desirable to use products of high quality, not containing the additives irritating nature, which instead use can harm the body in the form of skin irritation.
  • Constant ventilation, regular wet cleaning using disinfectants.
  • Lowering efficiency of the immune system can also cause Staphylococcus. Proper diet, frequent walks on fresh air, special exercises help to strengthen immunity.
  • The use of medicines for rinsing of a throat, nasopharynx, channels of the nose.

Experts advise to use not only medical preparations in the form of Hlorofillipt and Furatsilina and other means, which probably exist in every woman in the kitchen. Prepared iodine-soda solutions are used for rinsing chamomile, eucalyptus. The majority of microbes and viruses are killed by heat treatment, washed clothes, it is important to pay special attention to items of underwear, it is closest to the skin of pregnant women. Regular Ironing nightgowns iron and other garments will destroy a large part of the harmful microorganisms.

It is important to remember that the presence of microorganisms in a domestic environment is an integral part of our lives and where they find their resting place in dust, dirty skin, unwashed things or other places, depends on us.