How to get rid of Staphylococcus aureus in the throat

Kak izbavitsya ot zolotistogo stafilokokka v gorle

Staphylococci are called gram-positive bacteria, leading stationary lives in the human microflora. Most often they affect: oropharynx, nasopharynx, skin.

Staphylococci cause many ENT diseases. They affect the respiratory tract can lead to inflammation of other vital organs. Representatives of this group of bacteria emit harmful toxic substances that kill human tissue.

Infection in the throat caused by Staphylococcus aureus, is transmitted only by direct contact with a sick person. Moreover, this infection are usually the people having weak immune system. The source of infection could be a visit to any medical institution that is receiving patients.

These bacteria love to settle in the oropharynx of man. Symptoms of staph in the throat are pronounced: it is very painful to swallow, tonsils are red and swollen, formed a purulent plaque, enlarged lymph nodes, fever, constantly spinning head, severe headaches, no appetite.

Sometimes a symptom of the emergence of staphylococcal infection in the throat becomes education mouth miniature pustular formations.

The main reasons for the formation of staphylococcal infections

Our world is inhabited by thousands of different microorganisms. I must say that Staphylococcus aureus in the throat is found in virtually any place. It can be found everywhere. It can be in food or a door handle in the book and so on. A person is faced with this infection in the first minutes of his life, even with the increased attention to prevention in the hospital.

Golden staph "aureus" thrives on the human skin, it settles in the throat and digestive tract.

Methods of transmission of pathogenic bacteria

One of the most dangerous bacteria is considered the Golden staph. This pathogen is not treatable with some medicines. Of course, antibiotics help, but the bacteria quickly adapt and begin to get used to them.

Kak izbavitsya ot zolotistogo stafilokokka v gorle

Staphylococcus aureus, found in the throat have to be treated for quite a long time. Very hard to beat Staphylococcus bacteria. Treatment should be started immediately after detection of symptoms of Staphylococcus. If you do not pay attention to it, it is possible serious complications and even death.

Staphylococcus aureus, which appeared in the throat, has multiple ways of infecting. The main are:

  • Airborne,
  • Direct contact,
  • Through his food,
  • Mother's milk may have been contaminated by microorganisms.

These bacteria in most of the cases affect children at an early age. They seek to understand the world and trying to try. And the babies suffer this infection, recovery may take several weeks. According to statistics, the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus most often settles in the throat. It causes a staph sore throat, which hurt quite often.

The types of infection caused by staph infection

The infection occurs the same way as in bacterial infection.

For example, we are often ill in childhood acute respiratory infections or influenza. These colds are accompanied by a fever, there are severe purulent inflammation, there is: rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.

Kak izbavitsya ot zolotistogo stafilokokka v gorle

The main reason for the occurrence of such diseases, it is often Staphylococcus aureus.

When the throat is detected Staphylococcus aureus, the doctor diagnose him from a number of diseases: otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

If the child had a staph infection in his body produces strong anti-staphylococcal immunity. Gradually the immune system becomes stronger and adapts to new types of microbes.

A grown man who has a well-developed immune system, does not allow MRSA infection to start to multiply in the body. It inhibits the action of a microbe, immediately after hitting the man.

In exceptional cases, pathogenic bacteria can cause infectious process. This is mainly due to weakenedimmunity.

What factors lead to the weakening of the immune system

  1. ORVI,
  2. Herpes,
  3. Chronic disease,
  4. Immunodeficiency.

In addition to the above factors, the immune status can be affected by other conditions:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle,
  2. Alcohol and Smoking,
  3. Poor nutrition,
  4. Ecology,
  5. Strong stress.

Methods of treatment of staph in the throat

This disease is often found in a very large number of people. And it is divided into several types:

  1. Conditional,
  2. Pathological infectious.

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in the throat can't start until you discovered the characteristic criteria of infectious disease. These factors include: pain in the throat, severe burning, sore, frequent swallowing of saliva, a small cough.

The localization of the disease lasts for all different. Sometimes the disease is detected through two hours after infection, and sometimes the period of localization can last for several days. Then, the infection acquires a strongly expressed form.

The bacterium Staphylococcus refers to a purulent infection of classical type. After fixing on the mucous membrane, it begins to actively secrete toxic substances that destroy the cells of the body. The products of destruction becomes food for these germs.

Actively feeding and multiplying, the microbes rush deep into the human body. The immune system begins to fight against harmful microorganisms, the decontamination of bacteria, pus is formed. Therefore, a sign of the appearance in the throat of Staphylococcus aureus are: furuncles, abscesses, inflammation of the tonsils, fever, intoxication of the whole organism.

Sign of disease

Before you start the treatment of staph in the throat, make sure you know all the symptoms of that disease. These include: nausea, weakness, poor appetite, dizziness.

The main symptom of staph in the throat is the appearance of severe coughing.

How to diagnose the disease

The doctor quickly established an accurate diagnosis and understand how to treat MRSA in the throat, the patient should be screened and pass all the necessary tests.

Today, doctors use two types of diagnostics of this disease:

  1. Microbiological,
  2. Serological.
Kak izbavitsya ot zolotistogo stafilokokka v gorle

In the first method directly from a throat swab is taken. It will undergo a thorough investigation for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. About a day after seeding, the doctor can make the first conclusions. Under normal staph the color pigment will be yellow and with Golden stand out of the colony white or bright yellow hue.

Based on these data, the physician becomes clear than to treat a staph infection in the throat how to prescribe therapy for the treatment of this disease.

Rarely used serological method. To conduct such studies require a lot of time, and the accuracy of the result will be no more than 70%.

When a staph infection in the throat found in the beginning, his treatment would last one week. Of course, to completely remove the purulent plaque, treatment will need to continue for another few weeks. To again get infected such infection, you need to strengthen your immune system.

How to treat a staph infection in the throat

Since the symptoms of a staph infection is difficult to name a specific, accurate diagnosis is necessary to conduct several laboratory tests.

Microbe Staphylococcus in the throat and its symptoms can be detected when ELISA is taken smear. The presence of bacteria will also show cultural study.

To determine how much the staph is sensitive to antibiotics, performed special testing.

How to treat staph in the throat, written medical articles.

To choose the right tactics of fight against diseases of the throat caused by Staphylococcus, it is necessary to consider several important factors:

  • Exciter type,
  • The presence of inflammatory process,
  • Severity,
  • The sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotics.

When the doctor diagnoses a mild form of staph in the throat is assigned to a special local symptomatic treatment. Throat need several days to irrigate medicine "IRS-19" in the form of a spray or rinse with herbal infusions, you can use anti-microbial broths.

In severe staphylococcal infections conducted comprehensive therapeutic interventions for the treatment of the oropharynx. Apply special anti-bacterial methods and special antistaphylococcal drugs.

The most effective antibiotics that successfully fight staph diseases are: "Unasyn", "Amoxiclav", "Ceftriaxone", "Ofloxacin", "Vancomycin", "Oxacillin".

What kind of medication best suited to treat the infections, its dosage can only be the attending physician after careful study of patient test results and history.

To the designated receiving antibiotics, as a complement assigned to gargling. Very very good solution hlorofillipta. It is possible to rinseuse staphylococcal bacteriophage.

To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to take vitamins and other supplements that affect the normal functioning of the immune system.


It is very important to be understood, a staph infection that requires professional medical treatment. Any independent methods can cause serious complications that will have a long time to heal.

It is not necessary to bring the disease to this state, it is better to visit a therapist.