Anthrax is transmitted, etiology, treatment and prevention

The route of transmission of anthrax

A particularly dangerous disease infectious nature, accompanied with severe intoxication and diverse clinical course (occurrence of carbuncles is the most characteristic feature) that affects both animals and people – called anthrax.

The causative agent is a bacterium, a favorable environment for the existence of which are anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions. Under aerobic conditions, the bacteria adapt by forming spores around themselves. They provide a long presence and viability in the environment. The pathogen under favorable conditions, secretes an exotoxin. It was under his impact is tissue inflammation, and sometimes death. Toxin and vegetative forms of bacteria are killed from exposure to any products which have disinfectant properties and are in the process of heating water. Spores remain viable for a long time.


The source of infection, i.e. where enters the microorganism in the organs of the definitive host animals (such as pigs, horses, etc.). They are the reservoir (environment, natural life) bacteria. The period of contagiousness (i.e., high infectivity) corresponds to the time of manifestation of infection in animals, for which there is an active selection of bacteria with feces, blood from a wound in the environment.

Among the wildlife the pathogen is transmitted primarily through the alimentary use contamination of food, drink, in which the presence of anthrax spores. Vector-borne path (that is, through the biological liquid, e.g. blood), possible as a result of bites of insects that carry bacteria from all sorts of objects are surrounding objects (including corpses of animals who died from this disease).

If a dead animal is not opened – it is a source of infection for one week. Hides, wool, and other raw materials dangerous in terms of infection to others for several years.

Favorable conditions for the existence of the pathogen is the soil. There under optimal conditions (humidity, temperature, acidity, etc.) the dispute turns into a vegetative form (that is favorable for breeding). Such lesions are a source of infection for many decades. During the implementation of any excavation works (e.g., construction of buildings, etc.), disputes are brought from the earth into the environment, creating the possibility of spread and infection, both animals and humans. Cases of transmission of bacteria from one person (the host) to the person known. At the same time is the source of infection for wildlife and Pets.

The mechanism of transmission varied. Mainly in the tissue of the definitive host (human) the bacteria is introduced through mechanical damage, as the skin and mucous membranes. To get able to the individuals caring for the animals which are the source of infection.

Included in the risk group of the profession, whose members have to butcher the carcass of animals, to take part in the slaughter, to conduct a cooking process of meat, fur, for further clothing.

Much less ulcer enters the body with food or during inhalation of air. Contracting the disease through the respiratory system on sherstoboeva enterprises.

The factors of infection include:

  • equipment for animal care,
  • processed product,
  • contamination of objects in the external environment,
  • livestock products etc.

The susceptibility of people to infection are not high. According to statistics ill, only 2 people out of 10. If we consider the methods of infection, when the dust path gets sick almost everyone. After infectious disease remains a healthy immune system. The recurrence of this disease impossible.

Infection spores are everywhere. Often outbreaks are recorded in America, Africa, mainly in areas where livestock breeding. The peak incidence in our country is on the hot season (summer and early fall). Register as individual and group cases. The cause of an outbreak of the disease among a large group of people is the lack of compliance with veterinary and sanitary norms.

Anthrax altamente tissues of the body in the following cases:

  • during implementation of professional activity,
  • in everyday life,
  • in the laboratory.

Anthrax can be applied to bioterrorism.


The entry of the pathogenare:

  • damaged (even slightly) leather (the most common way),
  • the mucous membranes of the respiratory system,
  • gastrointestinal tract.

The bacterium penetrates the tissues and penetration allocates special substance is a bacterial exotoxin. At this place there is an inflammatory lesion, a marked swelling and necrosis (necrosis) of the surrounding tissues. In the future there is a carbuncle in the center of which are observed in the necrotic tissue. Meanwhile, the pathogen moves through the lymphatic system to the nearest lymph nodes, causing inflammation. Anthrax cutaneous is rarely accompanied by sepsis. Blood poisoning is possible if the mechanism – airborne.

Clinical picture

The latent period, when tissues and organs, but clinically this does not appear, lasts from 2 days to 2 weeks. Sometimes the clinic is developing rapidly during this latent period to flow no more than 2-5 hours. Depending on the lesion experts are localized (skin, local) and generalized (widespread outside of the pathological focus) forms of this disease.

The first form is found in 8 of 10 cases. In turn anthrax cutaneous form has the following varieties:

  • For carbunculosis form is characterized by the appearance of small spots, which soon increase in diameter and acquires a copper-red color. This whole process is accompanied by unpleasant itching. On the site of the spots is a vesicle filled with bloody content. The thin walls of the bubble (usually by scratching) are damaged, and formed by the ulcerative defect.
Anthrax has a characteristic difference – the bottom of the wound formed is dark brown and sometimes black. Over time, the edges of the ulcers have a similar education, who are undergoing the same development: from the spot to the ulcer. They can merge with the parent ulcer, forming extensive pathological element. A few days later the bottom of the ulcer resembles a charred crust.

Important symptom indicating that the disease anthrax is the lack of sensitivity (pain) in place of the scab.

The most dangerous location of the defect is the area of the face. This is due to the high possibility of the spread of the pathogen in the respiratory system, leading to the rapid demise of the patient. Along with local symptoms almost always anthrax is accompanied by a manifestation of the General signs of the disease. A sick person feels weak, he is concerned about increased body temperature, weakness, severe headache, etc. Normal condition only after several weeks, when the ulcer begins to heal and forms a scab, which eventually is rejected with the formation of scar tissue. Almost always formed only one carbuncle. In rare cases, professionals have to deal simultaneously with 10 carbuncles one sick person.

  • Bullous form is accompanied by the formation of larger bubbles at the site of entry of the pathogen after opening, which formed extensive wound surface.
  • Edematosa form is characterized by the appearance at the beginning of the disease pronounced edema and in later stages of the disease is formed carbuncle and necrosis.

Much less common generalized form of the disease, which can be:

  • in the pulmonary variety, which is characterized by symptoms affecting the respiratory system. Once infected with this ulcer forms, the clinic resembles the flu. That is, observed: cough, nasal congestion, muscle pain, General malaise etc. such symptoms can Last up to 3 days. Then rapidly growing intoxication with a sharp rise in body temperature. The diseased person experiences chest pain when coughing, the sputum color reminiscent of cherry jelly. When listening to notes a lot of wheezing. If you make the light, on it there are traces of inflammation. In the third stage of this form of the disease associated cardiac failure,
  • with intestinal varieties of the General condition of the patient is suffering more than in the above form. The disease starts with General symptoms of intoxication. In the second period anthrax is accompanied by sensations of severe pain in the abdomen, joined: vomiting with visible blood, and diarrhea. All these symptoms can be confused with the equally formidable life condition called "acute abdomen". In the last phase of the join signs indicating violations by the cardiovascular system,
  • generalized form can take over in the form of sepsis, which is rapidly growing intoxication syndrome, and there are internal hemorrhages in the tissue of various organs.


Dangerous diseases include: inflammation and swelling of the meninges, internal bleeding, peritonitis, partial paralysis thin and/or large intestine, pulmonary edema.


Before you diagnose infectious diseases doctor inspects. To clarify the nature of the path of the disease by using laboratory diagnostics, for this purpose is:

  • the examination of smears, which are taken from the pathological material formed ulcer,
  • skintest with anthracinum,
  • serology etc.


The only effective causal (to the pathogen) treatment are antibiotics. They are administered from the first days of the disease, and to the disappearance of all clinical signs."

In addition to antibiotics are assigned the immunoglobulin. To eliminate the manifestation of intoxication help crystalloid solutions, which add prednisone. Cutaneous is shown dressing. Surgical treatment is not indicated, otherwise the disease may go into a generalized form.

Preventive control

Preventing the spread of this disease are the impact on the source and mechanism of transmission. Special consideration shall be the points at which previously recorded outbreak (farm, tract, etc.). Experts carried out monitoring of morbidity among animals. Each case is investigated with the installation of the reasons and preparation of a complex of measures for the prevention.

A sick person hospitalitynet. For the implementation of the care dedicated nurse and nurse. Cutaneous discharge is carried out after the location of the ulcer forms a scar. People who died from these infectious diseases do not reveal.

Relatives of a diseased person and do not divide. For loved ones, monitoring is carried out until complete recovery of the patient. If people in contact with the material, contamination of spores, shows emergency prevention.