Pyoderma: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Pyoderma is a purulent infectious disease pathogens that include Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Treatment of pyoderma requires a lot of patience and intense care. To learn about treatment and symptoms of this disease can be on All about bacterial infections.

What are the symptoms of pyoderma?

Each type of this disease is accompanied by different symptoms and different. Pyoderma are superficial and deep.

The surface types of all the more common. These include:

  • Ostiofollikulit – it is riddled with hair abscess blue-pink color, with pokrasnenie circle.
  • Sycosis vulgaris – a large number of osteopathically, often formed in the area of mustache and beard. The symptoms are accompanied by painful irritating sensation.
  • Epidemic pemphigus newborns is a very severe pathology, which manifests itself already in the first week of life. The symptoms of this form of pyoderma are large vesicular pustules, which may form erosions and crusts. Usually appears on the soles and palms.

Deep can be serious consequences if in time not to render treatment. Deep types are:

  • A boil is a continuation of ostiofollikulit. First, in the deep dermal layers formed a painful knot. The first symptoms are pain and discomfort. In the center of a dense necrotic core, which needs to be open so all the pus came out. The place is a small wound, which gradually fused.
  • Carbuncle – several furuncles that are closely located to each other. This education acquired a small red-bluish tint and a small pasty. After the carbuncle is opened, at the site of ulcer, scar formation. This files most often occurs in adults.
  • Hydradenitis – an inflammation of the sweat glands. The symptoms of hidradenitis manifest:
    • the appearance of deep painful knots,
    • the color of the skin on this spot, blue-pink shade,
    • small pasty,
    • painful pressure.

Usually the symptoms of hidradenitis are formed in the armpits, genitals, near the nipples of the mammary glands. These nodes are opened, is eliminated and liquid pus.

Very dangerous are rash arising on the face. They are also superficial and deep.

Superficial pyoderma, which occurs on the face:

Rashes on the face

  • Streptococcal impetigo. Most often this problem appears in young girls and adolescents. On the skin symptoms appear in the form of bubbles with purulent contents, and erosion crusts of yellowish color.
  • If these crusts are connected more and staphylococci, the peel becomes green yellow – this disease is called vulgar impetigo. If you start the symptoms, the problem may grow.
  • Simple ringworm is more common for children. Symptoms of simple lichen appear as white or light pink scaly spots. Children appear not only on face but also on hands and feet.

Deep pyoderma is shown by only one species – vulgar ecthyma. This disease form deep blisters, and covered with purulent bloody crusts which are formed ulcers. Such ulcers heal for a long time – about 2-3 weeks.

Never squeeze pimples on the face alone ulcers and boils, otherwise they will grow even more. If the person has formed a furuncle is best to consult a maxillofacial surgeon for dissection and eliminate pus.

What are the causative agents of pyoderma?

Staphylococcus is an opportunistic group of bacteria, capable to amaze any human organs: lens of the eye, nervous tissue, heart, skin etc. They live everywhere. Every day people are faced with it.

Staphylococci are gram-positive bacteria. The main factors of the appearance of bacteria are:

  • the decline of the immune system,
  • the heavy drugs,
  • problems with the thyroid gland,
  • the influence of the external environment.

Streptococci – treat gram-positive micro-organisms, which normally exist in any human organism. It begins to manifest itself negatively when it begins to weaken the immune system. At the time of weakening the bacteria begin to actively proliferate, and in excess causing various pathologies.

Infectious source is directly a carrier of Streptococcus. Colds, chronic diseases, TB has a high risk of infection with streptococcal bacteria.

Staphylococci and streptococciin addition to the lowering of the immune system can appear due to dirty products not complying with the rules of personal hygiene. Therefore, care is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of hands and food.

What is the treatment prescribed for pyoderma?


Treatment for pyoderma involves identifying the root causes of the problem and its elimination. If this disease occurs in mild form, then you can do only local antiseptic drugs. However, when there is a deeper pathology, one needs a deeper treatment.

To eliminate disease it is necessary not only to improve your body, but also to create conditions for bacteria, which would not be compatible with their livelihoods.

In addition, you need to carefully monitor the clinical course of the inflammatory process. Hard surface types treated for weeks.

If it is chronic or ulcerative pyoderma, they are treated a little longer – about 14 days to several months. The combination therapy usually consists of the use of these drugs:

  • antiseptic (a solution of ammonia, Balsam of shestakovskoe, Bronchicum),
  • immunomodulators (Motion, Ariflo, Bioaron, Arbidol),
  • antibiotics (generally used antibiotic penicillin),
  • hepatoprotectors (Heptal, Kars, Betical, Anthralin),
  • antifungals (Levorin, fluconazole, Miconazole, Naftifine),
  • vitamin preparations containing group (Elevit, Biovital, Vitamalt, Vitrum bjuti, Aerovit).

As treatment with antiseptic recommended drugs:

  • R-R potassium permanganate,
  • Furacilinum
  • Salicylic the,
  • Chlorophyllin,
  • Disinfectants.

After treatment with antiseptics need to use more powerful tools.

The appearance of ulcers and boils not only talking about bacteria, but about the pollution of the body with toxins and other harmful substances. So you have to deal with the cleansing of the body.

Good effect in wound healing has ointment. It perfectly dries and treats the wound, erosion, and also used as a local drug, is bactericidal, Salicio-zinc, Tetracycline, Eritromicina, Linkomitina, Hyoxysonum ointment.

To date, medicine offers a range of drugs with complex action, which contain both anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti-infective agents. These tools include ointment Triderm and Timogen.

Treatment of pyoderma with antibiotics is an important step in eliminating the disease. They are prescribed when the skin is affected and staphylococci, and streptococci. In such cases it is necessary to eliminate both external infection and internal. Is now a popular broad-spectrum antibiotics: Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Penicillin.

If the disease is in adults severe, then the therapy add corticosteroid hormones and angioprotectors. To correctly select the drug you should consult a qualified dermatologist.

If drug therapy doesn't help, then dermatologists often resort to the procedure of blood transfusion.

Pyoderma in adults can be treated with traditional methods. In house conditions it is possible to use here such means:


  • 1. Garlic mixture. It has excellent antiseptic and is a good helper to protect from further infection. For cooking you need to mix in equal parts garlic and alcohol and spread on the affected area of the skin, then cover with gauze and bandage. Smear 2-3 times, until then while all will not work.
  • 2. Can also help wipe acne kalinovoe juice. For this tablespoon of viburnum is diluted with ½ glass of warm water, boil 5 minutes and cool. To wipe before going to sleep to eliminate.
  • 3. Well calm the skin blend of fir resin, butter and wax. Smear on the skin areas where the rash appeared.
  • 4. Small pustules are eliminated well, if their daily to wipe with undiluted aloe Vera juice.
  • 5. Useful plant is nettle dry. It can be brewed as a tea or decoction. Helps with abrasions.
  • 6. To eliminate the boils will help the roots and leaves of dandelion. He poured a glass of water, boil and leave to infuse overnight. Drink 20 minutes before eating half a Cup.
  • 7. The infusion of birch buds will be very useful if rash and cleansing of the body. A tablespoon of raw washed down with a glass of boiling water and insist night. Ready infusion drain and wipe the affected areas.
  • 8. To remove skin inflammation, pain symptoms and discomfort can make a small compress. This requires:
  • fresh potatoes peeled and grind,
  • take a gauze pad, preferably folded in several layers, and pour on it the potato mixture,
  • applying a compress to the inflamed areas of the skin and strongly tied,
  • to change the compress new in a few hours.

A very important point is diet. The process of elimination of the disease was faster it is necessary to eliminate spicy, fatty, heavy food (chocolate, lots of meat, bakery products). At the time of treatment it is better to abandon protein foods, and to consumelacto-vegetarian foods that contain vitamins and necessary microelements. Fruits and vegetables are what is needed to eliminate the disease. Especially needed are citrus (lemon, grapefruit, orange, Mandarin), cherry, black currant, red currant, carrots (especially useful early). It is also necessary to include in the diet of turnips, onions, tomatoes, pomegranate, parsley, all kinds of cabbage, radish. These products will help to strengthen the immune system.

Prevention of pyoderma

To prevent disease you must follow these guidelines:

  • 1. Sanitary-hygienic measures – to monitor the cleanliness of the body, to prevent skin contamination.
  • 2. Strengthening of immunity. Sports, gym, swim pool, more walk in the fresh air, to remove all harmful factors that could enable the emergence of purulent diseases. During processing wounds that did not appear infected. Changing diet, improving the home environment.
  • 3. To improve the working factors, to eliminate all the harmful factors that could contribute to contamination. At the slightest appearance of rash and pustules start to light therapy, to eliminate, to avoid deterioration.
  • 4. Sanitary-educational work, which is to acquaint people with the nature of purulent skin diseases. And talk about preventive measures that would prevent their occurrence.