Fungal skin infections: what are the causes, how to recognize and treat

The term "fungal skin infections" physicians represent an extensive group of infectious diseases characterized by lesions of the skin fungi. Fungal infection of the skin in most people begins with a slight discomfort – the skin of the toes or hands are slightly itchy and scratched. The fungus can infect almost any part of the body: if you do not affected areas where the hair grows, the illness is called a mycosis of a smooth skin, if affected scalp, is a mycosis of the hairy skin. Treatment of mycosis of a smooth skin depends on the type of fungus, the area of the affected area and stage of the disease.

People far from medicine or never dealt with similar problems, know what a fungal infection, by its household name – zoster. Ringworm is a common type of fungal infection, often transmitted from domestic animals, often this disease affects children.

Causes of skin diseases

Fungal infection of skin is caused by fungi. Almost all of them are pathogenic for the human body (abnormal and provoke the disease), with the exception of fungi of the genus Candida. They are opportunistic means that certain quantities of fungi form part of the normal microflora, but with excessive multiplication are dangerous. The microorganisms that cause candidiasis, begin to spread in the body if it is weakened by prolonged use of antibiotics, treatment of diseases of the immune system, poor environmental conditions, and unfavorable background radiation.

In addition to the fungi of the genus Candida, common infectious diseases are microorganisms Trichophyton and Microsporum. They cause destruction of the epidermis and upper layer of the skin. The fungi Malassezia furfur pityriasis versicolor provoke. All biologists identified approximately 500 species of fungi that cause diseases of the skin.

Types of mycosis

The location of the infection doctors klassificeret mycoses include the following:

  1. mycosis of the trunk,
  2. athlete's foot,
  3. fungal infection of the skin of hands,
  4. mycosis of the nails,
  5. mycosis of a smooth skin of the head,
  6. mycosis of the scalp (the latter quite rare).

There are also different types of fungal infections depending on the type of microorganisms causing disease:

  • ringworm (or dermatophyte). These are called fungi Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum. Affect mainly the nails, feet, hands, scalp,
  • keratomycosis. The causative agent is a yeast-like fungi Malassezia furfur. In front of them vulnerable stratum corneum and epidermis, and hair follicles. Keratomycosis are all known for seborrhoeic dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor. Fungi reproduce well in a humid and warm environment, common in warm seasons and in countries with an appropriate climate,
  • kandidomikozy. Cause the fungi Candida. Dangerous because it is capable of hitting not only the skin but also the mucous membranes of the body (mouth, genitals, intestines), and then spread to the internal organs,
  • deep mycoses – a kind of disease which affects not only the skin but also internal organs. Is the most severe form, requires a long systematic treatment,
  • pseudomys – diseases that have symptoms very similar to fungal infections, but is not caused by fungi and bacteria, respectively, require a different treatment. To identify the causative agent and diagnosis will help the laboratory test that is carried out when referring to the dermatologist.


The disease generally makes itself known by a redness of the skin, itching, small vesicles localized in one area. So begins the mycosis of the skin. Such "minor" symptoms most people do not pay attention, but in vain: at this stage the fungus is easily excreted from the body, but with primary manifestations of skin problems the doctor treats very few people.

Anxiety is usually a clear manifestation of the disease: severe redness, peeling of the top layer of the skin, soreness and itching of the affected area (signs of mycosis of a smooth skin). Diaper rash, rash, irritation in the groin area, the spaces between fingers and toes, the creases of the elbows, under the Breasts in women should be a reason to be suspicious and to suspect the fungal infection of the folds. The nails indicate the infection uneven discoloration, brittleness and delamination of the plate. If the affected scalp, the lesions are manifested in the form of one or more sensitive areas, of which the hair falls out.

The affected area usually has the shape of a circle or oval, framed by a red cushion. On the itchy part of the skin bubbles up.
The reason to immediately go to the doctor is the appearance on the body multiple local lesions, which may grow and merge into a single sore area. In this case, almost certainly the skin suffers from fungal infection and needs regular treatment.

Mode of transmission

«Nottry to pet a stray cat will catch ringworm", – hears the ominous warning from the parents of every child who loved animals. And well, if senior: fungal infection of the skin easily surrenders to humans from infected animals, carriers of disease can be cats, dogs, small rodents, cows, pigs. If you keep the apartment pet and your child loves the pet, it is recommended to strictly monitor compliance with child the simple rules of hygiene: after playing with a cat or dog you need to wash hands thoroughly. The animal must be periodically inspected – a pet can bring infection from the street or from their fellows. Well, if an animal made all the necessary vaccinations and you regularly show him to the vet: dogs and cats can be transmitted not only fungal infections, but many other diseases.

Fungal infection of the skin easily transmitted by direct contact with a sick person the use of common household items. If in your family someone was such trouble, in any case, do not use common everyday objects with a sick – dishes, Cutlery, towels, clothing, bed linen. Otherwise treated have a family.

The fungi that cause athlete's foot, quite hardy in the environment. Particularly favorable conditions are created for them in the public baths, saunas, pools, showers. In a warm and moist environment the fungi reproduce well, so when you visit such places it is advisable to bring your own hygiene items – soap, towels, sheets, slates. Shoes after baths and swimming pools should be very carefully washed and dried, it is possible to treat salicylic alcohol. In the office it is also advisable to have your own soap and towel.

Infection with fungus is also possible during medical procedures and manipulations. Advice here: if you turned in a health care facility, feel free to clarify whether doctors and nurses all the rules of hygiene. And, of course, do not neglect them when treated at home.
The risk of Contracting athlete's foot increases if the man was long treated with antibiotics, has a weak immunity or chronic illness. Fungi easily penetrate into the body if broken skin: infection occurs through cracks, scrapes and scratches on the skin. The main function of our skin is a barrier, protective. This is why injuries and wounds are advised to disinfect and prevent the ingress of dirt. Microorganisms otherwise can go directly into the bloodstream, and not be localized on the outer skin.

To protect yourself from destruction by fungi, doctors are advised to carefully monitor the condition of the skin, wipe dry after a bath or shower (fungal infection of the skin develops in the cavities of the toes and hands), immediately to contact the experts at the first sign of malfunction of the skin.


In the Internet you can find a description of many people's methods than to treat skin diseases. It is advisable to apply them only after consulting a doctor. Fungal infection of the skin is very different, the treatment has many features and is chosen individually for each patient.

First of all, the physician should refer the patient to the study sample of affected skin in the laboratory. It is necessary to identify the specific pathogen. To choose a doctor of medicine will also affect such factors as the depth and area of the affected area, the localization of the disease, its degree of development, overall health and immunity, presence of chronic diseases, age of the patient, the possibility of allergic reactions to medications.

If you went to the doctor at an early stage of the disease, external use of antifungal ointments will help you to win the mycosis of a smooth skin. And local treatment, and the medication inside be required in the case when the disease struck an extensive area of the skin.

To treat mycosis appoint primarily with antifungal drugs applied topically: it ketoconazole, clotrimazole, fluconazole, terbinafine. They are applied on the affected areas twice a day. On the advice of the doctor in treating the skin salicylic ointment, and morning with a solution of iodine.
Athlete's foot can affect vellus hair on the thighs, shins, forearms. In this case, in addition to local therapy, it is necessary to epilate the diseased areas.
Ingest patient with mycosis will likely prescribe griseofulvin. The drug is safe, well-established, it is prescribed even to children. However, griseofulvin can accumulate in the liver, so be sure to tell your doctor if you have a problem with that body.
The effectiveness of selected drugs will be noticeable almost immediately, inflammation and peeling will take place, the skin will become its normal shade, will grow healthy nail plate. If no improvement occurs, again go to the doctor and understand the reasons you may need a stronger medication.
After successful treatment and the disappearance of external signs of fungal infection, the attending physician must guide you on repeated laboratory testing to ensure the absence of fungus in the body.

Prevention of mycosis

In order not to let the infection in your body, you need to follow a few simple rules. The first and most important: strictly observe hygiene, to take into a public pool, bath, sauna towels, sheets, Slippers, carefully dry off after a shower. Preferablydo not wear tight shoes and prevent athlete's foot. Second, to disinfect wounds and skin lesions. Third, strengthen the immune system, to monitor the condition of the skin and time to go to the doctor when it changes.