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Bowel disease — the Symptoms and treatment of bowel disease, methods of treatment

Bowel problems accompany the person for life. It is scientifically proven that 90% of all diseases are due to disorders in the bowels.

Often people turn to specialists at an early stage, and when the disease begins to move into the chronic stage. Because intestinal disease is a very delicate subject to discuss it is not accepted.

Many people try to cure themselves of the disease of his intestines, finding symptoms. The treatment is carried out with the help of yogurt.

Consumption of fermented milk products is useful, but to cure the pathology that is impossible. A specialist in such diseases (gastroenterologist) will reveal the cause, diagnose, prescribe competent treatment.

Bowel diseases are diverse, have their own characteristics, only a doctor can understand the problem.

Common signs of intestinal disease

For diseases characterized by different characteristics, but there are common symptoms of the disease in the intestine:

  • pain in the abdomen,
  • violations of the chair,
  • flatulence, rumbling.

The gut plays a major role in the digestion of food, providing nutrients to the body. That is why the disease in the bowel can affect any internal organ or system.

Symptoms of pathological changes are hardly noticeable for some period of time can even disappear. But the disease will gain strength and will emerge stronger. One of the main causes of digestive diseases is poor diet.

A sedentary lifestyle also provokes pathological changes of this organ. The best thing a person can do for their health is to promptly contact their doctor for diagnosis.

Especially pathologies of the small intestine

In the process of digestion the small intestine is of great importance. In its cavity ends the processing, it begins the absorption of nutrients.

Diseases of the small intestine are associated with these two functions. Can disrupt the absorption or stray normal digestion.

Signs of pathological disorders have a standard appearance.

Symptoms of diseases of the small intestine:

  1. the pain is localized around the navel,
  2. rumbling flatulence in the abdomen typical for the second half of the day, the night of occurrence reduced,
  3. patients are plagued by diarrhea, the stool visible remnants of undigested foods,
  4. due to the poor absorption of nutrients begins weight loss, hair damage, dry skin, brittle nails, disruption of the internal body systems.

All the symptoms are acute, then move into the chronic stage, a little weakening.


It is an inflammatory disease of the small intestine, which triggers Shigella dysenteriae, Salmonella, rotavirus and other pathogens.

The reason for this inflammatory process may be the influence of drugs, such as antibiotics. Provokes enteritis influence of ionizing radiation, heavy metals, e.g. lead, arsenic.

Symptoms are:

  1. weight loss,
  2. hair loss,
  3. intolerance to dairy products,
  4. pain in the navel area,
  5. abdominal swelling, unpleasant rumbling,
  6. irregularity – diarrhea.

The specialist assigned additional tests. According to them, a diagnosis, determine the stage of the lesion of the small intestine.


This pathology is also called celiac disease. Cause is congenital deficiency of a specific enzyme that breaks down gluten (it is part of the protein in all grain).

The remains of incompletely digested protein affect the small intestine. Its cells flake, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, can no longer perform their function, impaired processing and absorption.

Symptom of disease:

  • heavy diarrhea,
  • a sharp loss of body weight,
  • bruises onskin,
  • bleeding gums,
  • pain in the bones and possible fractures,
  • in severe cases, there is mental disorders.

Manifestations of celiac enteropathy confused with similar diseases. To diagnose the pathology can only be a good specialist.

Often diagnosed when the disease has become chronic. Patients with this disease have a lifetime to follow a strict diet, but it gives you the opportunity to save health.


The disease is rare, affects not only the gut but also other organs.

Cause of pathology are corinebacteria. Their activity is accompanied by inflammation, which in the intestine and lymph nodes located specific cells macrophages. They block the process of absorption in the intestine.

Symptom of illness:

  • high temperature,
  • prolonged diarrhea,
  • rapid weight loss,
  • pain around the abdomen type contractions,
  • redness, swelling of the joints,
  • enlargement of lymph nodes.

The diagnosis is made after inspection, additional tests. To treat this disease have long, but the prognosis for recovery is favorable, bowel function is restored.


In the small intestine tumours are rare. This is usually a benign tumor. The symptoms of these pathologies depends on the ground remains or the tumor is distributed on the mucous lining.

When the tumor increases to a certain place, then eventually narrows the lumen of the intestine, and therefore, will manifest symptoms of intestinal obstruction:

  • cramps, abdominal pain,
  • vomiting,
  • abdominal distention,
  • diarrheas,
  • weight loss,
  • anemia.

To clarify the position of the tumors in the intestine is usually prescribed x-ray examination. The tumor is found get rid of it surgically or by chemotherapy.

The features of pathology of the large intestine

Irregularities in the colon are always accompanied by violations of the chair, but more frequently marked constipation. Diarrhea occur at the acute stage of the disease. In masses of feces may be blood, mucus.

Pain were more common in the lateral areas of the abdomen, near the anus, but near the navel very rare. At a palpation of the abdomen doctor pain appear left and right under the ribs.

Abdominal tenderness is not associated with food intake, but increases with the use of milk, lots of fruits. After defecation pain is reduced. It also helps the pain a warm heating pad and taking some enzyme drugs.

Rumbling in the abdomen and increased bloating is celebrated in the evening, and by night the abdomen is usually quiet. Prolonged constipation provoke the poisoning of the body, so the symptoms will typical.

Signs of disease of a thick intestine:

  • bad dream,
  • nervousness,
  • depression,
  • the increased anxiety.

And weight loss, diarrhea, anemia characteristic lesions of the small intestine.

Colitis (ulcerative)

It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon, occurs in the chronic form with acute exacerbations. The reasons are immune system, they can have hereditary character.

The mucous membrane is covered with numerous ulcers, areas of erosions. A long course of the disease can trigger the occurrence of polyps, tumors of the colon.

The symptoms of this disease are:

  1. blood in the stool,
  2. frequent violations of the chair,
  3. soreness of the left half of the abdomen,
  4. weakness,
  5. reducing weight.

For diagnosis mucosa visiting a special device – a colonoscope. Ulcerative colitis mucous shell has a characteristic changes.

Ischemic colitis

The disease is an inflammatory process, which is formed due to the narrowing of blood vessels. Food the intestinal wall is disrupted (ischemia), which leads to the formation of ulcers in the future may cause significant narrowing of the lumen of the intestine.

The reasons for this pathology is vascular lesions of diabetes. Often the disease manifests in old age.


  • soreness of the left half of the abdomen immediately after eating,
  • traces of blood in the stool.

The symptoms of this disease of the intestines are evident in the first phase of development, and then gradually weaken. Over time, the disease will again manifest itself, so you need to be wary when the feces will be noticed blood.

Early referral for medical assistance will allow faster diagnosis, to start treatment.

Tumors in the colon

Currently frequently diagnosed malignant neoplasms of the large intestine. Provokes this kind of diseases, unhealthy diet, consumption of refined foods. A tumor of the intestine may occur as a complication polyps, colitis, other diseases of this region.

The complexity of the treatment of diseases of the intestine that symptoms in the later stages. For example, polyps may not manifest itself, they are found accidentally during x-ray examination. The tumor also can find unexpectedly.

If tumors are located in the left side, the symptoms will wearthe General character of intestinal obstruction:

  1. abdominal tenderness in the form of fights,
  2. blood in the stool,
  3. constipations.

When polyps or tumors in my right intestine signs will be more common:

  • high temperature,
  • diarrheas,
  • lowering the weight,
  • general weakness.

Such signs of illness need to push for passage of the examination. Because at the early stage of the pathology to be cured easier, faster.

Dyskinesia of the large intestine

In this disease is disturbed motor function of the body. Perhaps a separate disease or a complication of pathology of the gastrointestinal system. The basis of a failure of the motor abilities of the colon are often stress, depression, high anxiety on domestic issues.

Provoke bowel disease infection, allergic to some foods, an unbalanced diet in which little to no digestible substances. For a long period of dysbiosis increases the likelihood of developing dyskinesia.

Symptoms are:

  • strong rumbling, not tied to the use of any product (may be the only symptom),
  • soreness of the abdomen, but it is difficult to determine the location and type of pain,
  • diarrhea and constipation alternate,
  • marked pain in back, heart, even in the joints, although there is no diseases of these organs.

Picture of the disease is often blurred, for approval of the diagnosis will require additional tests and examinations.


A sick person into the intestines of the formation of small protrusions, called diverticula. Such changes in the internal organ most vulnerable residents of economically developed countries.

Every third inhabitant of the big city has a predisposition to this disease. The problem is that the diet of modern man disappear fiber, coarse vegetable fibers. Such a diet leads to constipation, which is a direct risk of developing diverticulosis.

At the initial stage of intestinal as the other, the disease does not manifest itself. Can trouble minor violations of the chair, slightly sore around the belly. Overt manifestations begin when disturbed release the contents of the diverticulum.

The signs will serve:

  1. high temperature,
  2. diarrheas,
  3. mucus and blood in the stool.

The main danger of such a condition – intestinal bleeding, the probability of which increases with age. The diagnosis is confirmed on x-ray examination. It is important not to run disease to the stage of narrowing of the lumen of the intestine and to treat this condition is very difficult.

In this disease an important role to play in prevention. Nutrition should be balanced and contain the necessary amount of bowel substances. For this we need to regularly eat fresh vegetables, fruits. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the bowel movement, to notice any deviations in a timely manner to visit a doctor.

Problems rectum

The symptoms of the disease of the rectum can manifest itself is not quite bright. Is asymptomatic or very mild symptoms. Many diseases of the intestine are accompanied by metabolic disorders, which is manifested overall fatigue, slow growth, disorders of the internal organs.

The standard features of the pathologies of the rectum are:

  • tenderness of the abdomen and near the anus,
  • pus in the faeces,
  • blood in the stool,
  • chronic constipation,
  • the abdominal bloating gas.

Blood loss often develop anemia. The symptoms manifested bowel diseases are often similar to other diseases, so a correct diagnosis can be established specialist after a thorough examination.


Unpleasant pathology, which gains an unprecedented scale in modern society. Hemorrhoids is a varicose veins in the rectum with the formation of specific nodes.

Causes of hemorrhoids can be sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, lack of fiber in food.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  1. itching, discomfort in the anus,
  2. pain in the lower abdomen,
  3. traces of blood during a bowel movement or on underwear, toilet paper,
  4. in the later stages the patient can hand to grope for the fallen host and even set him in his place.

The main mistake in this disease – late referral to a specialist when you missed good opportunities for the treatment of the disease.

There are effective methods of treatment of hemorrhoids that allow you to quickly save people from suffering. But the disease is considered to be delicate, diseased hesitate to visit a doctor. Over time, the situation is deteriorating, can lead to surgery because there is a risk of crushing the prolapsed nodes.


Small butt crack appears on the wall of the hole of the anus. First, it is common tear the skin in chronic changes begin to harden the edges, the surface is covered with a thick cloth. To provoke the emergence of cracks of the anus can different bowel disease in all its departments.

To show the crack will pain and bleeding. Moreover, the pain can be very strong, can last for several hours after defecation. In some cases, the sick person cannot sit, hard to walk, for example, to climb the stairs.You need to consult a doctor for advice over time, the disease will only grow and the pain to intensify.


Bowel diseases are many, the main symptoms are known. The steady manifestation of the pathology should immediately seek medical help.

Modern methods of medicine to help efficiently, quickly. But still of great importance for recovery plays diet food. Doctor will advise what power system to follow in order to improve the condition of the intestine. Already getting rid of constipation will bring noticeable relief.

Modern life is becoming more comfortable, but it is unnatural for the human body. A sedentary lifestyle causes diseases of the spine, heart, intestinal.

If the person does not change the order of my life, no medication will not help him. Feasible physical activity, normal motor activity is able to keep the human body healthy for many years.