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Spasms in the intestine - what is the reason and what to do

This unpleasant feeling like cramping in the gut causes may have varied, but the most common is irritable bowel syndrome. What is characteristic for this disorder? What else besides the spasm of the intestines symptoms may be present?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common diseases of the small and large intestine. Its cause is not an organic disorder. In this case there is a prolonged disruption of the emptying of the colon. Mostly, the disease occurs in adolescence and young adulthood. According to statistics, this disorder affects almost a tenth of the population of Europe and the United States, the disease affects up to 15% of the population. IBS occurs in 2 times more often in women than in men. The trigger is often stress, tension, food Allergy, infection, diet, hormonal changes or frequent use of antibiotics and other drugs.

Disorder symptoms vary depending on whether we are talking about irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea, or without it. In cases of diarrhea, the man, on the contrary, can lead to constipation. Common symptoms of both forms may include the following symptoms: signs of disorder of the stomach, rumbling in the intestines, abdominal pain in the form of cramps, bloating, painful defecation, nausea, back pain, fatigue and malaise.

What is IBS?

IBS = irritable bowel syndrome (eng. IBS = Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

You are concerned about the repeated urge to defecate, but the sense of sufficient emptying occurs infrequently or is absent? You often feel an intolerance to milk and dairy products? Food intake is often not only worsen symptoms such as bloating, rumbling and cramping in the intestines, but also, in particular, the diarrhea that occurs often. This condition, in particular, liquid stool, often worsens in stressful situations?

If the answers to the above questions is positive then you are most likely "candidate" for the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This also applies to those people who, on the contrary, suffer from constipation. In the case that the primary symptom of IBS with constipation is presented, it is often quite persistent and the person may be emptied 1-2 times a week. Painful bloating and cramping in the intestine increases with the continuation period after the last chair – the longer it is, the more unpleasant symptoms.

IBS is a chronic disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that impedes the normal functioning of the colon. It is characterized by strong spasms in the intestines, cramps or bloating and abdominal pain, and change in bowel habits.

  1. "Syndrome" is the first part of the name of the bowel disease points to a set of typical symptoms in this disorder.
  2. "Irritable bowel" – the second part of the name refers to the deregulation of the intestine, which leads to unusual sensitivity and muscle activity.

In the case of IBS with constipation, we recommend the use of special tools to cleanse the intestines, which:

  • have the perfect composition. They usually contain a high quality soluble and insoluble fiber, which is crucial for maintaining the health of the colon,
  • soft way to support the natural process of evacuation, bring relief from constipation and hemorrhoids,
  • are one of the most effective and safe natural solutions for constipation in General.

Cause of problems

More likely disturbed bowel motility, reducing the intestinal muscles that push food along the digestive tract. A healthy person has a light and regular contractions, so he was not even aware of bowel movements, while it does not appear to be the urge to defecate. Irritable bowel is working regularly, there is an alternation of cramps and mild contractions, leading to abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and other problems.

You may also experience related problems such as back pain, fatigue, bloating in the abdomen, but the symptoms are not associated with digestion where, in the opinion of some experts, may appear allergic, and the internal stress of the body. Irritable bowel syndrome is often a consequence of acute inflammation or other diseases, especially those that require long-term antibiotic therapy.

The colon is an organ that is very sensitive to stress. Gastroenterologists have noticed that colon cancer often affects people who live complex lives, their psyche is daily faced with new and stressful stimuli.

But whysomeone syndrome affects, and someone brings balance to even the most stress and tension? All individually and depends on personality and sensitivity. Modern lifestyle puts tremendous demands on the people, resulting in the number of patients increases.

Too active or lazy bowel

SRK makes itself known problematic defecation. In this case, the person concerned diarrhoea, lasting for weeks, during a stressful period significantly deteriorating. Diarrhoeal stage usually alternates with constipation. When the bowel "lazy" and doesn't want to be emptied, there is a feeling of pressure, which causes a person to go to the toilet, often unsuccessfully.

A symptom of intestinal disorders is the feeling of fullness, painful spasms and bloating. Although these disorders seem serious, but, theoretically, a person can not be sick. This is a functional disorder that has no organic cause. It is not the intestinal inflammation or other damage to its structure, as it happens, for example, in diverticulosis, cancer, etc.

For unknown reasons, however, impaired intestinal peristalsis – sometimes she's too quick, sometimes slow. With the alternation of diarrhea and constipation, and painful spasms, there is no other medications except rest.

Diagnosis is often difficult

SRK is one of the unpleasant gastro-intestinal disorders, which are difficult to diagnose. The symptoms overlap with signs of other digestive problems. Some people, for example, misdiagnosed chronic pancreatitis. In addition to the main gastrointestinal examination frequently requires ancillary test such as sonography and colonoscopy. Why perform these studies? This is done because it is necessary to exclude organic causes of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as inflammatory bowel disease, digestive disorders, celiac disease, pancreatic disease and others.

Diarrhea and constipation are related symptoms and serious diseases such as cancer or inflammation of the colon. However, unlike the above mentioned diseases, blood in the stool is missing and in any case does not belong to the pattern of irritable bowel!

The doctor should first rule out all other possibilities and only when all results are negative, and there was no indication of another health problem, it is with a clear conscience can confirm that we are talking about irritable bowel syndrome.

If the person is disciplined enough and take care of yourself, hope of recovery is relatively high. Even in the case of an incorrect diagnosis or started treatment when the symptoms persist in the long term, the situation is not hopeless.

Concerns relative to the fact that IBS can lead to cancer are unfounded. Constipation associated with this disease should be chronic and persist for many years, so they can be put in the context of risk, the risk of developing colon cancer.

What to do?

SRK and, in particular, spasm of the intestine treatment involves, primarily based on lifestyle changes, eliminating stress and improving coping.

Regular exercise relieves stress and improves bowel function. People who are often in a state of stress needs to divert attention from their usual pace, and when emptying the bowel not to be distracted by other activities, such as reading, listening to the radio or Smoking. Regular quality sleep at least for 7 hours, the consumption of reduced quantities of food, restriction of fat intake and increase protein and fiber.

  1. A warm compress on abdomen or a hot bath will help relieve spasms.
  2. Do not smoke, consume alcohol or coffee, because these foods stimulate peristalsis, and support diarrhea.
  3. Try to determine which food is causing you problems and eliminate it from the diet. Do not eat spicy, fried and other fatty foods, also avoid sweets that often cause bloating.
  4. Constipation is an important exercise of reflex emptying. Thus, during the day, choose a regular time for bowel cleansing, preferably in the morning.
  5. If you experience problems with emptying helps to massage the stomach with a closed fist or a glass of warm water. Water before drinking, a little salt.
  6. Food with high fiber content may also to solve the problem, but it is not recommended to consume foods that promote bloating.

What you can eat and what to avoid?

When treating IBS it is important to adjust eating habits depending on, you suffer with diarrhea or constipation.

Those who suffer from diarrhea, you must exclude from your diet foods that cause bloating or other digestive problems. Such products include dairy products, legumes, yeast dough and of drinks containing carbon dioxide. Is limited must also be foods with a high fiber level.

Conversely, in the case of constipation you need to add more dietary fiber. It is found mainly in wholegrain bread, cereals, vegetables and fruits. The fruit in this caseto consume with the skin.

Avoid: foods that contain large amounts of sugar, fatty dairy products, coffee, alcohol, fried foods, ice cream, orange and grapefruit juice, nuts, instant foods, red meat.

It is recommended to include in the diet: whole grain rice, yogurt with live probiotic cultures, vegetables, fruit, fish, poultry.

We should not forget about the garlic that support the digestion and decomposition of toxins in the intestines.

Program for cleansing the colon

Program for cleansing the colon should be recommended by a specialist!

The reasons for their use:

  • soft support natural emptying,
  • relief of constipation and hemorrhoids,
  • contributes to reduced weight, i.e. increasing satiety and preventing the consumption of other high-calorie foods,
  • protection of the intestinal mucosa from the undesirable irritation of toxic and carcinogenic substances,
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer of the colon and rectum,
  • reducing the risk of diverticulitis.