Intestinal infection what tests need to pass

To detect the pathogen and prescribe the right medicine, the doctor sends the patient to be tested for intestinal infection. Without such an analysis to cure this disease is very difficult. Every patient's threshold of sensitivity to medicines are totally different. Therefore, the intestinal infection is treated differently.

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Why the need for a stool sample

The origin of intestinal diseases has several types: bacterial and viral.

The study, conducted by scientists showed that bacterial infections are caused by pathogenic bacteria. The patient suffers from:

  • Dizentiriey,
  • Salmonellosis,
  • Dysbacteriosis.

Transmission of bacterial infection is through:

  • Dirty hand,
  • Not washed the vegetables,
  • Food products,
  • Water.

A disease of an infectious nature, it may also be caused by pathogenic microflora in the human intestine. This is mainly due to digestive disorders, diarrhoea and dysbiosis. In most cases, all of these disease causing E. coli, various strains.

Kishechnaya infekciya kakie analizy nuzhno sdat

To viral diseases include several types of infection: rotavirus and enterovirus.

These diseases can be transmitted through the air. Enough to the patient to sneeze or cough, as the bacterium gets into the air you breathe all around. This transmission is made possible due to the fact that the virus affects the digestive tract and settles in the respiratory tract.

Relying only on some symptoms of the disease, it is difficult to say exactly who was the cause of many diseases. Therefore, it would be impossible to prescribe the right treatment. That's why, so ill just need to take the tests. They can be used to detect the specific pathogen appeared intestinal diseases.

Microbiological analysis

To determine the infection seems to stool. It is full of microscopic examination to detect the causative agent. Sometimes it fails, as sometimes in the feces, the bacteria are almost completely absent.

Then made the sowing of feces, relatively nutrient medium. There, the bacteria multiply rapidly and gather in large colonies. Note that in addition to harmful bacteria in the feces may also be present and useful microorganisms.

After growth of a colony previously conducted microscopic examination re-done. Verified pure cultures, with the aim to identify the true pathogen.

When a stool sample shows that the microflora detected Salmonella is the test to determine the level of sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.

For this the accumulation of harmful bacteria is exposed to antibiotics. And undertake a variety of groups, all results will be recorded. After determining which group of antibiotics was suppressed by the bacterium, the report shows the degree of sensitivity to this drug.

Method PCR

In the twentieth century, scientists developed an original method for detecting intestinal infection, the so-called PCR or "polymerase chain reaction". Today it is extensively used for the diagnosis of intestinal diseases. The main positive factor of this method is its speed. It is much faster microbiological analysis lasting several days.

Using PCR are available, even the smallest biological material, it is possible to detect DNA of the pathogen. This way you can also explore any liquid.

PCR is divided into several groups:

  • Quality,
  • Quantitative.

In other words, it is possible to determine the presence of the pathogen and its amount in a particular biological environment.

Using PCR to determine the infectious agents of different origin. These include:

  • Shigellas',
  • Salmonella,
  • Yersinia,
  • Stick,
  • Rotaviruses,
  • Enteroviruses.

Blood test

If microbiological examination gave positive result to complement the analysis of blood. He was appointed physician to detect antibodies when the disease is protracted or too late when the patient asked for help.

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To donate blood, you need three days to analyse, to quit Smoking, not to drink alcohol and expose themselves to heavy exercise. The blood should be taken only on an empty stomach.


If a person for a long time, uncontrollable diarrhea, it is possible to speak about existence of any serious disease. Diarrhea is very dangerous. It can cause dehydration, it suffers from the intestinal flora. Because of the diarrhea, the blood receives very little useful trace elements.

To discover the cause of the diarrhea needs to be examined. What tests are required? First of all, is fecal collection to determine the cause of dysbiosis. Reveals the next number of microorganisms:

  • Lactobacilluses',
  • Bifidobacteriums',
  • Sticks',
  • Enterobacteria,
  • Staphylococcus',
  • Clostridiums',
  • Fungi's,
  • Proteus.

Upon decrease of the concentration of any of these germs, the disturbed balance in the intestines, diarrhea appears.

In addition to this analysis, is of great benefit and technical analysis that will help to detect an intestinal infection. Because the cause of imbalance can be: dysentery, rotavirus infection, salmonellosis, yersiniosis.

Then rent Kal for the detection of Giardia and worms. This analysis is very important in the examination of children, and biggest fans to communicate with Pets. It also refers to fishing for food. It also explores the blood, to detect several types of antibodies:

  • Toxocara,
  • Trichinella,
  • Echinococcus,
  • Opisthorchiasis.

The presence in the body of the worms causes diarrhea. The person feels severe nausea and vomiting. When large numbers of worms the intestine becomes inflamed, starts toxicosis.

Diarrhea may also occur due to a number of other diseases: hepatitis: appendicitis, stress, nervous breakdown.

In humans, disrupted intestines, as a consequence, you receive diarrhea. To exclude all these diseases, you need to pass feces for the detection of hepatitis A. a blood test can show whether a sick person by other types of hepatitis, such as S.

When it starts to hurt the lower abdomen, especial the right side, you can talk about appendicitis. With such pain you should immediately consult a doctor.

Where the patient have chronic diarrhea, it fecal matter becoming oily, which are visible in the digested pieces of food. These symptoms involve deficiency of digestion, they say the failure of the pancreas. In this case, you must make coprology. It will help to establish an accurate diagnosis. Typically, these signs indicate the onset of pancreatitis.

The cause of diarrhea will help to establish a blood test taken to biochemical examinations. In the laboratory is studied in the blood elements of the liver. In the case of liver failure, the person starts: nausea, yellow diarrhea, vomiting.

Passing such an analysis, you can quickly know the appearance of the disease and start treatment immediately.

The gut is often disturbed due to malfunction of other organs:

  • Livers,
  • Gallbladder,
  • Pancreas,
  • Spleens,

To detect such anomalies, it is necessary to do an ultrasound. It will show which organ is not working properly. The doctor will be much easier to make a correct diagnosis.

Kishechnaya infekciya kakie analizy nuzhno sdat

If, having passed all the above tests, the correct diagnosis is to be installed has failed, you can try to check how the thyroid gland works. When an increasing number of hormones and occurs hyperthyroidism, may cause prolonged diarrhea.

The cause of the diarrhea can become and nervous disorders, causing the symptoms of irritable bowel.

Detection of coliform

In our gut lives a huge number of different bacteria. Each species has a positive effect on the microflora. This community is closely monitoring its composition and quantity.

Some of these microbes are perfectly safe and part belongs to the group of opportunistic. In other words, if they create an appropriate environment, for example, weakening of the immune system, or the emergence of dysbiosis, these bacteria can turn into "bad". In the result, it may cause serious diseases.

There are also microorganisms that from the very beginning are considered to be pathogenic. When everything is normal, they cannot be detected in the human body. When they enter the intestine, the person starts intestinal infection, maybe the beginning of the formation of bacteria. To detect such pathogens, the patient should pass the stool test to find traces of coliform.

How is the study

The purpose of this analysis alone to detect the presence of dangerous bacteria. For this, a thorough study of feces.

First, it is closely examined under high magnification. The microscope shows the presence of harmful substances. Even a small quantity will still be noticeable under the microscope.

Then made the sowing of feces. Bacteria are immersed in a nutrient medium. The number of microorganisms begins to increase. When the colonies reach large size, each sample is carefully examined,to pinpoint what exactly the microorganism in the sample.

In case of detection of harmful bacteria, for example Salmonella, conducted a special test to determine the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics.

The grown colonies exposed to different groups of antibiotics.

Then examine their reaction. If the microbes are killed under the action of a specific antibiotic, thus the pathogen is increased sensitivity.

The results of this analysis, on a special form are given to the client. In addition, the analysis lists all the types of microbes that were present in the feces.

Don't immediately swoon to see a large list of organisms detected in the stool. Perhaps the best part of them is positive. To decrypt such an analysis is quite difficult, it can only be done by a doctor.

But if the form is plus about of the term "Salmonella", you can immediately understand, who is guilty in occurrence of the disease. But the final diagnosis, the outbreak of the dysbiosis, it's better to put the attending physician.

Who needs to be tested

Of course, such analyses are assigned primarily suspected the presence of intestinal infection. Sometimes it is even microscopy vomit. In some cases studied the washings of the plates if it is suspected that the source of infection is food. But more accurate data from the analysis of feces, as it contains information about the entire microflora.

Value analysis, which is detected by the Escherichia group is unable to determine which medications will provide the patient maximum assistance. As a consequence, therapies will be targeted and will lead to the quickest recovery.

Unfortunately, the culture results can not be obtained instantaneously. Have to wait almost a week.

I must say that such tests not only sick people. Some such tests are required to pass mandatory.

This applies to people working in medical institutions, and constantly in contact with food. Indeed, in their organism can be pathogenic microbes. They may receive the infection, and possible cases of numerous diseases. An examination of all of the above citizens are required to undergo annually.

As rent analysis for the detection of coliform

Collected and delivered a stool to the laboratory in the usual way. The only difference will be the dishes in which it will be contained. It should have strict sterility. The sealed jar must be well boiled. To rid yourself of this procedure in the pharmacies you can buy special sealed containers. They will not allow outside microbes to penetrate. The study will show very accurate and reliable results.


In order for our children and adults not exposed to a communicable disease, it is necessary to observe hygiene. Always, before you sit down at the table, you need to wash your hands.

Only the analysis, commissioned for the detection of intestinal infection, may help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Always remember this. Do not refuse the delivery of the analysis, without it, the diagnosis may be incorrect, and the treatment useless.