Rotavirus infection how long children

This disease causing pathogenic viruses of the human gut. The acute form of the disease has characteristic features:

  • Fever,
  • Nausea,
  • Vomiting:
  • Diarrhea,
  • High temperature.

After carrying out the relevant tests, the doctor installs intestinal infection caused by the rotavirus. If epidemiological data are pronounced, is set to quarantine.

Rotavirusnaya infekciya skolko dlitsya u detej

The fight against rotavirus therapeutic methods involves a sequence of treatment:

  • Rehydration,
  • Special diet,
  • Detoxification,
  • Medication.

When a doctor diagnosed with rotavirus infection, it is difficult to say how long it lasts in children. It all depends on the condition of the body and the immune system.

Rotavirus, which has a sick child, belongs to the subgroup of viral diarrhea. Can get infected almost everyone, but children have this disease much more frequently.

Children's bodies are very susceptible to such disease. Rotavirus infection, the duration of in children, is difficult to say. It can continue and be repeated many times. Basically a large number of children ill with intestinal flu, which age has not reached two years.

When the baby is breast-fed by, he gets passive immunity, fighting viruses. If feeding does not occur, an intestinal infection and rotavirus may occur even chest baby.

Recurrent phenomenon is perhaps six months after treatment of the disease. The child who contracted repeatedly, carries the disease much easier.

Symptom of illness

How many days lasts the disease it is difficult to say. The infection usually lasts for about a week. Full recovery could take ten days. Rotavirus is very dangerous for a child, especially immediately after birth. He is still immune system is gaining strength.

If the baby appeared diarrhea, constantly sick and vomiting, you should immediately see a doctor. Treatment should be appointed in the shortest possible time.

Rotavirusnaya infekciya skolko dlitsya u detej

The characteristic signs of the disease rotavirus is considered:

  • Lethargy,
  • Drowsiness,
  • Dry lips,
  • Missing saliva,
  • When the baby cries, can not see tears,
  • The skin becomes dry and flabby,
  • Very little urine.

All these symptoms require urgent consultation with a doctor. Every day without treatment can only worsen the situation and lead to serious consequences.

Intoxication infections can occur similar to the symptoms of SARS:

  • Stuffy nose,
  • Rhinitis,
  • A slight cough,
  • Sometimes otitis or conjunctivitis.
  • Why do I get bladder infection

It is transmitted through contact with the ill person. If a child has symptoms of illness, he immediately becomes a carrier of infection.

Special hazard rotavirus is on the fifth day after onset of illness. Dirty hands, toys that kids love so much to taste, cause of the disease.

The cause of intestinal flu may be food, which touched a sick person. Unboiled water can also cause intestinal infection, as chlorine is not capable of killing malicious virus.


Approximately four days after infection with rotavirus, the baby begins to develop rotavirus infection. This period may be different, all depends on the individual condition of the body of the child.

Rotavirusnaya infekciya skolko dlitsya u detej

The development of intestinal infections can take place in several ways. In one case the child appears:

  • Pershenie,
  • Dry cough,
  • Rhinitis.

In another embodiment, there are very characteristic symptoms:

  • Diarrhea,
  • Nausea,
  • Gastroenteritis,
  • Pain in the abdomen,
  • Lethargy.

Incubation period

When there was an infection, typical symptoms may not appear immediately. The infection can stay in the body for several days and it does not show itself. It becomes acute form later.

How long can the incubation period, how long it will last depends on the condition of the body of the child. Its maximum can reach five days. During this period there is active replication of the virus. How many children are sick, it is difficult to determine at this time. The children feel normal.

But the days pass. The incubation period ends. Atthe child's temperature begins to rise, it is weakening, vomits, have diarrhea.

To prevent possible complications to treat the infection immediately. You can enhance the power of the child, to give him more vitamins.

Importantly! The period of the appearance of the disease, parents may not notice because the symptoms of the disease do not show. If kindergarten healthy baby came in contact with sick children, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

Treatment of intestinal diseases

A special method of treatment of such disease does not exist. All therapeutic methods have the same goal, to eliminate the symptoms of the infection.

The baby acquired additional strength to combat infection need to follow a diet. The doctor prescribes special medication:

  • Antispasmodic,
  • Immunotropic drugs,
  • Antipyretic.

To completely remove a large number of virus particles, it is necessary to organize the reception of children's antibiotics. The doctor that determined rotavirus infection, prescribe the antibacterial candles:

  • Viferon,
  • Lipford.

The course of treatment and the dose depends on the age of onset and may last five days.


To avoid dehydration, a kid must be provided with a warm drink in large quantities. This will help to maintain the right fluid balance in the body and to create normal conditions for work.

First, the child is given one teaspoon, then increase the number. The positive effect is given specially prepared solutions:

  • Humana,
  • Regidron,
  • Oralit,
  • Decoction of chamomile,
  • Boiled water,
  • Rice water,
  • Savoury compote made of dried fruit.

To remove toxins from the body and make it a complete cleansing, baby give:

  • Activated carbon,
  • Smectite.

To reduce the temperature you can use:

  • Children's paracetamol,
  • "So»,
  • Candles "Tsefekon".

When there is a high temperature and convulsions, the baby can be wiped with saline (one part of water is taken one part salt).

Severe pain in the abdomen, the child is given:

  • Nospanum,
  • Lacidofil,
  • Was riobel.

During intestinal infections, the baby needs to feed:

  • Rice porridge,
  • Mashed potato,
  • Bananas,
  • Steering-wheels,
  • Crackers.

Infants need to transfer to the feeding mixtures that do not have lactose. It is impossible to give the baby:

  • Dairy produce,
  • Sauces,
  • Produce,
  • Fatty food,
  • Meat additives.

How to lower the temperature

Doctors recommend not bring down the temperature, if it rises above 38 degrees. It is believed that the body itself has to cope with it.

Rotavirusnaya infekciya skolko dlitsya u detej

When the temperature reaches 39 degrees, the child who has not attained the age of three, are appointed candles "Tsefekon". Older children, paracetamol is assigned a corresponding dosage.

The use of candles are very convenient as they can to put baby when he is asleep or awake.

But if the temperature drops and long drops, children under the age of one year and above are assigned a paracetamol and a small quarter of dipyrone.

Supplementation should occur with a break of two hours. This applies to candles and paracetamol tablets. When taking other drugs, the break should reach 4 hours or more. The biggest positive effect in intestinal disease, gives the paracetamol.

To reduce the temperature, you can wipe the baby with a weak solution of vodka, but observing certain rules. The body of the child should wipe completely. Are not allowed changes and free sites on the body of the baby. After wiping on the feet you need to wear thin socks.

Procedure wiping can be carried out only in half an hour after taking the tablet temperature, and if it hasn't started to fall. At high temperatures it is forbidden to coddle the child.

To cope with gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by fever, helps "Enterofuril". He has to take it in the morning and evening for five days. The dosage depends on the age of the patient. It will also help to cope with protracted diarrhea. Its counterpart is "Enteral".

Severe pain in the abdominal area of the child will help to remove no-Spa. It is necessary to put in the mouth of one milligram of a solution to drink tea.

When to recover the appetite to disappear diarrhea, and microflora recovered fully, doctors prescribe baby "Baktisubtil". The capsule dissolved in water you need to drink morning and evening, an hour before a meal. The course of treatment lasts five days.


If the intestinal flu treated improperly, may cause adverse effects.

The body is dehydrated. It can cause death. That can't happen. The kid is an urgent need to start soldering. In the hospital the baby put on a drip.

The baby is observed acetoneiso condition. Ketone bodies begin to accumulate in large numbers in the body of the child. They have a negative effect on his brain. This complication occurs because of the lack of carbohydrates consumed during illness.

Possible convulsions caused by high temperature. To prevent the emergence ofapnoea condition, the baby's body requires constant cooling, which uses a saline solution. All parts of the body is carefully rubbed, to lower the temperature.

Preventing infection

It is very important to maintain good hygiene. Always wash your hands after coming in from the street, before sitting down at the table, and so on.

Children should eat fresh products that have previously undergone heat treatment.

Children's room should always be aired, it should not be stale air.