E. coli in the bladder treatment

E. coli is pathogenic bacterium in the normal range even beneficial to the organism, contributing to the production of vitamin K and neutralize other harmful microorganisms. When you deviate from the norm in a big way leads to the development of the inflammatory process, rapidly multiplying, settling in the urinary tract and almost soaked into their walls.

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Often in the course of providing a urine sample for a bacterial culture test detected in women as a result of poor personal hygiene or special structures of the genitourinary system if there is a fairly short urethra. It happens that the wand is detected in babies because of immature immune system and inability to perform its functions fully.

Requires elimination of E. coli in the bladder and treatment, the excretion of urine. Treatment – medication and traditional methods. If not treated, the bacteria will lead to the development of more serious diseases: cystitis, pyelonephritis, chlamydia.

What should be the norm?

Normal bacteria in urine culture during the study on the flora should be no more than 105 sticks on 1sm3 liquid. The increasing population inevitably leads to a marked deterioration of health, development of inflammation. With the spread of bacteria, chlamydia or gonococci into the urinary tract it can damage the bladder, ureter and kidney as a whole. The inflammation triggered by Escherichia coli lead to the intestines with all its attendant unpleasant symptoms, a number of serious diseases. When joining the Staphylococcus, the gonococcus, the Streptococcus to a strong suppression of the immune system and dangerous diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis.

Possible cause

Rod-shaped intestinal bacterium easily penetrates and settles in the intestine because of:

  • development of dysbiosis,
  • the ingestion of poor quality stale products,
  • of taking a number of medications, particularly antibiotics, long courses.

With the appearance of bacteria in the urine means that they have been perekachivanie and proliferation in the urinary system from the gastrointestinal tract and intestines. The reason:

  • not the sterility of the urinary canal,
  • promiscuity,
  • the lack of adherence to basic norms of personal hygiene.

There may well be a penetration of Escherichia coli into the blood and lead to development of infectious-inflammatory process in the blood stream due to:

  • the lack of timely and hygienic measures,
  • improper urine collection to study the composition of urine.

In contact with E. coli in the urinary ducts is quite a solid attachment to the wall, impossible to washout. As the passage of bacteria up the urethra it can damage the bladder and kidneys with all the ensuing consequences. Bacteria quickly begin their reproduction in the urinary bladder on the background of a weakened immune system.

How can you recognize?

If the immune system in humans is fairly stable, it is unlikely to stick in any way will make itself know, the may long remain unnoticed. Only in the course of the examination of the urine often doctors ascertain its pathogenic effects on the urinary tract when patients begin to show unpleasant symptoms fully:

  • frequent urination,
  • pain in the lower abdomen,
  • the discharge of urine containing blood and pus,
  • apathy, lack of energy,
  • the temperature rise on the background of inflammatory process,
  • inhibition of the immune system,
  • the development of inflammation of the urinary system,
  • cramps when urinating.

If you notice such symptoms intestinal stick already does not go unnoticed and, of course, requires the removal, suspension of development that can lead to more severe and difficult to treat diseases.

How is it treated?

Like any other inflammation of the settling of pathogenic microorganisms in the urine treated with antibiotics. This is the first thing the doctor will prescribe to suppress Escherichia coli, restoration of microflora in the gut.

If it is not treated, E. coli will eventually lead to the resettlement, not only in the bladder and the ureter, but will provoke the development of pyelonephritis and cystitis. In addition to antibiotics the doctor will prescribe uroseptic to suppress the inflammatory process, antimicrobial drugs. To oust coli from urinary tract patient is recommended to drink more water, teas, fruit drinks.

Do not self medicate. With the appearance of unpleasant symptoms need urgently to address to the urologist, because in advanced cases, often already not to do without surgical intervention on the organssmall basin. Pregnant women in case of infection of urine requires the most gentle and special treatment.

New drugs for the treatment of cystitis

Adults the detection of Escherichia coli in the urine and the appearance of unpleasant symptoms are assigned to antibacterial drugs of a new generation with antimicrobial effect:

  • nitrofuran,
  • fluoroquinolones (Fosfomycin, Ampicillin, Nitroksolin, 5 NOK, Biseptol), Amoxicillin, applicable to children and pregnant women,
  • tsefalosporiny for oral,
  • The fosfomycin children under 5 and nursing mothers how harmless the drug is to suppress E. coli, creating antibacterial flora in the urine, eliminating the negative symptoms,
  • bifidobacteria children and pregnant women, contributing to the rupture of the cell walls of bacteria, providing germicidal effect, and absolutely harmless to the body,
  • antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Tsiprolet, Tsifran, Ecocidal, Ciprinol, Levofloxacin) applicable in uncomplicated cystitis,
  • Norfloxacin, Norbaktin in the case of achieving a high concentration of bacteria in the urine,
  • Ofloxacin with taking 200 mg per day to ease symptoms, reduce unpleasant symptoms,
  • anti-inflammatory antispasmodics.

Development of medical action deals exclusively with the doctor. Most importantly, do not harm the body, to provide maximum exposure to bacteria and facilitate the removal of infections from the urinary system naturally, without resorting to surgical intervention. Perhaps the appointment of sequential therapy, starting from the more safe antibiotics and with a gradual transition to backup.

The appearance of associated symptoms is as soon as possible contact a urologist. For example, the cystitis has a relapsing course, leads to complications when hospital treatment and even surgery will not be avoided.

At home the patient is recommended to drink more liquids, to refuse to accept salt, adjust diet, to include in the diet dairy products with lactic acid bacteria: yogurt, cheese whey, sour milk, because the acidic environment is detrimental to E. coli, killing her.

Indicated for the treatment of Escherichia coli intake of Shilajit 3 times daily for 0, 5 g before meals as a great remedy for removing bacteria. The course of treatment is 5 days. Douching can be carried out by dissolving 1 g of the mummy in 1 Cup of warm water. The course of treatment — 2 weeks. After a 5-day break course can be repeated 2-3 more times.

The popular treatment

E. coli helps to treat Jerusalem artichokes by taking raw. You can prepare the following mixture,

  • to withstand the yogurt in a water bath,
  • to separate the curds from the whey,
  • take 1/3 2-3 times a day.

For the treatment and removal of Escherichia coli in children have shown extracts of Potentilla goose with antibacterial properties, chamomile, plantain, peppermint, St. John's wort, repeshko. It is recommended to drink as a tea in the course of chronic inflammation to cleanse the urethra with the appearance of sharp pains, discharge of urine with blood and pus.

The main thing is to neutralize the harmful effects of E. coli, to choose the right medication with the aim of removing from the bladder gram-positive bacteria. A significant role in the treatment plays with the diet exclusion from the diet of salt. Definitely need to drink more pure water to flush out the bacterial flora of the urethra when the urine begins to move away with the putrid odor and a greenish-yellow slime, and bacterial growth becomes uncontrolled.

When joining a bacterial infection and the temperature rise can not do without the antibiotics penicillin and pregnant women at the time carrying a little more sparing of means, for example, Furagin, Nitrofuran also dietary supplements to normalize the microflora in the digestive tract: Bifidumbakterin, Linex, bio yogurt.

It is important to follow a healthy diet with the purpose of correction of levels of E. coli in the urine. In severe inflammatory process patients are encouraged to provide a urine sample for a bacterial culture test again, and to inpatient treatment.

Often women diagnosed with pyelonephritis or cystitis, when the wand when getting into the urinary tract is firmly attached to the walls. Of considerable importance is the proper collection of urine for urine analysis, since it is possible to get a completely wrong diagnosis.