The structure of the human gut

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The human intestine is not just a binding component between the stomach and the anus. It is pretty difficult to find. A person's colon is full, it is difficult organized and continuously operating system, the value of which cannot be overestimated.

A General idea of the anatomy and functions of the intestine. In anatomy the term the intestine (intestinum) is considered to be the area of the gastrointestinal tract from the pylorus of the stomach to the anus. The structure of the human gut is directly related to the functions of this area of the gastrointestinal tract, namely:

  • digestion,
  • absorption of nutrients,
  • endocrine function,
  • direct participation in the processes of immune protection.

Anatomy of the intestine is:

  1. The small intestine, which in turn should be divided into:
  2. Duodenum,
  3. Jejunum,
  4. Ileum,
  5. Large intestine, consisting of:
  • caecum,
  • colon,
  • rectum.

Small and large departments, separates the ileocecal valve, and cecum is a small pouch that is known to most people as the Appendix.

In General, in humans, the length of the intestine varies in the region of 4 meters. When a person dies, disappears tonic tension and the length is increased to 6 and even up to 15 meters. Curiously, the newborn child's intestine has a length of from 340 to 360 inches, which is almost 7-8 times more than the growth of the newborn. The rapid growth of the departments is observed in the period from one year to three and it is connected with the transition from feeding milk to a mixed type diet.

Physiological processes occurring in the intestine

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The digestive process begins immediately in the rectum. Here come the enzymes that the pancreas produces. These enzymes break down proteins to peptides and polysaccharides to disaccharides. This process occurs in the cavity of the intestine, and for this reason has the name of the digestive cavity. In the human gut there is another type of digestion – membrane digestion. This term means the process of digestion of peptides to amino acids, disaccharide to monosaccharides, and fats to monoglycerides and carboxylic acids on the wall, or rather, on the membranes of epithelial cells. In this form of digestion, the main role is played by enzymes that are synthesized in the epithelium.

Further, the nutrients begin to be absorbed. This occurs in the duodenum, and in one of the departments in the jejunum. However, specific acids (in biochemistry they are called gall), and with them, and cyanocobalamin (one of the vital vitamins) tend to be absorbed in the ileum. Method suction refers to the processes of active transport, which occurs against the concentration gradient, and this is constantly a process of disintegration of ATP.

One of the features of the human gut is its ability to implement the various cuts. It can be reduce pendulum nature, rhythmic segmentation, peristaltic contraction, and opposite in direction antiperistaltics reduction. These contractions moves the food, as well as the absorption of vital substances for the functioning of the body — of water and the formation, eventually, of the masses for defecation. Processes for water fecal masses characteristic of Tolstoy's Department. In addition, the intestine is constantly going some processes related to metabolism. Here are delivered to certain toxins — waste products, the body gets rid of them.

Physiologists believe that in the gut (especially in fine) has been an important part of the endocrine regulation. Here, the synthesis of such hormones as pancreozymin, motilin, glucagon, neurotensin, vasoactive intestinal peptide. These hormones work not only for digestion but also have a significant impact on the operation of the other systems of the body.

The intestines not just put in one number with such important for the functioning of the immune system organs such as lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen. Indeed, only here is synthesized by a specific group of antibodies and the formation of certain groups of T-lymphocytes, which occurs due to the implementation of cellular immunity.

The small intestine of man

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Anatomically it is part of a unified system between the stomach and large intestine. The name of this Department was due to the fact that the thickness of the intestine in this Department is much thinner than in the colon, and the lumen of the intestine in this Department seems to be much less lumenintestine another Department. It is believed that the length of the small intestine in humans ranges from 1.3 to 4.2 meters. In women the length of the small intestine is smaller than the length of the division men. The width of the lumen of the intestine is approximately 23 mm. The first section is the duodenum has polukoltsami shape and is a baby at the level of the 1st lumbar spine, and the child of 12 years he goes down to level 3-4 of the lumbar spine. Newborns duodenum very agile, but seven years around a fatty fabric, and it holds this part of the small intestine. As for the jejunum, its length is 2/5 of the length of the small intestine minus the length of the duodenum. Accordingly, the ileum occupies 2/3 of the length of the small intestine, minus the length of the duodenum.

An extremely important role in the function of the small intestine plays his mucosa. The fact that the mucous membrane forms many spines — villus projecting into the lumen of the intestine. These outgrowths of approximately 20-40 per square centimeter. Each villus is covered by special cells – epithelial cells that have numerous processes (microvilli) on the plasma membrane and this greatly increases the surface of the small intestine, which is extremely important for the processes of membrane digestion and absorption process. Also in the lining of the holes – crypt. There, cells lining the crypts, the synthesis of many components of intestinal juice, including hormones necessary for digestion, as well as a group of biologically active substances.

Large intestine

Got its name due to the fact that the intestine it forms a fairly thick due to the more powerful layers of muscle and connective tissue, as well as through wider internal lumen compared to a thin division. The average length of this division is 1.5 meters. Diameter varies from 7 a.m. to 14 inches. Anatomically, the division represents the end of human intestines and the entire digestive tract. Its main function is the formation of masses of feces for defecation, and the process of absorption of water. It is believed that the Appendix, which many believed informed rudimentary, is crucial to the immune system. As for the mucous membrane of this Department, it has no villi, but in the mucosa are much more crypts.

The most important is the role of the colon in terms of microflora. It is believed that in this Department there is a huge number of microorganisms living in symbiosis with man. These microorganisms feed on the remains of food, and in return give amino acids (including some irreplaceable) that synthesize necessary for the normal functioning of the body vitamins and enzymes. If the quantity and quality of the microflora of the large intestine is disturbed, this leads to serious violations in work of all systems of the body. Changes in the microflora can be triggered by disruption in human nutrition, medications (especially antibiotics). This phenomenon is called dysbiosis.

Reaching the rectum, stool mechanical effect on the receptors of the anus. This is the beginning of implementation of the scheme in the CNS. In response to the mechanical action on the receptors, the nervous system gives the order to the opening of the sphincters. The result is stool excreted from the intestine.

Irregularities in the bowel

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The failures are usually attributed to the deviations of the chair. Diarrhea is a manifestation of reduced ability of water absorption, which occurs in the large intestine, and excessive amplification of the secretory function. Quite rare, but still possible, occurrence of diarrhea as a result of excessively high motor activity, which occurs for any reason. If the problem is in the small intestine occurs more frequent stools, but it is not catastrophic (three or four times a day). However, the volume of feces increased in the feces are undigested food particles and feces is much increased fat content (it's called stautory) making the bowl becomes very dirty. If the problem is in the colon, the stool is quite common, but minor amounts of feces, undigested food in the stool is missing, and stautory does not stain the toilet.

Constipation doctors increased bowel motility, or conversely reduction of motor activity of the intestine. Constipation often develops as a consequence of chronic diseases and is caused by atony of the colon. The reason may be not only the chronic disease, but disorders in neurohumoral regulation. Infectious diseases intestinal peristalsis can be broken ,and then develops severe constipation.

Abdominal pain very often are issues with the intestines. Cause them can as spasms of smooth muscles, and accumulated in Gaza. In addition pain can be caused by irritation of nerve endings or violation in the process of blood supply. Quite severe pain and provoke inflammation, which may for one reason or another to occur. If the problem is localized in the jejunum intestine, the pain is felt in the area of the navel, if the pain in the lower abdomen, the problems associated with thickintestine. The nature of pain are persistent or recurrent. In the case of increased flatulence pain are monotonous and lengthy. The pain continuously increases and reaches its peak at the end of the day. Pain subside after stool and waste gases. Sometimes the pain is sharp and appears in different parts of the abdomen. If such symptoms medical experts say intestinal colic. Colic pain of a person tend to increase with even minor loads. If a person has seen a painful urge to stool, but the stool is minimal or completely absent, most likely, we are talking about problems with a thick intestine. One of the main features of the existing problems of the small intestine is the presence of undigested residue in the stool. This may indicate a poor production of enzymes. Relatively rare, but it is likely to cause disturbances in the synthesis of the enzyme lactase and then the person becomes distressed, the intake of dairy products. In addition, physicians recorded the syndrome of inadequate intake. It can be either congenital or acquired. Symptoms of this syndrome is extremely broad, because the disease is systemic and is a severe manifestation of metabolic disorders.