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Intestinal infection symptoms and treatment in adults

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Every adult in his life faced with the phenomenon of intestinal infection. It can some time be asymptomatic and then appear suddenly at the most inopportune moment. The disease is one of the most common among the population and includes a group of diseases.

Depending on the pathogen isolated:

  • bacterial lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in which develop such acute intestinal diseases (OKZ), as dysentery, salmonellosis, poisoning bacteria Staphylococcus, cholera, botulism,
  • enteric viral infections caused by enterovirus, adenovirus, rotavirus (stomach flu),
  • protozoal infections caused by protozoa microorganisms (fungus, amoeba, Giardia).

They all have common characteristics: intoxication, fever, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and/or intestines, digestive disorders. Accurate diagnosis, for some reason there was an infection at home is difficult to determine. But this is not required, as, despite the etymology, when such an infection symptoms and treatment in adults are virtually indistinguishable.

How is the intestinal infections?

A favorite way for harmful bacteria to be in the human body is the mouth. Through it they directly enter the stomach and then the intestine. The source of the disease may be already ill and the causative agent in pure form. The second option is most common intestinal infections caused by pathogenic bacteria.

Ways of infection are simple and affordable:

  1. Food way. Most germs have a form that is resistant to changes in temperature, humidity and other manifestations of the environment, and can exist for several months. Therefore, drinking unboiled water or milk, unwashed fruits, vegetables or berries, the person runs the risk of catching acute intestinal disease.

    Kishechnaya infekciya simptomy i lechenie u vzroslyh

  2. Household variant. In my childhood it was called "disease of dirty hands". The poor personal hygiene contributes to the spread of intestinal infection in adults to the same extent as in children. In addition, if the family is already sick person, you can become infected through shared bedding, towels, dishes and even decorative items, if they are in frequent contact with a carrier of the disease.
  3. Another route of infection is the water environment. The water itself is favorable for breeding of many species of viruses and bacteria, and prolonged exposure to it could easily trigger the development of infection of the gastrointestinal tract. This applies, for example, swimming in rivers, lakes, and outdoor pools.
  4. Air-drop way – a hallmark of diseases caused by viruses. Simple coughing or sneezing patient, not to mention the kissing and hugging, is able to convey the source of the pathogen.

Thus, an acute intestinal infection has a lot of options to get into the body and begin their destructive action. Carriers of the disease can be not only patients themselves, but also some animal species (rodents, cattle, poultry), as well as flies and other insects.

How to identify and what to do in case of an infection?

At suspicion on an intestinal infection symptoms and treatment, and some used drugs are described below.

The symptoms of acute intestinal infection

As with any disease intestinal infection in adults has its own clinical picture, helping her to recognize. The disease has its own incubation period of 2 to 48 hours, after which the first signs. The symptoms of intestinal infections include:

  • spastic pain and discomfort in the abdomen,
  • flatulence,
  • diarrhea or constipation,
  • nausea, vomiting,


  • absence of appetite,
  • weakness, chills,
  • elevated temperature.

The presence of all these signs allows you to diagnose the patient's gastro-intestinal infection. The determining factor in this case – it is the totality of the above symptoms, as individually they are applicable to many types of diseases.

How to treat intestinal infection?

The first thing to do if you have symptoms of intestinal infection, especially in the acute form, is to consult a doctor. Often infectious diseases of different etymology have similar characteristics. Not to be mistaken with the diagnosis and to start taking unnecessary drugs, you should see a specialist.

Scheme of how to treat an intestinal infection, regardless of pathogen similar.

The first is the gastric lavage and/or bowel and reception sorbing means. Gastric lavage is recommended in cases where there is a high intoxication, for the primary output of harmful substances. You should drink 1-2 liters of warm boiled water for a short period of time. If vomiting has not occurred spontaneously, it should be call her own. Intestinal lavage is carried out with the help of an enema. After cleansing you need to take any medications from the group of sorbents (Smectite, Polisorb, activated carbon) that absorb toxins and unnecessary substances.

Second is fasting or diet. The body carries a heavy load in the intestinal infection, the treatment should be easy and help the body in recovery. Should not take fried and fatty foods, raw vegetables and fruits, alcohol. Your menu for the patient will be strong black tea, viscous porridges, simple starchy soups, jelly.

The third and very important point is the restoration of electrolyte balance in the body. Diarrhea and vomiting, a person loses a large amount of fluid and salts. He needs therapy rehydration preparations, which can be freely bought at the pharmacy. For example, these include powders to dissolve "Regidron", "Tsitraglyukosolan", "Gidrovit".

If the temperature is less than 38.5 degrees, the use of antipyretic drugs is not desirable.

Antibiotics strictly according to the treating physician and in accordance with its recommendations. As a rule, antibiotic drugs are prescribed in more severe forms of intestinal infections and mainly in adults (due to the presence of side effects).

Folk remedies help in the treatment of intestinal infections

Treatment of intestinal infection and possibly the methods of the proponents of folk medicine. For example, marsh cudweed is an effective analgesic and sedative to the stomach, the astringent properties of oak bark can help with diarrhea and the decoction of sweet flag and marsh mallow are good for the intestines.

Taken when the disease decoction of Hypericum herbalists recommend as the urgent help to the body, but it is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and pregnant women.

In any case, having had an intestinal infection, how to treat the national or the traditional way – depends on personal preference.

What is the danger of acute enteric infections (OKA)?

Kishechnaya infekciya simptomy i lechenie u vzroslyh

If the person is not paying enough attention to the treatment of intestinal infections, he has all chances to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and goiter cure that is more complicated. Many confuse them as symptoms of intestinal infection, IBS and dysbiosis similar.

What is their difference from intestinal infection?

Infection is a sporadic disease that occurs in an acute form, and when a treatment disappears forever.

IBS is a chronic form of the disease that occurs when incorrect or incomplete treatment of acute intestinal infection and is manifested in the violation of intestinal motility and the work of the digestive tract. That is, the cause of IBS is not harmful bacteria and viruses, and crashing in the gastrointestinal system of the body. Depending on how it manifests itself, there are forms of irritable bowel syndrome with constipation predominant, diarrhea or mixed type.

Dysbiosis is also different from an intestinal infection and is characterized by the absence of temperature. This disease is caused by violation of the microflora of the intestine between beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms there is an imbalance that is most often seen in disorders of the chair.

And IBS, and goiter are the result of lack of proper treatment intestinal infection, and the development of normal functioning of the body impossible.

Another danger of the OKA is dehydration, or dehydration. Rapid loss of water can lead to coma and then to death, so you should pay great attention to the often fluid intake and residentof in the period of the disease. The first signs of dehydration is low blood pressure, dry mucous membranes and skin, lack of urination for more than 6 hours. In their manifestation should immediately seek medical help.

In addition, on the background of intestinal infection may develop acute renal failure, when the volume of interstitial fluid decreases and slows down sharplyblood flow to the kidneys. In this case, you need urgent hospitalization of the patient, as in the decline or failure of kidney function violated the metabolic processes in the body.

All the above complications in adult are rare and subject to severe course of the disease. In most cases, an adult takes intestinal infections successfully, and sometimes asymptomatic.

Residual effects of acute intestinal diseases

What are the consequences of OKZ?

First, it is a General weakening of the body, because it is so much effort spent on the fight against the causative agent of intestinal infection. High fever, diarrhea, vomiting – all of which are stressors for him.

Secondly, the person may, within three months after recovery to experience occasional disorders of the chair for no apparent reason, increased flatulence, a little bloating. Do not be afraid, because the body also needs time to restore all protective functions and cells. So the process was faster, it should not stress the stomach with heavy food, and to prevent the risk of recurrence.

Third, in contrast to the bacterial and protozoan intestinal infections-viral characterized by the tightening of infectious period up to 2-3 weeks after the person is cured. Therefore, close contact should be limited at this time.

Preventive measures to prevent emergence of enteric infections

To avoid infection and not to think then, what to treat, it is necessary to take certain preventive measures to prevent this group of diseases. Of course, they will not give 100% guarantee that infection will not occur under any circumstances, but will significantly reduce the risk factors.

  1. Personal hygiene. Washing hands every time before eating or cooking, after a walk, after visiting the toilet.
  2. Thorough washing and heat treatment products.
  3. Boiling water and milk before drinking.
  4. The rejection of the use of perishable goods that had lain a long time outside the refrigerator. Even if the sight and smell of the product looks attractive, not worth the risk.
  5. Maintaining cleanliness in the premises. Cockroaches and other animals the first carriers of various infections, therefore, when the first signs of their appearance in the house should immediately take measures for pest control.
  6. In the presence of a sick person in the family other members should be restricted from close contact, highlight the individual utensils and personal hygiene products.
  7. When swimming in open water avoid getting water in your mouth and try not to stay in it for a long time.
  8. The use of drugs that increase immunity. An adult with a good immune system is quite capable of dealing with the disease with minimal symptoms and consequences if there was one agent, not a complex attack from several types.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract deliver a lot of unpleasant moments in everyday life that limit its movement and cause serious complications. Upon detection of symptoms of acute intestinal infection treatment should follow immediately. It is important to remember that taking care of their own health – the key to longevity and a positive attitude.