Signs of dysentery, the main symptoms and manifestations – we will tell you all about them

Abdominal pains

Signs of dysentery help doctors to diagnose accurately the results of the initial examination. But even if you are not connected with medicine, you must know how does this disease, in order to seek help from professionals.

Developing and leaking dysentery?

For dysentery characterized by the fecal-oral route of infection. Pathogens contained in even small particles of feces of the sick person. Once in the water or food, they infect them. If in consequence of their eating a healthy person, the pathogens into the stomach. Mostly they are killed in the gastric juice, but a small number will survive and move into the small intestine. Here Shigella multiply and then move into the large intestine. So begins the active stage of the disease.

How long is the incubation period of dysentery depends on many factors, primarily the type and number of bacteria trapped in the body. Most often it takes from several hours to 2-4 days.

Form of dysentery

Just like any disease, dysentery can occur in different people in different ways. This files most often point to such forms:

  • Acute. Obvious and characteristic symptoms appear several days after infection. Note the rise in temperature, abdominal pain, deterioration in General health and diarrhea 2-3 times a day or more. Without treatment can last long enough, but with adequate therapy relief occurs within 5-7 days. Acute dysentery may occur in mild, moderate and severe. In the first case, note to 3 cases of defecation per day, moderate abdominal pain and slight fever. Starts with severe repeated diarrhea without stool, one mucus, severe pain and cramps, maybe vomiting, severe dehydration, fever.
  • Chronic. If dysentery lasts more than three months, talking about the chronic form. Typically, these patients remain active, the disease is relatively easy and there are no obvious symptoms. Kal is often not liquid, pasty or soft. The current can be constant or recurrent, with episodes of improvement and exacerbations.
  • Asymptomatic. Such forms say quite rare, but they are most dangerous, because people can not long time to know what is the source of pathogens. It has no obvious symptoms, the feces may be normal or slightly softer than usual. Laboratory diagnosis detects the presence of pathogens in human feces and antibodies in the blood. When conducting rektomanoskopii show signs of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.
  • Carriage. In contrast to the asymptomatic form, when the carriage of the patient has signs of disease even at the level of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. But laboratory diagnosis notes sustained release of bacteria from faeces.

But in most cases note a typical acute dysentery. Therefore, it is symptoms you should be aware of first.

Main symptoms and signs of dysentery

Most cases of the disease have similar manifestations. Can vary their degree of severity, but the list is as follows:

  • Diarrhea. The first and most typical symptom. The faeces may be pasty, pasty or liquid, mixed with large amounts of mucus and streaks of blood, sometimes pus. The number of bowel movements per day can reach 30. In severe forms in the stool, no stool, just a large amount of mucus.
  • Abdominal pains. In the early forms of pain have no clear localization, but later on they become stronger and accumulate in the lower abdomen. They are colicky, often combined with spasticity. Often the pain worse before defecation and subside after.
  • Tenesmus. False urge to defecate is typical for this disease.
  • Elevated temperature. It can go up to 37 degrees in the form of light and up to 40 in case of heavy current.
  • Intoxication. Multiply in the intestine, bacteria produce large amounts of toxins that poison the body. Because of this, there is a weakness, headaches, vomiting, no appetite, sometimes decreases blood pressure. The severity of intoxication depends on the General condition of the organism and severity of the disease.

These are the basic signs of the disease. In addition to these can be symptoms of dehydration due to loss of fluid.

Without treatment, this condition can be so severe that suffer from internal organs, primarily the kidneys. Signs of dehydration – dry skin and mucous membranes, dark urine is a rich, rare urination. In such cases require immediate rehydration. In mild cases it is enough to consume more fluids, required heavy supporting the dropper.


In a typical course of dysentery specific diagnosis is not required. Doctor enough to conduct a survey and General inspection to determine the disease. First, he drew attention to the characteristic signs (diarrhea, abdominal pain, tenesmus). On palpation of the abdomen revealed that the sigmoid colon is painful, tense, inflamed.

But for chronic and deleted forms are still required to pass specific tests for diarrhea. Often use the following diagnostic methods:

  • A stool sample. In the coprogram note the presence of large quantities of mucus, blood. Also used the cultures, during which recognizes the presence of Shigella, as well as their number and type. Often also study their sensitivity to different antibiotics to find the most successful. This is especially important for long course with poor response to therapy. To pass feces it should, if you want differential diagnosis of dysentery to distinguish dysentery other intestinal infections like salmonellosis.
  • Search antibodies. In diseases of a specific immunity. And analysis of dysentery often lies in finding the formed antibodies. His difficulty is that antibodies are formed not immediately disappear after several months after the end of the disease. Therefore, for emergency diagnosis this method is of little value. It is used to confirm asymptomatic forms, carriers, and chronic dysentery. As a rule, take the blood by PCR or ELISA to determine the presence of characteristic antibodies.
  • The study of the intestinal mucosa. Rektomanoskopii and colonoscopy allow you to visually examine the lining of the colon. Doing it not often, only if you want to ensure that there are no other potential causes of the disease, for example, tumors.
Also important differential diagnosis to differentiate dysentery from other diseases. First rule out salmonellosis, mononucleosis, acute toxic poisoning, cholera, ulcerative colitis, helments, and a number of other conditions. Characteristic signs is an abrupt onset, cramping abdominal pain, stool with mucus and blood, tenesmus, and the presence of intoxication. Such a set of symptoms accompanied by only dysentery.

In conclusion it is worth reiterating the basic signs: frequent defecation, loose stool with blood, pain and spasms in the abdomen, common symptoms of intoxication, fever, rarely – vomiting, decrease in pressure, dehydration. If you notice such signs, contact the doctor immediately. How much time passes from the onset of illness and until receipt of medical care depends on its duration and severity.