Acute dysentery, the symptoms, manifestations and treatment

At the modern level of medicine, of acute dysentery has ceased to be a deadly disease. Early treatment, effective rehydration, a short course of antibiotics and after a week or two the person is considered healthy. Another issue is that long and frequent diarrhea, General intoxication and the need to stick to your diet at least a month – the phenomenon not the most pleasant. Therefore, it is best to try to avoid this disease. Otherwise, it is important to be able to recognize the first symptoms and begin to heal as quickly as possible.

The symptoms of dysentery

Dysentery is a well – studied disease. It regularly fixed in hot climates, poor hygiene and low level of medicine. In our country the situation is somewhat better, but still, seasonal outbreaks acute intestinal infection, including dysentery, registering in regularly.

Its classification is quite diverse:

  • Adrift. There are acute and chronic. Chronic occurs less frequently, but causes difficulty with diagnosis. It is continuous and recurrent, when indicated periods of exacerbation and apparent prosperity.
  • The presence of symptoms. Perhaps classical for the explicit manifestations, subclinical with minor manifestations, and asymptomatic carriage. The difficulty in diagnosis cause the last two types. When there are no obvious signs of dysentery may be mistaken for many other diseases related to indigestion.
  • According to the severity. Conventionally, there are mild, moderate and severe form. And if the patients with mild can even do without antibiotics for patients with severe hospitalization is required.
  • The type of the pathogen. Most often the causative agent is the bacteria Shigella, but in regions with hot and humid climate sometimes fix the diarrhea caused by amoebas.

Despite this abundance of options, in most cases, fix the acute course of mild to moderate severity with classic symptoms.

How is dysentery

The vast majority of cases of dysentery in adults developing in viable scenario. Infection occurs by ingestion of the bacteria in the body. To penetrate they can with contaminated water and unwashed vegetables and fruit. Often the reason be the lack of a banal hygiene: dirty hands – the most common cause of infection.

Swallowed bacteria are mostly killed in the stomach, but a smaller part trapped in the small intestine, begins to proliferate actively and massively colonize the colon.

It is from this moment begins the development of the disease. Shigella colonize the intestinal mucosa, causing inflammation and disruption. In life they secrete a large number of endo - and exotoxins. Being absorbed in our intestine, they cause General intoxication.

In an effort to protect themselves from pathogenic bacteria from intestinal cells to secrete large amounts of mucus. Along with the release of the toxin, is the cause of frequent diarrhea is the main symptom of dysentery.

The main symptoms of dysentery

Most cases of dysentery in adults have the same symptoms:

Stomach cramps in dysentery

  • Diarrhea. It becomes the main manifestation of this disease. People complain of frequent and loose stools. The number of bowel movements can vary from 3-4 up to 30 a day. Liquid stool, often with a large amount of mucus and blood streaks. In severe forms of the disease, the stools may consist of a single slime.
  • Abdominal pains. Acute dysentery is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen. When the disease is just beginning, they may be weak, spilled around the abdomen. Gradually they become stronger, and there is a clear localization at the lower right part. This is a characteristic symptom of dysentery, which differentiates it from other infectious diseases and poisoning.
  • Spasms in the abdomen. In advanced forms of the disease can develop painful stomach cramps. They are usually worse just before stool and faint after. Especially dangerous is this symptom of pregnancy because it can lead to increased uterine tone.
  • Intoxication. With the progression of the disease symptoms of General intoxication: nausea, vomiting, fever, weakness, headaches, lack of appetite, sweating.
  • Tenesmus. Frequent false urge to defecate is also quite clearly indicates dysentery. Instead of a chair while a small quantity of mucus, sometimes mixed with blood.
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Together with local pain and tenesmus of these symptoms help to determine the dysentery andbegin treatment.

These signs help to early detect disease and begin treatment.

General principles of treatment of dysentery

Relatively recently the disease was potentially fatal. Without adequate therapy today can be a serious, potentially fatal, complications. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat dysentery.

Very significant! With the appearance of characteristic symptoms it is impossible to begin self-treatment, especially the antibiotics or drugs against diarrhea. Because of this, the symptoms become less pronounced, and the doctor will be more difficult to put the correct diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment.

As a rule, the treatment of this disease is as follows:

Treatment of dysentery with antibiotics

  • Antibiotics. The mild form of the disease sometimes the treatment does not require medication, but most cases require 5-7 day course. Pathogens respond well to antibiotics, and therefore prescribe drugs that are broad spectrum.
  • Rehydration. Frequent diarrhea, and in severe cases, vomiting and profuse sweating, causing severe loss of fluid. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids helps to reduce the manifestations of intoxication. Appoint special solutions containing salts and glucose. Powders for dilution of such solutions you can buy at the pharmacy, but they can be replaced more cheap and simple analogue. To prepare it in clean warm water diluted with a tablespoon of salt and two of sugar. Addition can be any fluid, weak tea, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, diluted non-acidic juices, jelly. Severe dysentery require intravenous infusion of saline solution with salts, glucose, insulin and other essential body substances.
  • Antispasmodic. These drugs relieve unpleasant symptoms – aches and cramps. No-Spa, papaverine and other drugs in this group help to alleviate the condition.
  • Sorbents. They needed to eliminate generated in the intestines of toxins. It is important to choose the right time – between meals and other medications. Simultaneous treatment significantly reduces efficiency.
  • Prebiotics. Preparations containing bacteria of healthy intestinal microflora, helping to accelerate recovery from illness.

It looks like a classical scheme of treatment of dysentery in adults. Severe cases associated with malfunction of other organs (kidneys, heart, etc.) may require directed therapy. No less difficult question is the treatment of dysentery in pregnancy. During this period the woman needs intense medical supervision.

Features of treatment of dysentery in pregnancy

Dysentery during pregnancy can be extremely unpleasant disease because of the threat to the fetus. Of particular danger are severe, accompanied by high fever, dehydration, poisoning of the body toxins. There is information about the possibility of intrauterine infection of the fetus by bacteria, as well as about the negative impact of the disease on the pregnancy and labor.

Therefore during pregnancy is especially important time to begin treatment. Repeated diarrhea is the reason for going to the doctor. If you suspect dysentery woman recommend hospitalization in infectious Department.

The treatment of this disease in pregnancy does not differ from the classical scheme. Plentiful drinking, sorbents, probiotics and antispasmodics – mandatory part. Antibiotics are prescribed in most cases, but choose drugs that do not penetrate through the placental barrier and affect fetal development.

Especially important during pregnancy proper diet. The doctor prescribes sparing diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. During the illness and after it deteriorates the ability of the intestine to absorb nutrients and the necessary macro - and micronutrients, so you need a diet that provides nutrition for fetus and for mother.

In most cases, dysentery is not a cause of violations of fetal development and pregnancy, but to exclude this possibility, therapy and rehabilitation should take place under the supervision of a physician.

The basic diet in dysentery

Proper nutrition during and after illness – a prerequisite for a rapid and complete recovery. Dysentery causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, which impairs its ability to absorb nutrients. Worsens the situation that the agents violate the composition of the microflora.

Therefore, a diet is appointed with the disease and for up to two months. But the type of food you'll be constantly:

  • The acute form of the disease. While the patient has no appetite, he is advised liquid diet: fruit drinks, sweet tea, herbal infusions, jelly, juice, low-fat broth. The total amount of fluid per day is 3-4 liters, including water and fluids for rehydration. The liquid should be warm or at room temperature.
  • Recovery period. When the patient has a good appetite, the diet becomes more diverse. The diet includes lean meat, vegetables, fruits, fish. An important condition is that all food should be boiled or steamed and pureed. Permitted puree, puree, souffle.
  • Recovery period. Once formed, normal stool, the patient is transferred to another type of food. In this period, the diet is expanded by the inclusion of dairy products, cereals,of dried bread. All products and dishes are paired, boiled or baked, but pureromance is not required. Prohibited products, which provide increased load on the intestine: fried, spicy, spicy, pickled, fatty meals that contribute to gas production.

Diet is required for the entire recovery period of the intestine. It can take one to two months, starting from the moment of normalization of a chair. Especially important is a balanced diet for children, pregnant women, elderly and handicapped people. It should provide the necessary caloric intake, as well as the whole complex of vitamins and minerals. They are often prescribed in addition.

Now that you know the basic symptoms and signs of dysentery, the disease will not catch you by surprise. Relatively short period of treatment under medical supervision, the diet for the period of recovery – and you can forget about it once and for all.