Diet in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

A special diet for the intestines and stomach are based on the consumption of a number of foods that do not irritate the stomach. Diet is an important part of the therapeutic approach in diseases of gastrointestinal tract acute and chronic forms. The most common reason for dieting is an acute inflammation of the stomach disease (acute gastritis). Another possible indication for a proper diet are chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, dyspepsia, and liver disease and inflammatory bowel disease.

Dieta pri zabolevaniyah zheludochno kishechnogo trakta

Nutrition during acute gastritis

Diet in diseases such as acute gastritis (acute inflammation of the stomach) is based mainly on the exclusion fatty, fried, salty and spicy food. The person with this problem should also avoid the consumption of coffee, including decaf, alcohol, and carbonated beverages. Not suitable as whole grain bread, it is recommended to replace white. In addition, bread should not be fresh. When inflammation of the stomach is recommended to consume legumes and fresh vegetables, it is better to eat them cooked, so they are much more digestible.

Recommended products include crackers, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, rice, bananas, applesauce, soups and broths. Your drink is black tea. In addition, people with problems with the intestines, this type is recommended to drink mint or chamomile tea, which relieves acute symptoms.

That is, when problems with the gastrointestinal tract?

In the early days to the patient with acute gastritis should drink only tea and eat crackers or dry biscuits, boiled potatoes, and bananas. You can gradually add other products, such as steamed carrots or chicken broth, mashed potatoes (without fat and oil), juice.

Menu also you can vary the loaf (without nuts and raisins), oatmeal or cottage cheese pâté with a low fat content.

After three days of the diet you can include in the diet of rice pudding (cooked rice mixed with milk, grape sugar, grated Apple and a pinch of cinnamon. The mass is baked in the oven, the dish should be free of grease and oil) or cream soups, such as pumpkin soup (without adding cream) or zucchini-potato soup (peeled squash, zucchini and potatoes boil, add chicken broth, parsley and salt, RUB).

Sparing gastric diet

Diet in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature, such as peptic ulcer disease or chronic gastritis, should be respected in the long term (we are talking about the so-called sparing diet), so the following lines will be provided with a wide range of approved products.

Permitted foods include: skim milk, milk products, yogurt (can add jam or fruit), organic cheese (in sweet and savoury cooking), fresh cheese, veal and poultry, lean beef, lean fish, cod fillet, lean ham, bananas, apples, peaches, apricots, oranges, grapefruit, plums,cherries, lemons, fruit and vegetable juices, marinades, carrots, spinach, lettuce, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, beets, asparagus, celery, zucchini, bread made with white flour (not fresh).

Spices are allowed to use fresh herbs, thyme, vanilla, marjoram, cinnamon, fennel, anise.

Recommended drinks include: weak coffee or its substitute, weak black tea, non-carbonated or slightly carbonated mineral water, herbal teas, including tea from rose hips, mint, ginger and lemon balm.

What should be deleted?

Products, consumption of which food with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract does not imply, include: aromatic cheeses and cheeses, meats, hard sinewy meat, goose, duck, venison, sausages, canned food, strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, currants, blueberries, grapes, fresh and dried figs, walnuts, cabbage, garlic, radish, radish, corn, pepper, pulses (peas, lentils, beans and soy), fresh bread, cakes and other products from fancy pastry, bran, cream, cocoa, chocolate, peppers (red, sweet pepper, curry and chili), whole grain mustard, fat, hydrogenated vegetable fats, lard and bacon.

Herbs and spices for your stomach

Have nausea or lost appetite? There is a heaviness after eating, or you suffer from other digestive issues? Nutrition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract also involves the use of herbs. They really help. Let's look at the list of medicinal herbs that help alleviate the most common problems with digestion. Mint, lemon balm, ginger, chamomile, dandelion, anise, Basil, oregano, cloves, clover, calendula, wormwood, calamus, what was their value?


Mint, medium-high grass, which comes from the UK, is considered a panacea for a broad spectrum of problems with digestion. It helps with nausea and loss of appetite, cope with pain in the abdomen and flatulence. Best of all, when the above-mentioned problems, to prepare tea from fresh mint. A tablespoon of leaves pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes to stand up and drink.


Melissa is also a useful herb for gastrointestinal disorders. This plant which is another member of the mint family, promotes good digestion, and calms the mind, so is suitable if you have problems with digestion caused by excessive mental strain and stress. (sedative effects St. John's wort has also.) Melissa tea prepared similarly to that of fresh mint.


Ginger root in folk medicine is a proven remedy for nausea, including nausea of pregnancy, relieves flatulence, improves appetite, helps in viral diseases. Ginger tea made from two tablespoons of grated root, filling them 1/2-3/4 liter of boiling water and then leaving to cool. Ginger is ideal for making tea for gastritis and intestinal flu. Relieves feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating.


Chamomile flowers are used to relieve pain in the abdomen, bloating and heartburn. If you prepare tea of dried flowers, pour two teaspoons of crushed plant 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave to cool slightly and drink. It is important to remember that chamomile has a diuretic effect.


Dandelion improves digestion, cleanses liver and kidneys, so it is often part of the digestive and detoxifying tea blends. In addition, the dandelion has a positive effect on the activity of the gallbladder and intestines. However, this plant is not recommended for pregnant women!


Anise is a tall grass that is mainly used against spasmodic pains in the abdomen, caused by flatulence. Helps speed up the digestion and eliminates bad breath.


Basil is one of the most popular spices in the world, especially in the Mediterranean. Besides gastronomy, Basil is also a valuable medicinal plant that helps with inflammation of the stomach, relieves bloating and eliminates bad breath. Its use is not recommended for pregnant women!


Oregano or oregano is another aromatic herb that is native to the Mediterranean. Oregano promotes good digestion and strengthens the immune system, so often used in restaurants. Tea of oregano helps in cases of poisoning with food products.


In the case of food poisoning, as well as in the gastro-intestinal inflammation also helps carnation, which, in addition, reduces the pain of the gums and teeth, and has a significant antiseptic effects.


A positive effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract has a clover, namely, tea made from it, which is recommended to drink at chronic digestive problems. Tea made from clover stops vomiting and diarrhoea, disinfect the gastrointestinal tract.

Marigold (calendula)

Calendula helps against cramps, eases digestive problems and has a preventive effect against cancer of the stomach, esophagus and other organs. In folk medicine used as a medicine in diseases of the gallbladder and liver.


Wormwoodhas long been used as medicine for stomach disorder, and when spoiled food poisoning. Relieves nausea, stop vomiting, helps with disorders production of digestive juices. Wormwood is also effective in reducing spasms and flatulence. Equally appreciated anti-inflammatory effects of this plant. Wormwood smaller doses have a sedative effect (interestingly, a greater number of works the opposite).


Calamus, a perennial herb, mostly used as a natural antidepressant, but it shows efficiency in the case of stomach problems, because it promotes the metabolism and acts against spasms.

Classic black tea with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

Classic black tea is a drink recommended in case of inflammation of the stomach (gastritis), and intestinal flu. Black tea soothes an upset stomach and also helps against diarrhea. Impact of leaf tea and tea bags are comparable, the significant difference is in the taste. If there is vomiting, it is better to drink black tea with sugar.

Attention! Excessive consumption of black tea can lead to constipation, and in sensitive individuals can cause headaches!


Heartburn occurs due to return of gastric juice from the stomach back into the esophagus. This irritated the sensitive mucous membrane, and the result is a nasty burning sensation. How to get rid of this feeling? What are people's tips and techniques diet can help?

People with heartburn

There are a number of the popular tips on how to get rid of heartburn, according to some, even on a permanent basis. The most famous and the most available remedy is baking soda.

One teaspoon of soda stir in a small amount of water, and drink.

Another Council said that heartburn can ease even a simple glass of warm water without adding soda. What can I drink instead of water? For example, a glass of warm milk, but be careful not to add honey, which, on the contrary, aggravates heartburn. You can also eat a piece of banana, spoonful of oatmeal (pre soaked in water) or a few tablespoons of simple yogurt. You can also eat a couple tablespoons of finely grated carrots or a piece of raw potato (for many the taste may be unacceptable, but it is quite effective).

One of tips diet even claims that you can get rid of heartburn forever with sour cream three day diet plan: for 3 days you should not eat anything except sour cream in small portions. However, this advice does not sound very reliable, but, according to many reviews, it helps. Like fresh vegetable juice.

Herbs for heartburn

Relief can also bring herbal tea, which is prepared, similarly as in other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, peppermint, lemon balm and dandelion. Other natural remedies for heartburn include ginger. Ginger root, however, should be fresh, prepared tea blend that contains ginger to ease the problem enough.

What else helps?

A long-term solution is represented by a change in lifestyle, particularly eating habits. Foods that can irritate sensitive mucosa of the esophagus, such as spices, people with chronic heartburn should be limited and, on the contrary, yogurt, kefir, steamed carrots, rice and green vegetables – can help.

Three proven diet for the digestive tract

Diet with reduced gastric acidity
The decrease in acidity of gastric juice, by itself, is not a disease, but this phenomenon may be a symptom or the cause of some serious diseases (catarrh of the stomach, inflammation of the gallbladder...). Diet with low acidity of gastric juice mainly consists of dishes that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. These include: coffee, meat extracts, meat and vegetable broths, egg yolk, raw or marinated meat, black bread, hot spices, alcohol – only as an aperitif before meals.

Diet for peptic ulcer

In adulthood, suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in every ten people (more often men). In most cases, the cause is the poor condition of the Central nervous system – delirium, mental disorders, long-term sadness, lack of sleep etc. an Ulcer is manifested by pain in the abdomen, mainly on an empty stomach and at night, fatigue, and malaise.

Peptic ulcer disease diet based on dairy protein is extremely valuable due to its neutralization effect on stomach contents, as well as rich in essential nutrients. In addition, preferred are cheese, eggs, starch, flour, rice, cereal, pasta.

Diet after stomach surgery

After any gastric surgery, to a greater or lesser extent reduced ability to produce gastric juice. Therefore, you must also include a diet in the recovery process. Patients often can not tolerate some foods, especially, milk with lactose, which may be absent in the gastric juice the appropriate digestive enzymes. If there are morepainful postoperative complications, they should immediately be decided by the doctor. Otherwise, you will need to follow a diet at least six months, based on the individual needs of the person.

The Council, in conclusion – change the way of life!

In case of stomach problems should not eat meat, white (refined) sugar, drink black coffee and alcohol. It is also recommended to avoid spicy and spicy food.

  1. Do not smoke! Cigarette smoke is full of chemicals that are harmful for the stomach and the whole organism.
  2. Attention! People with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract must avoid stress and provide yourself enough sleep.
  3. Relief! Anesthesia can bring applying hot towel on the stomach. It will make cramps less painful and less frequent.