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Diarrhea — causes and symptoms of diarrhea, effective treatment of diarrhea

Diarrhea is the same as diarrhea. This diarrhea may be watery and very softened.

Watery stool usually causes the human body to dehydration. It can last less than a day, maybe a few years, so-called chronic.

Additional symptoms are swelling of the abdomen, twisting pain, the appearance of blood in the stool mucus. In many cases, diarrhea is the so-called protection from harmful substances, germs, bacteria and viruses, sometimes even from medications that disrupt the intestinal flora.

There are 4 symptoms that may be together with diarrhea, and can occur separately. But this is not diarrhea and they should be treated a little other medications and ways.

  1. "fecal incontinence", this phenomenon occurs when the patient is not able to act in a sphincter of the rectum. For this reason, people do not have time to go to the bathroom because the feeling can occur at any time,
  2. "regular urination in the toilet", they are caused by the unexpected emergence of a sense of desire in the toilet, this can cause fecal incontinence,
  3. "defecating immediately after a meal" — maybe it's a goiter or pancreatitis,
  4. "feeling not bowel movement", usually occurs after a bowel movement. If the stool is not there, then starts the pain and the mucus.

There are two types of diarrhea 1) "absolute" and 2) "relative", they differ in the frequency of impulses and the nature of the chair.

  • the frequency of urges. 1) diarrhea is characterized by frequent urging, therefore, more than three acts. 2) the type of diarrhea is characterized by not so frequent urging.
  • feature of chair. Very difficult to quantify, as each person is different and eats it differently.

Yet there are several types of diarrhea's causes:

  1. diarrhea due to infection, there are food poisoning, dysentery, the presence in the organism of various viruses, protozoa and bacteria,
  2. diarrhea due to an unbalanced diet or bad or expired food. Often it's a Allergy, the intestine does not accept poor quality food,
  3. diarrhea occurs due to malfunctioning of the stomach, liver, or because of a lack of enzymes, which allocates the small intestine. In addition, having severe pain and heaviness,
  4. diarrhea due to poisoning from toxic gases or any of the elements (mercury, arsenic and other toxic substances),
  5. diarrhea can occur because of drugs, and disrupted the microflora of the stomach or intestines,
  6. also diarrhea can occur due to stress or nervous feelings (fear or excitement one of the common causes of neurogenic diarrhea).

Diarrhea and its causes

The causes of diarrhea are very diverse. Diarrhea as a consequence of infection usually occurs as a result of eating dirty fruit or vegetables, filthy water. Very often this diarrhea affect people in the warm southern countries, possible problems with water flow.

With lowered immune system can also begin diarrhea. Diarrhea is a very dangerous disease especially for children and infants, it can lead to death. Young children do not have good immunity, they don't have enough of vitamins to withstand the infection.

With stress and sudden emotional shocks can occur diarrhea. Abuse of fatty foods and green fruits and vegetables also causes diarrhea.

Persistent diarrhea in adults can occur because of disease deficiency lactose Is a component which is essential for the digestion of lactose. When consuming any dairy products, they begin to diarrhea. These people can suffer chronic diarrhea.

To determine the real cause and begin to treat the disease, you need to pass some analysis. If the detected parasites (worms, Salmonella and other infections), usually hospitalityat the patient to the infectious Department.

Symptoms diarrhea

Most often diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal distention, especially if the reason is improper diet and the indigestion. Plus, all this is colic. The patient feels fatigue and weakness, lethargy and reluctance to move. Added to this is severe pain in the abdomen, lack of appetite, sweating.

The most dangerous symptoms ( diarrhea ) diarrhea:

  • dehydration (dry mucous membranes),
  • high body temperature,
  • diarrhea often with blood,
  • headache,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • pallorfacial skin,
  • convulsions in the extremities (hands, feet),
  • the sharp drop and increase in blood pressure,
  • the appearance of cracks on the lips,
  • a strong sense of thirst.

If diarrhea in adults, accompanied by the above symptoms should immediately call an ambulance.

Diarrhea and its symptoms in children

For children it is very important not to delay until when you begin the dehydration. You should give your child to drink warm tea or plain water.

If you experience the following symptoms, it is urgent to call a doctor.

The symptoms of dehydration:

  1. urination becomes less frequent than usual,
  2. lips are dry,
  3. if the child is crying, tears less than usual,
  4. appears pale whole body,
  5. appetite is lost,
  6. the child constantly wants to sleep.

From the foregoing, found out that one of the worst causes of diarrhea are parasites in the intestines.

How can worms affect the change of chair

Diarrhea can be caused by various parasites. Change of chair in connection TEM that the parasites appear directly in the digestive tract and start to eat and absorb useful body nutrients.

In consequence of this the body does not distant beneficial enzymes and secrets for the normal functioning of the intestine. Besides worms begin to release toxic and harmful substances in the body. This all leads to the acute form of diarrhea.

Diarrhea is a protective reaction of parasites to the microflora somehow recovered, but this is not happening, because you need to get rid of the cause.

Parasites that cause diarrhea

All the parasites that contribute to diarrhea, and can affect other vital organs and cause serious disease.

The main reason for the occurrence of parasites in the body is not following the rules of personal hygiene (dirty hands, unwashed fruits and vegetables, unfiltered water, and more).

In the gastrointestinal tract is inhabited by many parasites such as pinworm and roundworm (the most famous). The blood vessels they can get into any organs in the body: the brain, the liver, the stomach and even the lungs and heart. Once in the stomach, they provoke diarrhea.

Pinworms can infect the genitals, more frequently in women. Situated in the liver flukes, tapeworms, and some single-celled protozoa. In rare cases, parasites can affect the bones and muscles. More rarely, the presence of parasites in the respiratory system, but such cases are not an exception.

The symptoms of being in the body of worms

Symptoms, which can determine that the person is infested quite a lot.

The most frequent and basic attribute:

  1. pallor of the skin,
  2. very rapid weight loss,
  3. bouts of itching near the anus,
  4. the lack of power, strong protoplanet.

There are many more signs, which can determine that the body are parasites, but this is the most basic. Many of the symptoms manifest in other diseases, so it can be ignored.

It is best to go to the hospital and find out the disease.

Another signal finding worms in the digestive tract, can become the following symptoms:

  • regular violation of stool (constipation or diarrhea),
  • intoxication (nausea and vomiting),
  • severe pain especially in the navel area,
  • swellings.

Symptoms can be both pronounced and hidden.

The treatment of diarrhoea and its causes

Diarrhea refers not to disease, and often symptoms. Treatment depends on the diagnosis. For example, if the body is bacteria and worms, you should take antibiotics. In other disease they may not completely go, and the disease is not only not cure, but worsen twice.

But there is a comprehensive approach, how to treat diarrhea, regardless of its causes.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is diet

There is nobody not a secret that there are products that slabat that have the weakening of "fixing" the chair neutral and that any special actions do not carry.

In the first days of diarrhea should drink thick black tea, jelly, cherry fresh, juice, bread, lean meat and fish and some vegetables (better cooked).

Should refuse raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits and other products that contribute to the thinning of the chair.

Another important factor during diarrhoea is loss of fluid (dehydration).

Out of the human body is not only water, but also the elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of all organs. In order to make up for the lost substances should drink decoctions of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, Rowan, wild cherry and others).

Medications for diarrhea.

Treatment should be comprehensive, in order to not only get rid of diarrhea, but to eliminate the cause of.
Sorbents, which are used for treatment. They excrete toxic substances, gases, bacteria. They reduce bloating and flatulence in the abdomen.

It is advisable to drink it separately from other pills, be sure to look at the user manual, otherwise they are not digestible. The sorbents were not prescribed for lack of food enzymes in the stomach.

Such drugs include:

  • activated carbon,
  • white clay,
  • smectite,

Medications that decrease the performance of the intestinal mucus.They are usually prescribed to take from the first days of diarrhea "Diclofenac" and "Sulfasalazine". Appoints specialist.

Drugs of natural origin. Designed to reduce intestinal secretion and have a "fixing" effect. Oak bark, wild cherry, chamomile and others. Make tinctures and drink during the day instead of any other liquid.

If diarrhea has occurred due to a failure of the stomach or intestines, prescribed organic protein compounds or enzymes. They restore the microflora of the intestine, nourish the stomach the necessary trace elements and help to digest food. This "Mezim", Pancreatin", "Festal" and others.

Drugs that reduce intestinal motility. To choose this drug should be referred to a specialist, because in the pharmacies they were plenty. Some of these drugs should not be taken in infectious and toxic poisoning. Others should not drink with irritable bowel and a deficiency of certain nutrients as they remove them from the body. In case of emergency you can drink a pain reliever.

When you go to the hospital prescribe some tests if the results confirmed that the causative agents of diarrhea are infections (bacteria, worms, and other microorganisms), then the doctor should prescribe antibacterial agents. When antibiotics doctors recommend to drink "Omeprazol" in order to avoid exacerbation of gastric disease.

Also use of antimicrobial drugs that inhibit the activity of pathogenic microbes (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and others). A lot of drugs, each drug acts at his agent, so it is better to use a doctor's prescription.

We have found that diarrhea may occur for many reasons. Probiotics are used in case of any diarrhea due to the intestinal microflora. To restore it use them. They not only restore the flora, but also destroy pathogens, relieve the body of toxins, have a positive effect on the mucosa of the stomach and intestines, increase the beneficial bacteria and restore the immune system. "Linex", "hilak-Forte" and others. These drugs are used not only for the treatment of diarrhea, but also to prevent people with irregular bowels.

In addition to the above drugs, the doctors recommend treatment of diarrhea with the drug "Galavit". This drug is used especially for diarrhea, the cause of the infection. Can be used even for children.

It is important to know that if diarrhea does not stop more than three days should immediately go to the hospital to appoint correct treatment. Because diarrhea may be the cause of many terrible diseases.

Dangerous causes of diarrhea is the temperature, discoloration of the skin, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite and severe abdominal pain. When these symptoms do not need to do self-treatment, it is best to call an ambulance.