Sharp pain in the gut symptoms and treatment

What to do for pain in the gut?

We all sometimes bloating, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. A disorder accompanied a sharp pain in the intestines. Abdominal pain can be strong, you may experience acute pain. The gut can hurt pressuring and stupid.

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If you have pain in the intestine is a long-term problem, think of it as a signal. Your stomach gives to understand that it is not all right.

Why it hurts the gut? Stomach can be irritated by poor nutrition, but problems can create fear, hatred, aggression and suffering. Gastritis gives you the signal that you collect indigestible things. Don't push yourself, problems, solve conflicts openly, have the courage to talk about their feelings.

Abdominal pains? Check!

A fairly simple test will help determine whether your digestion and the intestinal region in order. If your belly always "hear" different sounds, you can be sure that there is a problem. If you have a gut, you need to pay attention to it.

Pain in the abdomen, continuing for several months, it is time to visit a specialist. Digestion should not hurt. In this respect, the rule applies that the colon should be imperceptible. Should not be pain in the abdomen, the sounds, the rumbling, gurgling…

Pain in the intestines – when to see a doctor?

If the pain in the intestines occurs once, for example, in combination with a viral disease or after consumption of heavy foods which the body cannot easily cope, then pain in the gut are not a problem. If, however, difficulties with digestion coming back repeatedly and for no particular reason, changing the intensity and nature you need to visit a specialist. The condition of your internal system? Their structure is similar to the structure of large cells in the brain. This is also the explanation of the fact why different stress situations are reflected in the stomach.

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Intestinal pain causes

1. Flatulence

It is very irritating and most common phenomenon that occurs due to disorders of activity of intestines. You eat a light snack – and can't button up the skirt... And not only that. Abdominal pain, cramps and cutting attack can ruin any event. If these problems bother in the long run, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will offer, in addition to dietary recommendations of preparations containing lactobacilli – substances that stimulate the movement of the gastrointestinal tract, or enzymes that facilitate intestinal pain, the symptoms disappear.

2. Constipation

Up to 90% of the causes of constipation are of psychogenic origin, and only the remaining 10% are bowel diseases and other causes of common disorders of health. Various emotions, such as anger or fear, can cause serious constipation, which then in turn causes other health problems. To determine when there is constipation, difficult stool frequency is very individual. A common symptom of constipation is an evacuation less than three times a week.

3. Intestinal neurosis

The disease is characterized by the urge to empty, irregular stools and often a strong abdominal pain associated with colic. Not an exception and vomiting, bloating or abdominal gurgling. This problem affects almost a quarter of women. However, only a few of them decided to go to the doctor. Although in this case you need relief of pain in intestines treatment is also directed at improving the General condition of the intestine. Many people without having to suffer for many years.

4. Irritable bowel syndrome

This disease affects almost every second woman. It is a functional disorder of the movement of intestinal muscles that cause some foods, overeating, and even physical or mental stress, anxiety, and the like. This is a very uncomfortable disorder, because a person never knows whether it is possible to treat yourself to a piece of chocolate, drink a Cup of coffee, without the risk that they will cause gurgling in the intestines, bloating, excessive flatulence and abdominal pain.

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5. Heartburn

The most common reason why there is heartburn are eating habits. Sourgastric juices that passes from the stomach into the esophagus, it feels like the eruption of a volcano, which is inside of you spewing burning lava. This is particularly unpleasant and painful sensation occurring behind the breastbone. If you are concerned about heartburn 2 or 3 times a week for over a month, of course, you should consult a doctor. Due to irritation of the esophagus by stomach acids over a long period of time may develop an ulcer or even malignancy.

6. Gastric neurosis

You are concerned about frequent pain in the abdomen, feeling of tightness in the stomach, especially before an important event you suffer from loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea? Despite the fact that medical examination shows no problems, discomfort persists? In this case, it often helps to change lifestyle, slowing work pace, the edit menu…

7. Colon cancer

Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) is one of the most common malignant tumors in the human body. The concern is the fact that the number of diseases increases. In Western countries, the number of newly detected patients with colorectal cancer more than the total amount of all other tumors. According to who, every year fall ill with colorectal cancer 678,000, and 400,000 people die.

Our country is among the countries with the highest incidence of this disease in the world. Over the year there are approximately 53 new cases per 100 000 population. 1996 of colorectal cancer in men and women is one of the most frequently newly diagnosed malignant diseases (second only to lung cancer). Most often disease is common in men. Another unpleasant fact is that this tumor is already at an advanced stage (about 80% of patients), when there is no chance for successful treatment. On the contrary, with early diagnosis and timely treatment the chance of recovery is much higher. The tumor usually grows slowly and will expire a lot of time before the person will appear the first symptoms.

Symptoms vary depending on where in the colon is cancer. They include:

  • Fatigue.
  • Weakness.
  • Malaise.
  • Anemia.
  • The alternation of diarrhea and constipation.
  • Abdominal pains.
  • After defecation – feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowel.
  • Blood in the stool.
  • Weight loss.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Inflammation of the intestines.

On the development of colon cancer has a significant impact heredity and environmental factors. It is believed that more than 20% of cancers of the colon and rectum caused genetically.

External factors that contribute to disease, include:

  1. High-fat, refined sugar and animal protein in the diet.
  2. Excessive consumption of beer.
  3. The lack of vitamins in food.
  4. Cooking by baking, frying, grilling.

Are also carcinogenic bile acids in the colon. Agents that contribute to the development of cancer, occur in foods, but some of these substances occur in the intestine under the influence of intestinal bacteria. To colon cancer can cause certain conditions and diseases. These include prolonged inflammation of the colon (especially ulcerative colitis), benign tumors of the colon and rectum, the condition after removal of the small intestine benign tumor or inflammation, and surgical removal of the gallbladder.

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To stop the negative trends in the occurrence of colon cancer, it is necessary to increase citizens ' awareness about health, especially about a good way of life (particularly food).

The best protection for your digestion

  • Broccoli and pumpkin Hokkaido in the highest positions among the most effective products in the food industry.
  • Raw Kale is one of the best defenders unique intestinal flora.
  • A clove of garlic in half day acts as an antibiotic.
  • The abundance of water during the day. Drink at least 11 cups of fluids, your bowels will be grateful.
  • One Apple a day reduces the growth of tumor cells in the colon and liver.
  • Menthol and peppermint soothe irritated intestines, will facilitate the removal of air and reduce pain.

How to calm down and relieve stress

  • Keep a food diary that will help identify triggers that cause problems. Then you will be able to avoid them consciously.
  • Assistance can be provided by sour milk products (kefir, sour milk, yogurt) and sauerkraut. The bacteria contained in them, good trigger bowel activity.
  • Separate foods with high sugar content food.

Remember that pain in the intestine may indicate the presence of dangerous and serious diseases.