Antibiotics for intestinal infection in adults

Gastrointestinal infections – what is this disease? Characteristics of gastro intestinal infections

In accordance with the location of the infectious process affecting the gastrointestinal tract, and with what it is in the nature of, infection are split into several groups.

Antibiotiki pri kishechnoj infekcii u vzroslyh
  1. Intestinal diseases in which the pathogen is localized only in the intestine. They are presented in feature such illnesses as cholera, dysentery, salmonellosis, gastroenteritis, infections caused by enteropathogenesis (E. coli, rotaviruses, noroviruses, adenoviruses). Typical symptoms are: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, fever. Antibiotics for an intestinal infection in adults and children this type of show, and are appointed by the doctor after detailed examination. Mainly used medication broad-spectrum, are widely used by the drug is Tetracycline. If the child is infected with, it is necessary to strictly observe the dose and not to give him antibiotics for the treatment of intestine and antibiotics without consulting a specialist! It should be remembered that this rule is applicable under any other diseases that affect the pediatric age group.
  2. Intestinal infection that penetrate through the gastrointestinal tract into the intestinal circulation, are a common clinical symptoms and localized in various organs and systems. They, in particular, presents sledushij diseases: typhoid, paratyphoid, viral hepatitis A. Antibiotics in case of intestinal infections of this type are assigned after a detailed study and determination of the causative agent.
  3. Toxiinfectio in the pathogenesis involving toxins produced by certain types of bacteria in food products. This, in particular, the following diseases: botulism, staphylococcal enterotoxins, clostridia toxiinfectio.
Antibiotiki pri kishechnoj infekcii u vzroslyh

First of all, you should know what the symptoms of certain infections, as well as be informed about the methods of treatment. Therefore, the article offers the information and answers to the following questions:

  • Can I take antibiotics for intestinal infection?
  • Which antibiotics should be taken?
  • What are the antibiotics for the intestinal infection in adults are assigned?
  • Which antibiotic for enteric infections in children are assigned?

It should be clarified that viral intestinal infection antibiotics not intended, because no single drug of this group against the virus is not effective. In this case, pills and other drugs from intestinal infection are assigned after determination of a specific virus as the causative agent of the disease.

Antibiotic drugs for intestinal infections are assigned only in case of presence of bacterialpathogen's.

Antibiotics and other medicines for intestinal infections are introduced only by the attending physician, only after the diagnosis! Do not self-medicate in order to avoid serious complications!



The disease occurs only in humans, and affects the gastrointestinal tract. Begins with the following manifestations:

  • weakness,
  • sweating,
  • severe headache,
  • constipation,
  • bradycardia,
  • fever – febris continua,
  • stomach may occur the rash of typhoid roseola,
  • the language appears W-shaped yellowish-brown patina,
  • affects the lymph nodes of the intestine,
  • comes to enlargement of the spleen and liver,
  • there is bloody diarrhea, causing a risk of perforation of the intestine,
  • there is a loss of appetite,
  • occurs insomnia,
  • nausea.
Antibiotiki pri kishechnoj infekcii u vzroslyh

Treatment – antibiotics. Salmonella typhi is intermittently excreted in the bile into the feces. Carriage of typhoid is prolonged, especially in women.


After the Second world war, the appearance of typhoid fever was a serious problem with the emergence of up to 2,000 illnesses per year. With the help of targeted measures failed to interrupt transmission and to reduce morbidity, on average, 1% per year.


He is represented by the bacterium Salmonella typhi. Bacteria is killed at 60°C for 15-20 minutes. It is resistant to drying, freezing, water and milk survives for several months. The incubation period is 7-20 days, on average, 14 days.

Source of infection

A sick person or a carrier of the bacteria.

Preventive measure

  1. Ensuring personal hygiene, construction of water supply and sanitation sources of drinking water, thereby providing from a medical point of view of safe drinking water, food safety.
  2. Harmless disposal of waste and sewage.
  3. Vaccination before traveling to endemic regions.
  4. Adherence to the principles of personal hygiene, especially while traveling in endemic areas.
  5. Inspection of refugee camps, the quarantine of migrants.

Therapeutic and caring measures

  1. Early diagnosis and reporting of diseases, isolation of patients in infectious Department.
  2. Repeated examination of urine, stool and duodenal fluid before discharge from the infectious disease Department and for 1 year thereafter.
  3. The focus is on tracing the source of infection and factors of transmission, search for people suspected of infection, improving control of health.



The disease occurs only in humans and affects the gastrointestinal tract.

The gastrointestinal form is characterized by short duration and presents with diarrhea with fever or rise in temperature.

Typhoid form is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • high temperature,
  • chill,
  • diarrhea,
  • may be present a rash.
Antibiotiki pri kishechnoj infekcii u vzroslyh

3% of patients after overcoming the disease, there is a constant carrier and the periodic selection of a Salmonella paratyphoid in biliary and urinary tract.


Worldwide. Paratyphoid fever is endemic in developing countries. From time to time shall be recorded as an imported infection that occurs in countries with high hygiene standards.


The bacterium Salmonella paratyphoid. Bacteria resistant to external influences. Long survival in water and food. The incubation period is 1-14 days:

  • in the gastro-intestinal form: from several hours to 3 days,
  • in typhoid: paratyphoid In about 8 days, paratyphoid fever A – about 10 days.

Source of infection

The infected person, in the case of paratyphoid b and C – and the animals (mammals, birds). Infection occurs via infected secretions of the body – urine, feces.

Preventive measure

Precautions are the same as in the case of typhoid fever.

Therapeutic and caring measures

Therapeutic care and measures are the same as in the case of typhoid fever.



Salmonellosis is a zoonotic disease primarily affecting domestic and wild animals. In humans, the disease manifests itself in the form of acute gastrointestinal diseases with the following symptoms:

  • abdominal pain,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • elevated temperature.

Treatment is important increased intake of fluids and diet. The prescription of antibiotics in uncomplicated disease prolongs the elimination of Salmonella from the body.

The danger is the rapid dehydration of young children and the elderly, which can lead to kidney failure.

The infection can be hyperoxic (cholera nostras) with the sudden release of large amounts of endotoxin with the development of endotoxin shock. Some serotypes of Salmonella can be outside the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., Salmonela Dublin, Panama,Wirchov) and cause purulent inflammation of the joints, bones, meninges, or lead to complications of gastroenteritis. Bacteria of this type cause sepsis, osteitis, meningitis, arthritis, nephritis, empyema.

Parenteral forms are treated with antibiotics.

Typhoid form of Salmonella is clinically manifested by the following symptoms:

  • high temperature,
  • weakness,
  • loss of appetite,
  • fever,
  • enlargement of the spleen and liver.

After overcoming the infection can be carriers for several weeks to several months.


The disease occurs sporadically throughout the year may develop epidemics, especially in the summer months. Distribution – throughout the world. The highest incidence was in children under 1 year of age.


Agents of the disease are Salmonella, which are known more than 2500 serotypes. Some of them cause disease in humans – S. agona, S. bredeney, S. infantis, S. typhimurium, S. enteritidis. Animals are pathogenic S. galinárum, S. pulorum.

Salmonella is relatively resistant to the external environment. They are on the kitchen utensils, working surfaces. Survive cold and frost, resistant to desiccation, surviving on powdered milk, powdered spice. In the water can live for 20-40 days. Die at a temperature of 70°C for 20-30 minutes. Heat-resistant serotype – Salmonella Enteritidis – dies after 10 minutes of boiling. For disposal of Salmonella in the environment used disinfectants containing chlorine. The incubation time depends on the infectious dose and the immune status of the organism. On average, this period is 10 hours with a range of 6-48 hours.

Source of infection

Most often, animals (birds, pigs, rodents, Pets, reptiles, turtles) with symptoms of latent or current infection. A sick person or media source is much less.

Preventive measure

Hygiene measures of animals in farming, caution in the production, processing, storage and distribution of food. Training of employees in catering and public catering establishments. Health education of the population to prevent cross-contamination in the home. Personal hygiene.

Therapeutic and caring measures

  1. Early diagnosis and notification of disease.
  2. Tracking factors of source and transmission, together with the veterinary service.
  3. Bacteriological examination of suspected products.
  4. Search of persons suspected of infection to their examination.



It is a zoonotic bacterial disease of nutritional origin. Clinically, the disease is under the picture of acute gastroenteritis with fever to 40°C, characterized by the following features:

  • general malaise,
  • headache,
  • pain in muscles,
  • abdominal pains,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea (stools are often slimy or bloody).

Treatment consuming plenty of fluids – rehydration. After the disappearance of clinical signs carrier state can persist for several days to several weeks. Complications disorders are characterized by such ailments as:

  • joint inflammation and gallbladder,
  • meningitis,
  • hemolytic anemia,
  • syndrome Julian-Barre.


The disease occurs throughout the year worldwide – are sporadic, but epidemic. The seasonal appearance of the summer months.


Campylobacter. The disease in humans is most commonly caused by Campylobacter jejuni, rarely Campylobacter coli. Campylobacter jejuni is present in the intestines of all warm-blooded animals. In our country 95% of all cases of campylobacteriosis. The incubation period varies from 1 to 10 days, on average, 3 days.

Source of infection

Of animals, most commonly poultry (about 60%). Campylobacter in a long time is retained on the surface of birds and animals.

Preventive measure

Raw meat should be handled as if they were infected with Campylobacter. After buying them it is advisable to fold plastic utensils to prevent contact with other products.

Do not consume insufficiently cooked meat and by-products, do not eat raw eggs and foods containing raw eggs, drink raw milk, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before preparing food and after this, and after playing with Pets.

Therapeutic and caring measures

  1. Early diagnosis and notification of disease.
  2. Tracking factors of source and transmission, together with the veterinary service.
  3. Bacteriological examination of suspected products.
  4. Search of persons suspected of infection to their examination.